Chapter 25

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   "His name is Zaren." I speak just above a whisper.

He doesn't say anything when I mention Zaren but I know he's wondering who he is. He's never heard me mention him so it's only right for him to want to know who he is and why he has anything to do with me and my tears.

Everything was perfect. From the time the three of us went to the park to the time we took Lenaya a bath. We even had fun at the park. It always brings back memories of all the times Zaren and I would go and usually I would push away the memories but today I welcomed them. I allowed the memories to take me to a time when he was here. A happy time and I did good. I didn't cry, instead I'd like to say I smiled a little more.

When she asked me to read her, "Green Eggs and Ham" I smiled and said okay. It didn't bother me, in fact I was happy to read that book again. I helped her get the book off the shelf and helped her in bed, tucking her in. It was when she fell asleep that I noticed her sucking her thumb and in that moment I was in my apartment reading to my four year old Zaren as he too fell asleep sucking his thumb while cuddling his favorite stuffed animal.

All the nights I've spent reading this book to him fill my head. The way he would lay his head in my arm and follow the words with his eyes. He would ask to flip the pages and I would allow him to do so. It was the little things.

Now all that's left is the memories. The painful memories. I will never get to experience him asking me for advice on how to ask a girl out, or watch him get ready for his first date or even graduate high school. I won't send him off to college or see him get married and have kids. No. It was robbed from me.

Zevander strengthens his hold on me. His comforting arms giving me the strength I need to continue.

"W-when I was fi-fifteen Aria and I went to our first high school party. We both decided not to drink, b-but just go to experience what it was like. Aria left to dance with some senior and I went to the kitchen to get me a drink."

"When I got in the kitchen I noticed there was a boy in there. He was older then me. I never seen him before, but it didn't bother me since I was basically at a party with a houseful of people. H-he asked if I nee-needed anything and I told him I wasn't drinking but wanted a soda to drink. He pulled out a soda from the fridge and handed it to me. I knew not to take anything from strangers but I didn't think much on it as the lid w-was still sealed, but I was wrong."

"I didn't know that he injected the soda with something and by the the time I realized I had already started to feel different. I knew something wasn't right, but by that time it was to late. I re-remembered everything. I couldn't scream for help nor could I fight him off. I was useless."

"Aria and her cousin found me well after he left. I still remember the screams coming from Aria. They haunt my dreams sometimes," l whisper. " Aria and her cousin Sarah dressed me, while Sarah's boyfriend carried me down the stairs and drove us to Aria's house."

Zevander doesn't say anything, but his comfort allows me to continue as he rubs his hands up and down my back, breathing in my floral, sweet scent.

"I made Aria, Sarah and her boyfriend promise not to say anything. I couldn't have my parents finding out." I mummer.

"Why?" Zevander questions. His voice is calm but I know he's anything but.

"Because my mother hated me and everything was always my fault with her. My father was always at work and when my mother wasn't out socializing with her friends she was at home abusing me. Both mentally and physically," I sniffle. "I didn't grow up in a happy home, Zevander. I was physically and verbally abused since the age of four."

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