Chapter 191: Greed is a Deadly Poison

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The villagers of Xu Dong suffered heavy casualties, and the ground was filled with the wounded. Although they hadn't died, the pain they endured was even more unbearable than death itself. Especially those with their feet pierced, attempting to pull out the nails to stop the bleeding. However, those nails weren't just smooth; they also had threaded screws on them! With even a slight force, those things were more vicious than thorns, directly scraping off flesh!
"How could this happen?" Everyone was extremely puzzled. When they fought around Xu Family Town before, they were always victorious, never experiencing such a miserable situation. Finally, someone noticed the root of the problem. "Chunlei hasn't arrived yet!" Once these words were spoken, everyone suddenly realized. Xu Chunlei, who could manipulate ice and snow, was like a walking cheat code in this snowy battlefield! The true strength didn't lie in them, but rather in having Xu Chunlei in their village. The leaders of several teams had gloomy expressions, instructing all the villagers to temporarily retreat. They found Xu Dongsheng, "Village Chief, call Chunlei over! There's still over a hundred meters to cover, and we don't know how many traps are beneath the snow! We must get Chunlei here!" People expressed their hopes in various ways, all wishing for Xu Chunlei to come and solve the current crisis. Xu Dongsheng's expression was a bit ugly. Initially, when Xu Chunlei pleaded with him not to attack Zhang Yi's sanctuary, he scolded Chunlei for being cowardly and even made bold statements that they didn't need Xu Chunlei to take down this sanctuary. But now, the first wave of attack left the villagers at a loss. In the sanctuary's second floor, Zhang Yi held a sniper rifle, silently waiting. "Why hasn't the ice and snow Ability user made a move yet?" There were too many people; he didn't know which one was the Ability user. However, if that person made a move, he could quickly lock onto the target. The straight-line distance from here to the group of villagers was less than 200 meters. Even if that person hesitated due to his ability, shooting from a longer distance, as long as it was within 2000 meters, Zhang Yi could still snipe them! "Hurry up!" Zhang Yi said lightly. On Xu Dongsheng's side, facing the pressure imposed by the villagers, his old face couldn't hold up. At this moment, asking Xu Chunlei for help? Asking his grandson for help? He gritted his teeth, but he couldn't do it! Xu Dongsheng scolded, "What are you afraid of! Without Chunlei, are we unable to do anything?" "This kid is a bit ruthless, actually setting up so many traps around the house." "Hehe, when we were young, who didn't set traps when going up the mountains? It's not a big deal!" "Don't worry, everyone. Let's move forward step by step and dismantle all the traps." "He's right here; a monk may run away, but the temple won't. Don't be afraid of him!" In order to save face, Xu Dongsheng chose to confront Zhang Yi head-on without seeking help from Xu Chunlei. The villagers looked at each other, uneasy. Xu Dongsheng handed his binoculars to someone beside him. "Take a closer look inside that villa, see what's in there!" A middle-aged man took the binoculars curiously and looked towards the villa. The first floor was still brightly lit, and through the window, they could clearly see the luxurious scene inside. Various high-end and luxurious furniture adorned the room. At the dining table, two exceptionally beautiful women sat, eating and looking outside. On the table were steaming, delicious dishes. "Gulp—" The middle-aged man couldn't help but swallow several mouthfuls of saliva. Whether it was the delicious food or the two beautiful women who made him jealous, he couldn't decide. Seeing this, others snatched the binoculars and looked over. Each person saw what they desired inside the villa—food, a warm and comfortable house, and two top-tier beauties! If they could live in such an environment, who would care about the apocalypse? This place was clearly a paradise!Xu Dongsheng pointed to the villa less than 200 meters away from them, "As long as you can break through, everything there is yours!"The people of Xu Dong Village were already tempted. Having come this far, leaving with dozens of casualties and returning empty-handed would be a source of discontent."But, there are traps and bombs in the snow. How do we break through this situation?"Someone cautiously questioned.Others suggested, "Let's call Chunlei over! With his abilities, a little effort, and he can clear this snowy area completely! All traps will be exposed."People around nodded, showing strong agreement with this idea.Xu Dongsheng's face gradually turned red. As the elder of the Xu family, the village chief, and the clan head, he cared a lot about his reputation. Asking Xu Chunlei for help was out of the question for him!"Humph, bunch of useless cowards! It seems that besides Chunlei, everyone else in our village is spineless, timid softies!""If you're afraid, just go back! Don't embarrass our Xu family!"Xu Dongsheng's scolding left the Xu family men in front of him red-faced, embarrassed, and angry."Third Grandpa, we're not cowards!""What is there to fear? I'll go grab that Zhang Yi right now and show you all!"The young men in the village were filled with enthusiasm, grabbing tools and turning to clear the traps.Seeing this scene, Xu Dongsheng nodded in satisfaction."That's more like it! There's really nothing to fear. Just be a bit careful, and these childish traps are nothing."After the painful experience of the first round, the villagers of Xu Dong quickly became wise. Worried about hidden traps in the snowy ground, they started digging ice blocks from a distance and throwing them ahead. This way, even if there were trigger traps, they would explode, creating a safe path.On the second floor of the sanctuary, Zhang Yi watched their every move, secretly taking note."The wisdom of ordinary people is indeed powerful! This method can render most traps in the area ineffective.""However, high-tech equipment is not something these simple methods can overcome."The villagers of Xu Dong continued to advance. Using the method of throwing ice blocks to create a path allowed them to eliminate a portion of the traps. Even landmine traps were detonated in four or five places, boosting their confidence.A triumphant smile appeared on Xu Dongsheng's face. "Alright, let's keep moving forward! The shotgun team, stay close. Zhang Yi has surely noticed us by now. If he dares to shoot, immediately return fire!"Xu Dongsheng's cousin, Xu Dongping, an old hunter in the village, grinned while holding an old shotgun."Don't worry, as long as he dares to show his head, I'll definitely put a hole in his brain!"

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