Chapter 5: Money Matters

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Zhang Yi replied, "My name is Zhang Yi. I want to arrange a banquet for 500 tables. Is there any issue on your end?"

The manager was taken aback; they hadn't encountered such a situation since the hotel's opening. However, facing such a substantial order, they couldn't afford to decline.

"Mr. Zhang, 500 tables mean over a million. If you're interested, we'll prepare it for you immediately, but we need a 200,000 deposit in advance."

Zhang Yi responded, "No problem. Send me your account details, and I'll transfer the money."

With the funds in hand, the manager readily agreed, added Zhang Yi as a friend, and sent him the bank details. Zhang Yi promptly transferred 200,000.

Once the deposit was confirmed, the manager instructed various departments. "Quick, we have a big order. Procurement needs to stock up, and the kitchen should temporarily stop taking other takeaway orders!"

"We have to prepare 500 banquet tables within a day!"


On the other side, after hanging up, Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh, "Although the money will be useless in a month, I still need it for now."

He had inherited around 2 million from his parents. Now, half of it was gone, which was a bit painful, but he saw it as an opportunity.

"Many people hold a lot of money that eventually turns into waste. Not everyone gets a chance to spend their money."

"However, there are many more places I need money for. I have to figure out how to get more."

Zhang Yi's eyes shifted to his house. The property, located in the central area of Tianhai City, with 120 square meters, was built ten years ago. According to the current market, it was worth at least 5 million.

"I got it. I'll mortgage the house for a loan. That way, I'll have the money," Zhang Yi chuckled, pleased with the idea of borrowing money he wouldn't have to repay immediately.

He left home, drove to the bank, and received a message from Fang Yuqing on the way. "Zhang Yi, the weekend is so boring. I really wish someone could accompany me for a stroll."

Zhang Yi glanced at the message, tossed his phone aside, and proceeded to the bank for the loan process.

Due to the substantial amount and complete documentation, as well as owning the house outright, Zhang Yi's loan was quickly approved. However, the bank only granted him a 4 million loan.

Without bargaining, Zhang Yi signed the paperwork. The bank transferred the money to his account.

"Now, after spending over 1 million on the banquet, I still have around 5 million," Zhang Yi calculated. "It should be enough to renovate the house. However, I still need a significant amount for buying medicine and weapons."

Rubbing his chin, Zhang Yi contemplated how to acquire more money.

At that moment, a guy with blond hair by the roadside noticed Zhang Yi lost in thought. His eyes lit up, and he walked over.

"Hey, buddy, need money?" Zhang Yi understood the man's intentions immediately—likely a loan shark.

He sighed, pretending to be reluctant, "Yeah, my family business urgently needs funds, but the bank..."

The blond guy, seemingly understanding, said in a lowered voice, "Yeah, getting a loan from the bank is tough these days. Lots of red tape, and it takes forever."

"But, buddy, if you need money urgently, I can help you out."

Zhang Yi looked at him cautiously, "Can you really? I need several million!"

The guy, hearing it's a big deal, got visibly excited. He handed Zhang Yi a business card that read "Duoduo Loan Financial Services Co., Ltd.," with his name as business manager, Hu Minghua.

"Our company specializes in rescuing people in financial distress. As long as you need money, you're in the right place!"

Zhang Yi, thrilled, exclaimed, "Can you really lend me money? I need 5 million. If you can help me get through this tough time, I promise I'll pay it back within three months!"

Hu Minghua smiled, "This matter is negotiable. Our company is very powerful, specifically established to help people like you who lack funds."

"Let's go, we can discuss this matter in our office."

With an expectant expression, Zhang Yi nodded and followed Hu Minghua to their company, located in a remote office building.

Once inside, Hu Minghua took Zhang Yi to their boss's office. The boss, Chen Xiong, appeared sturdy but was dressed in a high-end suit, trying to project a formal company image.

However, there was a hint of hostility between his eyebrows, a feeling gained only after years of social experience.

Hu Minghua introduced Zhang Yi to the boss, "Manager, this is a client looking to borrow money."

The boss, named Chen Xiong, greeted Zhang Yi with a smile and invited him to sit.

"Mr. Zhang, how much money do you want to borrow?"

True to a loan shark company, the conversation was direct and straightforward. With no formalities, they could afford to be more flexible without worrying about legal constraints.

Zhang Yi replied, "I want to borrow 5 million."

Chen Xiong furrowed his brows, "Oh, that's not a small amount. But Mr. Zhang, I want to make it clear upfront; our interest rates are quite high. You should be prepared."

Hu Minghua chimed in, "Mr. Zhang's business urgently needs working capital. Once the business turns around, he'll be able to earn this money back quickly, right?"

The two of them played along, and Zhang Yi saw through their act.

Still feigning urgency, Zhang Yi said, "Yes, I can repay it quickly. The interest can be higher as long as you can lend me the money."

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