As Bright As Sunshine

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Heise flew high up, to use the clouds as a cover, and was on his way to where his mother was when he heard another series of explosions from below that made him momentarily halt.

It wasn't that he was worried about his father or anything but he would hate it if, when his mother returned to the capital, she'll see nothing but debris and destruction left from the war that broke out prior.

However, he remembered his father's words about not looking back or stopping no matter what he hears or what happens. Right now, he only had one mission.

And that was to fly straight to his mother's side and reclaim her from the man who unlawfully took her away from them.

Should this man dare to stop him, Heise prayed his mother would forgive him for burning that bastard alive.

Even though he was still upset and hurt about how his mother cannot remember him and even denied him a couple of times, he's long reached the utmost limit of his tolerance of enduring the pain from the distance between him and his mother.

Mommy, Heise is coming to get you now. Don't push me away this time, please. Don't break my heart again. Heise misses you, Mommy. Do you miss Heise too?

The dragon repeatedly prayed and begged his mother inside his heart—hoping that his mother will receive him with warm and wide open arms again—to love and kiss him again.


Heise flew for two days straight and reached the border town of Ertz—the town his father told him was the closest to where the man took his mother.

He returned to his child form for the time being so as to conserve strength. And partly because he was hungry.

The child walked around the town, in search for the path that connected this town to the place where his mother was currently staying at.

Just a little bit more. A little bit more and I can see Mommy again!

And just the thought of seeing his mother's warm and happy smile, when she opens her arms to take him into her fold, was enough to dispel the hunger that he felt.

He hurriedly and quite excitedly went on and walked towards that exit when he was suddenly pulled by his arm.

"Kid! Don't go there!" A gruffy man, a citizen of that town, worriedly warned the little child before he pulled Heise with him.

"Let go of me!"

"Don't you listen to your parents?"

"I listen to Mommy!! I love my Mommy!" The child cried indignantly and strongly emphasized how he loves his mother.

"Then why are you going there? Don't you care what your mother would feel if you disobeyed her?"

The man spoke as he continued to pull Heise along with him. He cannot just let the child go on his own like that! Especially with the electrifying friction between these two superpower kingdoms—the Alynthi Kingdom and their very own Versaillus Empire.

"I'm going to my Mommy! Why are you stopping me?!"

"Your mother is at the next town?" The man asked and raised a brow. He wondered what happened for his mother to be there while he was here.

"You should wait it out, sonny. With the dissonance between the two kingdoms right now, I'm afraid your mother—"

The man wasn't able to finish when Heise's sapphire eyes glinted dangerously while the child was practically oozing with menace as he locked his eyes at the man that was wasting his time.

Not only that! He was even jinxing his mother!

I swear to God, I will come and find you if anything happens to Mommy and roast you so slowly you'll beg me to kill you.

The little dragon's heart was too small for such complicated emotions to even learn how to hide what he was feeling or thinking, so his face plainly shows them as it is.

And it sent frightening shivers down this big and buffy man's spine.

A little child managed to intimidate a man as large as him and yet he wasn't the least bit ashamed of it.

He felt more grateful that the child did not linger for even a second and bolted out of there the moment he loosened his grip.

What was that child?

The man thought to himself while watching his little back get farther and farther away. He felt so scared that he thought he saw a dark mist coating the boy's petit figure gradually disappearing.


Adira was staring into space, sitting alone in a little make-shift sunroom Triton made for her so she could enjoy her tea there, when a brief and sharp pricking pain stung her chest.

She reflexively clutched her chest when a black mist suddenly caught her attention. The most peculiar thing about it was, it was coming from her.

"What is this?" She whispered and watched the mist gradually dissipate and vanished as if it didn't even exist.

"My love, you said something?" Triton, who was resting on the steps—a short break from his laborous work—and leaned back to take a peek of his wife.

"Mm. It's nothing, dear. Are you tired? Let me massage your shoulders for you." Adira shook her head, pushing it to the back of her mind, and smiled prettily for her weary husband, who was doing all the work for the both of them.

"It's okay. Your smile is enough to recharge me, but if you really want to quickly replenish me of my energy, come hug me please!"

The man grinned brightly—as bright as sunshine—and opened up his arms. That smile reminded her why she fell for him in the first place.

However, there was this feeling in her heart that a smile much more prettier than that, once smiled for her.

That it used to brighten her—and frankly everyone's—day. That it was a smile she grew to love.

What in the world is this?! What is it?! What am I missing?! Who are you?! If it's not Triton, then who?!

Was the inner turmoil inside her heart, although she was embracing her husband and smiling happily in the outside. Feeling incredibly bad about thinking about someone else even when she was facing her husband.

I'll forget you. I only need Triton. So Please... I beg you... Please stop hurting my heart.

Hi! So that part which was very very redundant, is—as always—on purpose. It's meant to emphasize things more.

Anyway, Thank you so much for all the new followers and the subscribers and the commentators (I love you guys the most! Shh!) and also the voters and especially everyone that gave this story so much love and support! I am very very thankful and honored my dears~ ❤️ Thank you so much! ありがとうございます 🙇🏻‍♂️💕
Banzaaaiiii~~ 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

P.S. I'm very proud to announce that we have topped the Royalty tag 😍😍😍 🎉Thank you so much for all your love everyone! I love you all sooooo muuuuuuch 💕💕💕

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