To Conquer Him

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"Princess, the first prince's carriage is already here." A servant, who came with her to visit the empire, announced and watched the princess add light dabs of powder on her face before turning to her and nodding in acknowledgement.

"I bet I'll get to see that beauty today." She muttered with a slight smile and followed her out.

Casimir greeted Thea with a bow, same wintery coolness from yesterday, and helped her up the carriage.

"Where are we heading to today, Prince Casimir?" She asked to dispel the cold silence hanging awkwardly between them.

"To continue your tour, princess. We'll start from where we stopped yesterday." And he was still brief, concise and a killjoy.

"Mm. I noticed you didn't bring your little fiancee, my prince. Why is that?" She asked with a slight raise of her brow and smiled slightly. She looked teasing and somewhat challenging Casimir to answer her honestly.

"She's a bit busy today. She had a prior engagement so she extends her apology to you."

The princess just nodded her head in understanding and fell silent after. Casimir wasn't exactly someone that talks much so it was a bit hard trying to communicate with him.

There was not a time where she did not feel that he was here accompanying her purely just for his responsibility as the crown prince.

It makes her want to conquer him.

A hidden smirk spread through her face as she turned to look at him also lost on his thoughts as he watched the shops and buildings they passed by.


It was just after lunch when Casimir and Thea came into a shop that sold sweets and snacks. The princess said she wanted to check it out and maybe carry some for later.

The bells rang when Casimir pushed it open for Thea and a bubbly cute boy came to greet them.


"Mm?" Thea hummed and raised a brow when the boy stopped prematurely on his greetings and stared at them. More so on the man beside her.

"Yo-Your highness and umm..."

"This is Princess Thea Rosalva Beria Alynthi, a guest of the empire."

Was it necessary to introduce me so formally to this shop helper?

"Hello. I am Thea and you are?"

"I don't think knowing my name is worth the princess' time! Anyway, do you have a preference for sweets?"

The boy fluidly and smoothly smirked as flowers seemed to bloom behind him in the princess' eyes before he guided the both of them around the shop, spryly introducing the goods and gave his recommendations here and there.

He was really pouring his everything to give justice to the sweets that he loved so much.

Thea giggled endearingly at this charming boy. Had he been a prince or even a noble, she wouldn't have mind choosing him as her husband.

She watched him with fluttering eyes as his love for sweets oozed out from every pore his very being.

"You must really love sweets, huh?"

"Oh! umm.. I guess."

"Say, you have a really good skin. What do you use?" Thea, who noticed the boy's porcelain-like white skin, asked as she lightly pinched his soft and supple skin. Almost like a girl's.

"I-I don't particularly use anything, princess. I have a sensitive skin so I don't do well with powders."

The boy replied while Thea kept on checking him out and touching his skin everywhere. Even poking his cheeks.

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