Chapter 8: Supplies Gradually Arrive

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After providing his address, Zhang Yi instructed the staff from Hai Di Lao to deliver the hot pot ingredients to his place later. As for food supplies, he could directly acquire them from Walmart's warehouse.

Hot pot base, a unique item, wouldn't be sold commercially. Even the bagged hot pot bases available in the market were incomparable to those used in the restaurant. Otherwise, there wouldn't be customers dining in.

After finishing his meal, Zhang Yi was preparing to return home when he received a call from the manager of a five-star hotel.

"Mr. Zhang, the 500 banquet tables you ordered are ready. Are you available to receive them now?"

"Yes, you can bring them over."

Back home, Zhang Yi eagerly awaited the delivery of a vast array of delicious foods that would suffice for the next two or three years. With several million in hand, he spent money without hesitation, eager to exhaust his wealth.

While on his way home, Zhang Yi contemplated what other foods he enjoyed. Consequently, he placed orders with several renowned restaurants in Tianhai City, asking them to deliver a hundred tables each. Covering eight major culinary styles, including Western cuisine, he ordered thousands of tables, securing his dietary preferences for the foreseeable future.

Not long after, the catering vehicles from Hong Fu Tian Xia hotel arrived at the entrance of Yue Lu Community. The sight of two to three dozen cars blocking the road astonished the neighbors.

Security guard Uncle You hastened to inquire about their purpose and insisted that the property owners come out to authorize entry due to the scale of the entourage and the unknown contents of the cars.

The hotel manager, feeling compelled, called Zhang Yi, who descended to the community entrance. The neighbors, observing the scene, were bewildered by the spectacle.

"What kind of food requires dozens of cars? Where is he planning to put all that?" they wondered.

"Maybe something's going on in Zhang Yi's family. A banquet, perhaps?"

"Could he be getting married? But a couple of hundred tables is way too much!"

"Have you seen? That's Hong Fu Tian Xia, a five-star hotel! Ordering hundreds of tables must cost a fortune!"

"My goodness, a single meal could cost hundreds of thousands. Zhang Yi is indeed wealthy!"

While discussions ensued among the neighbors, they viewed Zhang Yi with a mix of awe and curiosity. Witnessing this scene, Fang Yu Qing on the side adjusted her hair and approached him with a polite smile.

"Zhang Yi, what's been keeping you so busy at home? You've ordered so much stuff."

Ignoring her, Zhang Yi handed Uncle You a cigarette, saying, "It's a delivery for me. Let them in!"

Uncle You wore an astonished expression. "Delivery? What are you eating that requires dozens of cars?"

As the neighbors debated, Zhang Yi simply sighed. "Ah, if only I were that rich."

Fang Yu Qing's expression changed. "Are you joking with me?"

Zhang Yi shrugged. "Why would I lie to you? We've known each other for years, and you know my family situation. My parents passed away, and I'm just a warehouse manager. I don't have much money."

This explanation left Fang Yu Qing's face uncertain.

"You... Are you joking with me?"

Zhang Yi spread his hands. "Why would I lie to you? We've known each other for years, and you know my family situation. My parents passed away, and I'm just a warehouse manager. I don't have much money."

This clarification dispelled Fang Yu Qing's doubts. She adjusted her distance from Zhang Yi, neatly combed her hair, and with a courteous smile, said, "Whether you're rich or not, we're still the best of friends, right? I'm not a materialistic person."

She emphasized the word "friends" deliberately.

Zhang Yi, with a smirk, stopped engaging in further conversation. On the other side, the staff of Hong Fu Tian Xia started transporting the meals table by table to the location Zhang Yi had designated.

Although 500 tables of food were substantial, after being packed in meal boxes, it didn't occupy much space. The sight of this extraordinary delivery caused a stir but failed to pique much concern. In this busy world, who had the time or inclination to worry about the affairs of unrelated individuals?

Soon, all 500 tables of food were safely stowed away in Zhang Yi's spatial storage.

By nightfall, Zhang Yi received a call from Wu Huai Ren, the manager of the Dragon War Security Company. They were ready to proceed with constructing the secure residence and inquired about a convenient time for him to begin.

Zhang Yi suggested they start the following day, and in the meantime, he decided to move into a hotel.

After discussing the secure residence details, Zhang Yi waited for further information from Wu Huai Ren. There was another crucial matter he needed help with: obtaining the Equality Conduit, an item capable of transcending mortal lives.

After contemplating for a while, Wu Huai Ren lowered his voice and said to Zhang Yi, "If you're really in need of that, I can recommend a route. However, the cost might be a bit high."

Zhang Yi nodded, well aware of the potential expenses. Money, however, was no longer a concern for him.

"That's not an issue, as long as the quality is good."

Wu Huai Ren, nonchalant, responded, "Alright then. I'll provide you with a recommendation. In three days, I'll notify you of the meeting place for the transaction."

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