he cheated

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"hey babe." i smiled when colby walked into our apartment. "how was your night out with the boys?"

"uh... it was good. i'm going to go take a nap." he told me, running up the stairs. it was weird for colby to not come home the night of the party but i'm sure he was just having fun with the boys. on the other hand, all of the girls and i had a girls night in colby and i's apartment.

after four hours, i decided to go check on colby. i opened the door with aspirin and water in my hand. i walked in, seeing he was awake.

"hey, howre you feeling?" i asked him. he wasn't one to get hangovers so this was pretty strange.

"uh yeah." he responded, looking at his phone.

"that is not a response to the question i asked." i laughed, handing him the water and medicine

"oh... uh... sorry." he responded, looking back at his phone.

"what's wrong, baby?" i asked him.

"uh, nothing." he said. i could tell he wasn't in the mood to talk about it so i just got off of the bed and went into our closet to fold some laundry.

my phone started blowing up slightly and it was very out of the ordinary so i decided to check it out. upon opening my phone, i saw a photo of my boyfriend kissing another girl.

i knew it was recent because i just got him the shirt he was wearing in the photo. what the hell is this??

"colby, what are these?" i asked him, walking out of the closet. he looked at the series of photos that i had found at twitter, however he couldn't come up with an answer. "are you cheating on me?" i asked, a single tear slipping from my eye.

"i was drunk ad-" he started but i cut him off.

"bullshit. i've seen you drunk a million times before and you're not a stupid drunk. you don't just accidentally kiss another girl." i told him.

"i honestly don't know how it happened. i didn't mean to sleep with the gir-" he started.

"you slept with her?!" i asked. i thought it was just a kiss. he looked at me with a guilty expression and that was enough for me. "you know what... fuck this. fuck you."

i ran down the apartment stairs and out the front door... not failing to slam the door shut. the options were to go to jake and taras... but tara is back in maryland so i would only be able to cry to jake. so i decided to go to sam and kats place.

i knocked on the door... which i typically don't do since they're my best friends.

"hey, hey, are you okay?" sam asked, pulling me into a hug after opening the door.

"colby slept with another girl." i cried out.

"i'm going to fucking kill him. i don't know why he'd do that. he always talks about how in love with you he is." he explained.

"i was just wondering if i could crash here for the night..."

"of course. kats getting a shower so you can stay down here with me." he said.

"thanks sam... i appreciate this." i said, some
more tears falling down my face.

"do you wanna talk about it?" he asked.

"not yet. it's still fresh." i said, with a light laugh which made my voice crack. "i might just crash in your room for a bit if that's cool?" i suggested.

"yeah, of course." he told me. so i walked to his room and laid out on his bed and cried myself to sleep.

upon waking up, i noticed that kat was laying next to me on his bed, playing her phone.

"oh hey girl, howre you feeling?" she asked.

"like shit." i said, attempting to let out a small laugh to make my life seem a lil less sad.

"i'm so sorry he did this to you. he stopped by the apartment a few hours ago. sam told him you were here just so he didn't worry... i'm sure he'll be back though." she said.

kat talked to me about what had happened and then eventually the two of us fell back asleep. i felt a bit bad for stealing sams bed but i knew he would protest to either kat or i sleeping on the couch.


"colby you cheated on her. is that not your biggest fear?! just give her some time to figure shit out before she talks to you." i heard sam say, raising his voice slightly. what a lovely way to wake up.

"sam, i need to see her. i know i'm a shitty person but i did what i did and it can't be undone so let me see my fucking girlfriend!" i heard colby raise his voice as well. i better just get this over with.

"she'll talk when she's ready. you can sit on the couch until she wakes up, though." sam said.

i waited a good 5 silent minutes and then got out of bed. i shoved my phone into the waistband of my leggings and then entered the living room. sam was in the kitchen and colby was on the couch, colby was sitting with wide eyes at the mere sight of what could possibly be his ex girlfriend. he messed up big time.

"addi..." he trailed off, not knowing what to say

"hey." i replied, just looking at him.

"i'm so sorry. so so sorry, baby. i didn't mean to do it. i promise you i never wanted to hurt you." he told me, making me nod.

"i think i just need some time." i told him after a moment of silence.

"i get it. if you want to stay at our house, i can go stay somewhere else. i just want you to be happy." he told me.

"i don't think i can be happy, given the circumstances, but i think i'll just stay here for now." i said. i'd never seen a heart break happen but i'm pretty sure i just witnessed it.

"please don't do anything to harm yourself, baby. i couldn't live with myself if you did something because of me." he admitted.

i just simply nodded and walked back into sams room, shutting the door.


it's been a whole month since colby cheated and after talking it over with all of the girls, i decided i would forgive him.

i know my worth but i'm too in love with him to let him go. if it happens again though, we're over.

so i drove my car to our shared apartment. i didn't exactly know how to go about the situation so i just walked up to the door, unlocking it.

"colby?" my small voice called out.

"adelaide?" i heard him rush down the stairs faster than ever before.

"hey, baby." i smiled, making his face light up. "i couldn't stay away any longer." i said, reaching up to hug him.

"i missed you so much baby. i'm sorry i put you through that. i wish i could just take the pain away." he told me, placing a kiss on my lips.

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