Can't Lie To Me

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"Roman found these. I remembered that you loved chamomile so you take it instead."

The man coldly and uncaringly slid the box of teas—all chamomile with slight twists—before he leisurely leaned back and returned to the paper works that he brought with him on his third consecutive visit.

Adira crunched her brows in confusion while wondering about these chamomile teas that Roman found.

She took the box and peered inside to check what kind of teas would a prince's aide choose when what she saw surprised her.

These blends weren't at the market! These were specifically tailored to her tastes!!

He... He made these?! When?!

"Umm... Roman found these? He found these?" Adira repeated.

"Yes." And this cold man still fluidly lied in between his teeth without looking up from the papers.

Wow. How can you lie as easily as—mmm.. on second thought, you don't know how to lie, huh?

I mean, who reads reports upside down like that? Pfft. How adorable. You really can't lie to me, can you...


"... Casey." The sleeping woman whispered a name before opening her grey eyes and seeing her son's glowing sapphire eyes.

Waiting to see if he succeeded or not.

"Babies should be asleep at this hour, you know? How will you grow big and protect Mommy if you don't sleep properly?"

Adira spoke softly and smiled warmly at the little child that couldn't help but tear up as soon as he knew that his mother had finally remembered him.

"Mommy~~" his voice broke before diving to his mother's chest, whose arms finally opened up to him willingly.

"Why is my baby crying? Did Mommy do something wrong?

Wait. Where are we? Why are we—? Is that Triton? Where's Casey? What happened to the party? What's going on?"

She had a lot of questions running through her confused mind that missed a whole month's worth of memories. As she could not remember the things she did to both her husband and her child.

She stood up in a hurry that attracted Triton's attention and he turned to them when he heard a rustle from their direction. Adira was up.

"What's wrong, dear?"

"Dear? What did you just call me?"

Adira stomped close to the man, unmindful of the other people that were still asleep. She needed answers. ASAP! Things weren't making any sense to her and it was driving her insane!

Like why was she camping in the bitter cold outside? In commoner's clothes? With Heise but without Casey? And why was Triton here instead and calling her dear?!

She grabbed his collars and pulled him down roughly. Her fiery ashen grey orbs, that was burning with rage, stared at his ocean blue eyes before she repeated her question eerily slow.

"What did you just call me?"

"A-Adira... You.. You're back?"

"Mommy, we need to go. The capital is under attack. Daddy still hasn't come so he must be in danger."

Heise interrupted her. He didn't want to stay a moment longer here where he can see the bastard. Else, he might not hold back and really roast him in a never ending fire.

"Casey... What did you do to me, Triton?! Why am I here? Why is Casey not here?!"

"Casimir! Casimir! Will you please stop? Why do you always seek him? Why not me?!"

The man finally retorted, fed up with hearing nothing but Casimir's name roll off her tongue. They were happy before. She was happy with him. She was his!

"I told you!—"

"Dear child, it's not good to fight in front of your child. Marriage always comes with problems. Just talk and sort it out calmly by yourselves."

A woman advised the young married couple and Adira was flabbergasted at her words. There were a lot of incongruities in her words.

"I am not yet married, madam."

"Oh dear. You've been living together for a while now. If he's not your husband then what is he, right?"

The woman said with a slight laugh at the silliness of Adira's tantrum from whatever this young couple was arguing about.

And that's when Adira thought about this outlandish theory where Triton somehow brainwashed her into thinking that he was her husband and fell for him. Kind of like how she was from her first life—head over heels for him.

Then took advantage of this misfortune and whisked her away from the capital—away from Casimir.

But that wasn't her Triton. That was not the Triton she fell in love with. Right?

However, after thinking about it that way, she couldn't help the hate bubbling up inside her, making her unable to think about anything else and threw a loud and resounding slap across the man's cheeks.

In her eyes were pure hatred for him—hatred, disappointment, and pain. The Triton that she loved from her past life was gone. This was a different Triton now.

"Bastard. How dare you do this to me?"

Adira pivoted on her heels, hurrying to return to Casimir's side via Heise, when Triton caught her arm.

"Where are you going?"

And there was no response but only another loud slap on his other cheek before she materialized her sword and pointed it at him.

"Don't you dare touch me or, God forbid, I will slit your throat open. You were, are and will never be my husband. In this life, I will only have one husband no matter what happens and that is Casimir. It will always be Casimir."

And with that she ran towards Heise and pulled the child along with her back to where they came from. Triton, who could never let the woman go, ran, after collecting himself, to catch up with her.

But who can ever catch up to a dragon, right?


Back at the capital, where the war was still on going, the first prince, who fought at the front of the army, finally fell to his knees.

It wasn't because he was lacking in any areas or anything. It wasn't because he was weaker than his enemy either.

He simply just lost the will to fight.

"Aww~ what's this? The prince finally kneels down to me? How flattering. Is the beast ready to be tamed now?"

The man mockingly laughed followed by the Alynthi soldiers that could finally breathe well as they watched the Great Demon Lord fall from his pedestal.

And all it took was a simple news. About how this Lady Sylveris had married another man.

As soon as Casimir heard about it, he was too shocked he couldn't defend well nor attack properly anymore. He couldn't think nor move as well as he used to. There were no strength in his swings and blows anymore.

He was just like a lifeless dummy now.

"Well~~ she did leave you for another man, didn't she? How sad~ here you are, waiting for her return, fighting to get to her side even a second earlier, but what happened?

She ended up marrying that Lord Dalriada guy, didn't she? So what are you still fighting for? Why are you still defending her home? She'll never come back here and you know that deep inside you, don't you?

Surrender, Prince Casimir. Surrender the Empire to us."

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