Chapter 43

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   After I left Zevander's house I went to Aria's. She wasn't home so I decided to take a shower and wait for her to come home.

I stayed on the couch for three hours, just sitting in the dark crying.

'I hope they made it there safely.' I think to myself.

I pull out my phone and turn it on and debate if I should text Zevander and see if they made it there safely but decide against it.

I see the Lock Screen of the three of us and start to cry as I trace the image of Zevander's and Lenaya's face when I hear the front door open and hear a giggling Aria.

The light comes on and it becomes silent. I keep my head down not wanting Derek to see me crying as my eyes adjust to the brightness in the room.

"I'll be upstairs." He tells Aria.

He quickly walks upstairs to their room as Aria takes a seat beside me.

"What happened, BB?" She says cupping my face.

I begin to tell her everything and at first she was mad, but soon calmed down after awhile.

After talking for another ten minutes,  I decide to head to bed. I have an early start and if I want to make the drive I need to get up early.

I go to my room and notice I have two voicemails from Zevander. I don't know how I didn't notice them earlier, but I'm to upset to check it so I call Ziandra instead.

She picks up on the second ring. "Braxlyn, oh my God. Are you okay?" Ziandra says with concern.

I clear my throat. "I'm okay. Thank you for asking. How is Lenaya and Zevander doing?" I say as I wipe a my tears.

I might be upset with Zevander, but I still love him and that doesn't go away the same night.

"I'm not going to lie. Lenaya is asleep. When Zevander brought her in she was fast asleep, but you can tell she was crying and she was holding... the picture of the three of you. She wouldn't let it go and Zevander said not to take it from her because she'll cry." Ziandra said sadly and I suck in a deep breathe and start crying.

"I'm sorry, Dear. I shouldn't have told you that." Ziandra says softly.

"No, no. I want honesty. Thank you for being honest. Ummm... how is he?" I ask a bit nervously.

"Not good. I'm going to be honest because you deserve to know. He didn't talk to any of us. He went and put Lenaya in her room and came straight to the kitchen and went straight for the Whiskey and after four glasses I took it away. He didn't stop though, he went to the living room and started drinking Jack Daniels. I took the bottle away again and he lost it. He started yelling and crying." She says as she sniffles.

I take a deep breath as the tears pour out my eyes. "He told us what happened. He's taking it hard. He's blaming himself. He thinks you hate him and that you're scared of him." She says sniffling.

"I don't hate him. It's hard to hate him when the good out weighs the first bad. I will be honest though, he did scare me. I never saw so much anger in his eyes. It hurt what he told me." I wipe my nose with a tissue. "Where is he?" I ask just above a kiss of a whisper.

"He's asleep. He got drunk, so the guys took him to his room to sleep it off." Ziandra says.

"You all must hate me, huh? For making him so upset and making you all see him this way. I'm so sorry." I say wiping my tears and putting my phone on speaker.

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