Chapter 7

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My eyes widen upon hearing what Zevander said. My mouth opens slightly on its own accord. I imagine I look like a dying fish out of water. I try to say something but the words won't form the proper sentence necessary.

I think back to what Creed said earlier this afternoon and shake my head. How did I not see it? Am I really that naive when it comes to things like this? I was young once, I should of noticed the signs that were flashing in my face like a big neon sign.

Still I question if I heard correctly. Does he like me, like me? Yes... no. Hell I don't even know anymore. I look down at Lenaya who is too consumed in trying to lick the ice cream off the tip of her nose to realize what's going on around her.

"I-I'm sorry, but what?" I finally ask.

He takes a deep breath before slowly exhaling it out. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?"

A date? So he does want to go on a date with me? Why would anyone want to go on a date with me? I'm damaged. There is nothing good about me. I can't even look him in the eyes, so why would he be interested in a weak person like me. Zevander deserves better. He deserves someone who is brave and strong. Someone who doesn't live in constant fear and I am anything but strong. I would never be able to give him what he wants... needs. I will only bring him down. Cause havoc in his perfect little life he built for him and his daughter, because that is what I do. I destroy.

Maybe in another life we would of had something beautiful, we could of had an epic love story, but I don't see it happening in this lifetime without me destroying his perfect life he created. I can't do that. I won't do it. I care for him too much to do that.

"I'm sor-" I go to say, but before the word can leave my mouth Lenaya interrupts.

"Oh, Please say yes!" She begs. "Please go on a date with my daddy."

I look down to see hope blossoming in her pleading eyes. She eagerly puts her palms together and entwines her fingers as if she was praying. I bite my lower lip not knowing what to say. I have never been on a date before and I never planned on ever going on one, but when Lenaya looks at me like this. I can't break her heart.

Before I can think any further into it, my lips say what my soul so desperately wants.

"Yes. I'll go on a date with you."

Lenaya throws her arms around me and squeals in excitement before thanking me profusely. She proceeds to run to her father and cups his face as she smothers his cheeks in sloppy wet kisses.

Zevander and I both laugh at the enthusiastic little girl as she returns to me with outreached arms.

"It seems you're more excited then your dad, little one." I express picking her up and sitting her on my lap.

"My daddy is happy. He's just happy inside." She insists as she squeezes my cheeks together and giggles.

Before I can respond, Zevander's phone rings causing him to sigh as he stands up. "I have to take this. Lenaya stay here. I'll be right over there." He says pointing to the corner of the empty diner.

"I can watch her if you like?" I say quietly while continuing to smile at her.

"If you don't mind. It will only take a second."

I hear him speaking to whoever is on the other line, but quickly tune him out, not wanting to ease drop into his private conversation.

Lenaya looks towards the direction of her father before quickly grabbing my face and pulling it down so that we are eye level. "My daddy likes you, Raxlyn. Do you like my daddy?" She whispers quietly as she searches my eyes.

Rise From The Ashes (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon