Chapter 38

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Sorry for the mistakes plz :)

Driving towards the jeon mansion, jungkook's mind was a mess. Everything from his childhood that bitter and painful memories starts running in his mind like an old movie. Everything came like a brick, opening the old wounds that he convinced were healed or atleast tried to dig it deep inside him.

But clearly they were as noticeable as they happened like moments ago.

His grib tightened on the wheel turning his knuckles white, just like his heart. Tightening at every memory his mind was showing to him, those painful sleepless nights where he cried alone in the corner of his room cluching onto his arms for a dear life, sheilding himself from all the evilness outside the world but the biggest one just two rooms away.

The loneliness and emptiness his heart was feeling reminding him of the days where he was alone and seeking for someone to protect him and love him, to take his pain away and assure him that he's not alone.

But sadly no one was there.

Except his own shadow that kept creeping behind him reminding him of his bitter life, following him everywhere just like his bad luck.

But he never said anything, never complain even once as to why his bad luck is not leaving from his life. He endure everything his 'family' has to give. Let them do whatever they want with him in hope of one day to have their attention.

He was desperate for their attention, for their love just the little bit was also fine but he never gets even after getting all their painful lashes of disgusting words and hard reality but he never says anything.

He choose silence as the only way to just maybe, maybe get them to see how much he's tired. Tired and alone. Made them realize he wants them, needs them.

He wants his parents to also love him just like his friends or any other parents do to their child. He was desperate for a parent warmth.

He stays patient.

He respected them, so what if they never return it and treat him badly but they still give him a place to stay, if they want they could leave him on any orphanage or anywhere on the street but they took him, so what for only to their favour so he could run their business, they did atleast and a food to eat and he maybe return it by working hard for them and enduring all the pain they gave, or a feel that in his life he wasn't alone although the way to show it was different from any other parent but still he gets what given to him.

He never complain or urgue. He endured it-because it was him. He was the one that gets their anger and let them hurt him cause he feel like he deserved it.

But this time, this time they choose to hurt not him but his only happiness. His only light in this dark fate, his only reason to stay hopeful to have a better future.

They choose to hurt his lifes, his loves, his happiness-his angels.

His husband and his child.

And this was the last straw to all the patience he has. They did wrong. They fucking tried to harm his husband and to k-kill his child.

His precious baby Angels.

And that is enough now. He had enough. Now it's time to show who is the real jeon.

Jungkook wiped his tears furiously and walked with big angry straps inside the mansion, he shouts for his parents who were not much lesser then the actual monsters.

"Here came the world evilest parents to ever exist!-more like the evilest human to ever found in this planet!" He sarcastically says looking at the three monsters infront of him who were having bored expression on their faces after almost killing his little angel-

MY PEACE - TK ✔Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя