Chapter 32

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After leaving the office Zevander and I decided to stop for a quick bite to eat and are currently in his car.

"Where do you want to eat at?" Zevander says as he quickly looks at me.

"Let's just see what's on the way and then we can decide." I say looking at him. He nods his head in agreement and I smile.

"So you like my mother?" Zevander says as he slows down for a pedestrian.

"Yeah, I do actually. She's very sweet and talkative." I say before I giggle.

Zevander looks at me and arches a brow. "My mother? Are we talking about the same Ziandra?" He says.

"Yes, Zevander." I say. "Your mother is a good woman and only wants what's best for her children. She did drill me with twenty one questions but it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle" I say smiling.

"I figured that much. I'm glad you can hold your own, Baby. The thing about my mother is that she rarely likes any female we brought home." He says shaking his head.

"So Zevander was a player back in his day?" I say laughing.

"Nope. Not me but Zane was. He would bring a new girl home every month. While Zane was sleeping around I was getting drunk. I put my mother and father through hell growing up. Both the Hendrix sons did." Zevander says with a smirk.

"So what caused you to slowdown? I know you drink but I don't think I have ever seen you drunk before." I say looking at Zevander as he frowns.

"One night we were at a collage party at our frat house and my best friend, Cristiano had an argument with his girlfriend over something small and stupid, well she took off mad and Cris being him took off after her. He was drunk when he got behind the wheel and had an accident. He took the lives of an elderly couple as well as his own life." Zevander says sadly and I gasp.

"I'm sorry." I say grabbing Zevander's hand and squeeze it.

Zevander looks at me and offers a sad smile but continues. "He was two blocks away from the campus and I was to busy with some girl I was dating at the time to pay attention to that he had left. By the time I realized it, it was to late. I blamed myself and dumped the girl and turned to alcohol, but I promised myself that night I would never drive drunk." Zevander says sighing.

"I put both my parents through hell and my mother was always there to take care of me. For two years I drank my life away and after realizing that Cris wouldn't want that for me I got my act together and went back to school and graduated. He was my motivation to be a better man." He says smiling.

"Well I think you're a wonderful man and I know he would be proud of you." I say looking at him with so much love. I smile as he grabs my hand and kisses it.

It stays quiet after that for a few minutes until I see Mc'Donalds.
"Can we stop at "Mc'Donalds?" I say excitedly as Zevander laughs while nodding his head.

We stop to quickly eat and head back to Zevander's house. All the way back to Zevander's I kept thinking if Aria will be upset with me if I mention moving out?

Zevander went upstairs to change leaving me to continue with my thoughts and I wonder if it's a good idea to move in with him and Lenaya. I feels like it's to soon, but it also feels right.

I know Aria will want me to be happy and if moving will do it then she will be okay with it, but I don't want to leave her just because I'm doing better. I don't want her to think I don't need her when I do. I always will.

Jack will be happy for me, but will think I'm moving to fast. He'll think I'm rushing into this without using my brain. But I've always over analyzed things and always considered the "what ifs" first and I'm tired of it. For once I just want to think with my heart and not logically. I want to have blind faith and think everything will turn out how it's meant to turn out. Risk everything for once in my life.

Rise From The Ashes (EDITING IN PROGRESS)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora