Chapter 15

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It's now Saturday afternoon and I still haven't heard from Zevander all week. Although I told myself I would give it time I still feel a little disappointed.

I thought about texting him but decided against it. I don't want to seem desperate or clingy, so instead I patiently wait.

Will he come in today? He's been coming in every Saturday before closing time and it's almost half past eight. Shaking my head I decide that I can't sit around and wait any longer for Lenaya and him to arrive. I head to the kitchen and begin to wipe down what I presume is spilled grease off the counter while Jack cleans the tables in the lobby.

Before I can allow my mind to wonder and suck me into the darkest place in the back of my mind, I hear my phone ring and quickly pull it out of my back pocket. My heart thumps erratically against my chest at the thought of it being Zevander.

Sadly it's not.

"Hello." I utter under my breath as I angrily move to clean a stubborn spot of the grill.

"So has he come by to visit yet?" Aria questions with caution.

"Nope," I huff. "I decided I'm not going to wait around anymore. I came to the conclusion that it wasn't meant for us to be anything other then friends." And from the looks of it, it may seem we weren't meant to be friends either. I don't tell her that though, no instead I keep it to myself like I do with most of my bottled up emotions.

"BB, you don't have to put on a show for me. I'm your best friend, your sister for goodness sake. It's okay to be upset. You caught strong feelings for a man who wasn't completely over the loss of his dead wife." She reassures with a loud sigh.

"Well there's nothing I can do about that can I?" I question. "I gave him his space to think and I think he's made his decision. The only thing I can do is be thankful for the time I spent with the both of them. I knew it was a chance that this was going to happen, a chance of me getting hurt in the process. I knew the risk and still chose to proceed with it. It was worth going through the hurt, Aria.

Sometimes I think I allow myself to be consumed by the darkness; the pain because it's the only thing reminding me that what I used to have was real. It's the only thing keeping me from being completely numb. The sadness is the constant reminder that Zaren was mine and at one point we had everything we ever needed... each other.

"Don't start climbing down that hole of yours. You have made so much progress these past few months. I don't want you to take seven steps back when you've already took five steps forward." Aria expresses.

With pride and fierce stubbornness I answer her truthfully. "I'm not. I already made a promise to Zaren that I would live my life and that's what I'm going to do. I won't let what happened today turn me back into the old miserable Braxlyn." I've been weak for so long that I forgotten what it feels like to be anything but that.

The small silver bell over the entrance of the door chimes letting me know that someone has arrived, and as if my heart already knows I feel it pound heavily against my chest. 'Calm down Braxlyn. You don't even know if it's them.' I express out loud, wiping my clammy hands against my faded wash jeans and soon after Jack walks in with a beaming smile.

"Your presence has been requested by the cutest little blue eyed angel." He announces, throwing the rag over his shoulder. I nod with a smile.

"They're here, Ari." I whisper, dusting off the imaginary dust off my clothes.

"Well then what are you waiting for? Go get'em, BB. I love you." She cheers.

"I love you too." I reply before hanging up the phone.

Rise From The Ashes (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя