Chapter 35

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Please ignore the mistakes :)

Sounds of horns and people chattering listen by the blonde male who was humming the soft songs that's playing in his car radio. He was driving towards jungkook's office to meet him because honestly he suddenly missed him so much not like he don't everyday but today he just wants to see jungkook very badly plus he was getting bored staying in bed whole day.

Jungkook won't let him do anything since he found out about the pregnancy. Not even let him stand or walk more than necessary. He was always alert about his health giving him his medicines that doctor priscribed.

Well going for his first appointment was exciting for both jungkook and taehyung. Both were anxious and were a little worried about the health of their baby especially jungkook who was more worried seeing taehyung vomiting very often, taehyung tried to assure him that it was normal but he just don't stop worrying.

Thinking his health is not stable, he took care of him which he don't have to, like he don't even let him enter the kitchen. He saws the recipies in his phone and made food for taehyung and himself. Sometimes he burns it and also hurt himself while cutting vegetables and meat but he still tried even after listen to taehyung scolding while he patch his wounds but he was determined not to let taehyung work more to made him tired or exhausted.

Taehyung was annoyed like very very annoyed at first because of jungkook overprotective behaviour but he slowly starts understanding where jungkook was coming with this protectiveness.

He was worried for taehyung and their unborn baby everytime. Taehyung realizes that jungkook is scared and insecure. He wants to do everything in his favour to be able to have these happiness in his life. He was worried for their baby, but most of this he was worried for taehyung's health seeing him look tired sometimes he feels like he's alone that is feeling all this wearness when it should've been both of them.

Jungkook feels taehyung is the only one who's feeling all of this exhaustion as the symptoms of pregnancy and he can't do anything about that to help him. when it's 101% is not true at all. Because jungkook mind is always worrying about both of them which surely exhaust him.

Hence, why he made sure to make taehyung rest as much as he can make him in which took face of his over protectiveness.

He starts waking up before taehyung which really shocked taehyung but he did. Jungkook made healthy breakfast for him which eomma (Mrs. Kim) gave list to him and bring it to their room which made taehyung melt so he gives him tons of kisses as so showing his gratitide towards him.

Jungkook even fill his late night cravings too by making something at home or go to the nearest wallmart at the middle of the night to buy the desire food to satisfy his both babies cravings.

Sometimes it irritate jungkook to wake up from his peaceful slumber, but he always remind himself that taehyung is going through so much more than that, he is more exhausted than him because he fucking has to cradle a whole ass human in his womb which is definetely hard, painful and exhausting. He can't even imagine how much taehyung feels tired.

Taehyung always feels so bad for making jungkook go through all that even his mood swings are worse sometimes and jungkook always put up with it never says a word in annoyance but always having a fond look in his eyes which irritate taehyung more, blame it to his hormones which are always at the peek ready to explode.

But somedays taehyung gets so clingy and cuddly that he never let jungkook even go for a pee. Because he don't want to lose the warmth that is around him making him feel at peace. Jungkook has to threaten him that he will take taehyung with him if he don't let go which grossed taehyung out and he immediately let go because he hates bathroom nowadays that made him vomit with just seeing it.

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