Chapter 44: Why Should I Beg for Mercy?

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Although nobody had witnessed Liu Tiantian's fate, everyone could make an educated guess. What awaited a girl who fell into a pack of wolves?

Even if Chen Zhenghao spared her life, losing all her essential resources meant she had no future but death. However, instead of feeling too much sorrow, people breathed a sigh of relief. At least Liu Tiantian could feed Chen Zhenghao's group for a while.

Nevertheless, this incident served as a warning to other owners. If things continued this way, their survival might be short-lived.

One afternoon, Zhang Yiru found himself unexpectedly added to a new chat group. He smirked at the increasing paranoia in this unstable environment. Small groups were forming as if uniting would make them stronger.

Glancing at the group members, Zhang Yiru noticed there were only six or seven people, including Zhou Peng, Fang Yuqing, Lin Caining, and a few other neighbors. Zhang Yiru frowned, wondering what they wanted.

Soon, someone approached him.

Fang Yuqing: "@Zhang Yiru, now it's too dangerous outside. Chen Zhenghao will sooner or later target us. We must unite."

Zhang Yiru responded casually, "I'm fine. I'm quite comfortable on my own."

Lin Caining: "It's not that simple. You're alone, and Chen Zhenghao has five or six people plus guns. You're not safe."

Zhang Yiru sneered. Why don't you ask Chen Zhenghao who broke his leg? He hasn't dared to retaliate because he knows I'm tough.

Zhang Yiru asked, "So what do you want?"

Fang Yuqing hurriedly said, "Right now, we're scattered, and it's too dangerous. We've decided to move in together, so even if we face Chen Zhenghao, we'll have a united force."

Zhang Yiru chuckled, "What? You think gathering together will make you immune to Chen Zhenghao's guns?"

Ridiculous. If numbers really mattered, with fifty households and over a hundred people in the building, they could easily stomp Chen Zhenghao to death.

Everyone was just scared, seeking comfort in numbers.

Another group member spoke up. His name was Sun Zhichao, and Zhang Yiru remembered him as a white-collar worker in finance.

"Having more people will make them wary, and we can unite to barricade the doors. That way, we won't fear them breaking in."

"But right now, what we lack is a good stronghold."

Fang Yuqing quickly added, "Zhang Yiru, your house has a balcony, and the security door is strong. It's perfect for resisting Chen Zhenghao."

"So, we hope you can join our team, and together, we can resist Chen Zhenghao!"

At this point, Zhang Yiru finally understood. Most likely, Fang Yuqing had told these people that his house was exceptional. They probably knew about his perfect insulation system and abundant food supply.

Zhang Yiru laughed scornfully. He heard their plans from a dozen floors away!

Without hesitation, Zhang Yiru bluntly refused, "I don't need it, thanks. I'm quite comfortable on my own. If you want to live together, find your own place!"

Seven or eight people crammed into his home? Who knows who is who at this time? That would only bring danger.

Moreover, Zhang Yiru owed them nothing. Why should he?

After being rejected, the group members in the chat were clearly displeased.

Sun Zhichao: "Zhang Yiru, we're all in mortal danger. You can't be so short-sighted! Only by being together can we survive!"

Another group member, Wang Min, added, "Just because your floor has a balcony that's convenient for getting snowwater, that's why we chose your house."

"You think we're taking advantage of you, but in fact, we can also protect you!"

Zhang Yiru's mouth twisted into a sneer.

He sent a message in the group, "Protect me????"

A series of question marks afterward reflected his internal sarcasm.

Do you know what kind of life I'm living now?

Protect me? Really shameless to say that!

Fang Yuqing, still hiding under the covers, pursed her lips and began firing her arguments. She knew Zhang Yiru didn't like her and wouldn't let her in.

Lin Caining: "Zhang Yiru, okay, we admit we are asking for your help. But think about it. As long as you let us take refuge in your home, you can save seven or eight lives!"

"Can you bear to watch us being killed by Chen Zhenghao? We've been friends and neighbors for so many years!"

Zhang Yiru indeed knew all seven or eight people, and some had good relationships with him, even a colleague from his workplace.

They all spoke, asking Zhang Yiru to let them in, emphasizing their past connections.

However, the Zhang Yiru who had been persecuted to death in his previous life was no longer the soft-hearted guy.

Those who had divided a share of his belongings back then were mostly in this group.

In the apocalypse, what was there to talk about humanity?

Survival was the only rule!

So he said, "In such times, everyone's survival depends on their own abilities. You have no value to me, so why should I protect you?"

After saying this, Zhang Yiru directly chose to leave the group.

Dreaming of taking advantage of him? That was just wishful thinking!

As long as he wasn't bound by morality, he wouldn't be kidnapped.

After chatting, Zhang Yiru took out a box of potato chips from the otherworldly space. He went to the window, sat on the soft lounge chair, ate chips, and enjoyed the scenery outside.

Ignoring the extreme cold, the snow-covered landscape was truly beautiful. The earth was wrapped in a silver coat, pleasing to the eye.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a shaky black dot on the 18th floor in front, followed by a desperate scream.

Zhang Yiru carefully looked and realized that the falling object was a person. In an instant, the person sank into the thick snow, about six or seven meters deep.

With the temperature outside below minus seventy degrees, sinking into the deep snow meant certain death.

It seemed that other units were facing similar situations.

With resources running out, everyone had started fighting for supplies, even resorting to violence and murder.

Anywhere with people had become a direction towards a living hell.

While eating potato chips, Zhang Yiru calculated the future situation in his mind.

It seemed that, besides being vigilant against his neighbors in this unit, he needed to be more cautious about the survivors outside.

In the apocalypse, anything could happen.

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