hes a single dad

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"this is so awesome guys! thank you for inviting me." i said to kian and jc. i was at the premiere of reality house season 2. i wasnt in it but i was good friends with most of the people who were.

"no problem ad." kian smiled.

"oh! have you met sam and colby yet?" kian asked me, introducing me to the two boys.

"i don't think i have." i smiled. "hi, i'm adelaide." i smiled again, shaking their hands.

"colby." the attractive brown haired boy said.

"i'm sam." the blonde one introduced.

kian and jc left us so i began making a small conversation with the two boys i just met.

"so what do you guys do?" i asked them.

"we make exploring videos where we go to haunted locations and check them out." colby said.

"oh that's sick! i'll have to check it out." i smiled.

"what do you do?" sam asked me.

"mainly lifestyle videos and vlogs. i do story times here and there and videos about music."

"i feel like you'd get along great with our friend, tara." colby said with a laugh, sam nodding in agreement.

"i'd love to meet her." i smiled. "what do you guys do outside of youtube?" i asked.

"well i actually have a son, so that takes up most of my time." colby admitted to me. he did not seem to be the type to have a kid. but i guess you can't judge a book by its cover.

"really?" i asked, taking a sip of my drink. "what's his name?" i asked.

"his name is hudson... he's 4." colby told me, sam directing his attention to someone else i had never met before.

"i'm sure hes adorable." i smiled. it kinda bummed me out that he had a kid because that probably means he also has a girlfriend.

"he is. it's been hard to raise him alone but it's so worth it." he told me, answering my thought

"you raise him alone?" i asked, nearly choking on my drink.

"i do... i accidentally knocked a girl up when i was 18 and then after he was born, she left. so i've been taking care of him since then." he told me with a light laugh.

we continued talking for a few minutes and then we gave each other our numbers so that we could possibly collab in the future.


it's been a few weeks since the premiere and i've been talking to colby a bit. he asked if i'd like to go to dinner with him and hudson. i obviously agreed, wanting to meet the adorable little boy who i've only really seen photos of.

as far as i could tell, colby keeps hudson away from the internet as much as possible. there are very few videos of him on his channel. it's nice to know that he doesn't exploit his son.

i heard a knock on my door so i practically sprinted there from my bedroom.

"hey." i huffed out, slightly out of breath.

"hey." he laughed. "this is hudson." he introduced, the little boy waving up to me. damn he was practically colbys mini clone.

"hi, bud." i smiled. "i'm adelaide." i said.

i invited them in for a bit because hudson was very interested in my dogs.

"would you boys like to play mario cart with me?" i asked them.

"yes! that's my favorite game!" hudson said, sitting on colbys lap. i awhed at the sight before turning the switch on.

"really? it's my favorite game too." i told him.

"i guess that means we're best friends then." he told me with a little grin, making colby and i laugh.

"i guess we are best friends then." i replied.

i handed each of them a controller and we all sat on the couch and picked our characters. i picked toadette, hudson picked toad and colby picked yoshi.

the two of us let hudson win, colby coming in 3rd and myself coming in 5th. i'm only good at playing when i play alone.

after our game, we decided to head to get dinner.


it's been a few weeks since i met hudson. colby and i have gone on a few dates but he has yet to ask me to be his girlfriend.

"hey." i smiled, walking into his apartment.

"hey." he replied, hugging me.

colby and i made some small talk in the kitchen and i finally decided to ask him.

"colby, what are we?" i asked.

"what?" he asked.

"well you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend... and we've been on like 10 dates." i laughed.

"i just- i havent been with anyone since hudson's mom left. i don't want to bring someone into his life and then just tear them out." he told me.

"i love how much you care about him. but i'm already in hudson's life now. what makes a difference if we're dating or not?" i asked him.

"i think i'm just having a hard time comprehending how someone so beautiful and sweet is so understanding of everything. you're truly an amazing person." he told me with a smile. "adelaide, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked me.

"i would love that." i replied, kissing him.


~ two weeks later ~

i've barely left colbys apartment since he asked me out. i watched hudson overnight for the first time a few nights ago when colby went to film with sam, jake and corey. hudson is continuing to call me his best friend. he's so cute.

"hudson, i think we should clean up a bit before daddy comes back with breakfast." i told the little boy.

"are you my mom?" he asked me out of the blue, making me choke on the orange juice i was drinking.

"what?" i asked him.

"are you my mommy? everyone at school has a mommy... are you mine?" he asked me, making my heart melt.

"i'm not really your mommy. but i'll be as much of a mommy towards you as i can, bud." i told him.

"i wish i had a mom." he said, a few tears prickling down the little boys face as he hugged me.

"it's okay, bub." i comforted the little boy. after a few minutes he got distracted by toy story coming on. i decided to let him watch tv while i cleaned up the toys he got out.


~ two years later ~

"hudson, what do you think we should name her?" i asked the little 6 year old.

"i dunno, mommy. something with an a so it matches your name." he smiled. i'll never get used to him calling me mommy... in a good way, that is. it's adorable.

i just gave birth to colby and i's daughter. after a few months, myself and my dogs moved in with colby and hudson. and around that time, hudson started calling me mom... which i was completely okay with.

"what about ayla?" i asked both of the boys.

"that's perfect!" hudson said.

"that is perfect... just like our little family." colby said, making me smile.

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