Chapter 81: Police Station Armory

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The silent city of Tianhai was engulfed in vast, white snowflakes. When viewed from high above, only the shadows of some tall buildings were visible, with everything else covered in pristine snow.

Zhang Yi rode on the snowmobile, swiftly maneuvering over the snowy terrain. After almost a month of self-isolation at home, this was the first time he had ventured out for a joyride. The wind whistled past his ears, and the sensation was incredibly exhilarating. Zhang Yi couldn't help but let out a few "howls."

The distinctive sound of the snowmobile drew attention as Zhang Yi rode, and he noticed shadows behind the glass of some high-rise buildings. Even in the apocalypse, some humans, resilient creatures like locusts, would find a way to survive. The harsh conditions were like a pesticide, but those who survived would gradually adapt.

Zhang Yi touched the gun in his pocket, feeling a sense of security. Every living person in the city could potentially pose a threat. In the apocalypse, one should never fully trust human nature.

Zhang Yi's first destination was not the nearby supermarket. Riding the motorcycle, he headed straight to the Tianhai City Police Department because there, the weapons were undoubtedly stored.

Zhang Yi remembered the saying: "All fear comes from inadequate firepower." So, weapons, especially firearms, were unquestionably beneficial. After traveling for over half an hour, Zhang Yi arrived at the location of the Tianhai City Police Department, most of which was already submerged.

The originally six-story building now had the lower three floors completely obscured. Fortunately, the police station was an independent structure, a single story higher than residential buildings. Otherwise, if Zhang Yi had come ten days later, there might be nothing left.

Zhang Yi parked the snowmobile in front of a window on the fourth floor. He got off, removed the key, and then grabbed the crowbar, smashing the reinforced glass.

Crash! The toughened glass shattered on the floor. Zhang Yi took out a gun from his pocket and entered the building.

Inside was pitch-black, but that wasn't a problem for Zhang Yi. He directly took out a miner's lamp from his spatial storage. It was a small-sized lamp used by miners, compact yet exceptionally bright. When turned on, it resembled a small sun, making the surroundings exceptionally clear.

Zhang Yi didn't know the internal structure of the police station, so he had to search room by room. When he reached the snow-covered second floor and forcibly opened a locked room, the scene inside moved him slightly.

In the corner of the room, seven or eight police officers huddled together. They were wrapped in thin blankets, their bodies whiter than the snow.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, feeling somewhat upset. These officers were on the night shift, and when the blizzard arrived, they didn't even have warm clothes for protection. Judging by their appearance, they likely died from freezing.

Zhang Yi wanted to bury them, but after some contemplation, he thought that being buried in the place they dedicated their efforts to might also be a form of fulfillment. He bowed respectfully, mourning silently for these people who protected the city.

Then, he bypassed the bodies and continued the search. The police station had many miscellaneous items, making the search time-consuming. When Zhang Yi got tired, he took out a piece of pure cocoa butter chocolate from his space and ate it to replenish his energy.

After nearly two hours, Zhang Yi finally found the armory, but it was securely locked. After trying to pry it open without success, he slapped his forehead and went to find the key.

Fortunately, he knew the key must be in the duty room, and it wasn't challenging to locate. After obtaining the key, Zhang Yi smoothly opened the door.

Upon opening the armory, Zhang Yi was in for a surprise. There were many firearms inside, including pistols and rifles, totaling dozens. He even found a sniper rifle!

Although Zhang Yi had never seen or used such things, he didn't bother with their names. He collected them all and planned to study them later, especially the sniper rifle—it was a top-notch item! It would come in handy for some sneaky maneuvers in the future.

"Well... even if my marksmanship isn't that accurate, at least it can scare people."

Zhang Yi proudly declared, then discovered more than a thousand rounds of ammunition. There were also old-fashioned muskets confiscated, but after lying around for who knows how many years, it was uncertain if they could still fire.

Zhang Yi didn't mind and took everything. This trip out turned into a big harvest!

In addition to firearms and ammunition, Zhang Yi found over a dozen bulletproof vests and a complete set of riot gear, including riot helmets, shields, and batons.

"All of this will be enough to build a formidable team in the future!"

Zhang Yi was overjoyed. He collected everything and confirmed one thing: there were still abundant resources outside!

After all, the heavy snowfall on the night of December 12, when people woke up the next day, the snow in front of their doors was over a meter deep, and the temperature had dropped to dozens of degrees below freezing.

Most people hadn't realized the advent of the apocalypse, nor had they begun to frantically hoard supplies. By the time they realized the situation, it was too late to go out.

With what he wanted in hand, Zhang Yi left the police station. Snow had accumulated on the motorcycle.

It dawned on Zhang Yi that he had been out for most of the day.

"I should go get some pig feed for them."

Thinking of those scoundrel neighbors, Zhang Yi said casually. He circled around and found a supermarket that hadn't been completely buried.

Then, using the method of breaking windows, he got in.

However, upon inspection, Zhang Yi found that the supermarket was almost empty. The shelves were as clean as if they had just been stocked. There were only some frozen rotten vegetable leaves on the floor.

Rubbing his chin, Zhang Yi said, "This is a convenience store close to the residential area, so it's not surprising that everything was looted."

"But those large shopping malls in the urban and suburban areas must still have supplies."

Many newly built large shopping malls generally wouldn't be too close to residential areas due to the high cost of land. Zhang Yi, who worked in warehousing, naturally knew this.

He hopped on the snowmobile, heading toward the economic development zone where a Wanda Plaza had been completed two years ago. The nearest residential buildings were about three kilometers away, so the chances of it being looted were relatively low.

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