Chapter 123: Watching from the Sidelines

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For now, Zhang Yi didn't need to do anything complicated. He just had to go out every day, put on a show of collecting food, and distribute it to the neighbors in the community. Then, the delightful part was about to come – observing conflicts within other units!

Dismantling the enemy from within is always the quickest.

Returning home, Zhang Yi, as usual, checked the situation inside the house using the surveillance on his phone. Confirming that everything was normal inside, and Zhou Ker was in her own room, Zhang Yi opened the door and walked in.

He opened the door for Zhou Ker and then went to take a hot shower to relax after spending the whole day outside. The cold-resistant suit prevented him from getting frostbite, but his skin still felt the cold, causing his pores to shrink. Only when he turned on the showerhead, and hot water cascaded down on his hair and body, did the tension in his body relax.

Zhang Yi reached out and washed his face vigorously, feeling incredibly happy.

"This state won't last too long."

"As long as I get rid of those bastards and find a way to leave this place, I'll look for a comfortable area to start a new life."

It had been a month since his rebirth, and Zhang Yi had taken care of most of the enemies who had killed him in his previous life. Moreover, his revenge methods were more ruthless than what they had done to him in his past life!

Next, Zhang Yi planned to clean up the entire community, taking care of them in the process. Later, he would find a way to dismantle the safe house and move it elsewhere. The quality of the safe house was extremely sturdy. His current plan was to find a large amount of explosives and blow up the entire building. The other items in the safe house could be stored in his dimensional space. As for the outer shell of the safe house, it was made of lightweight and robust aerospace metal. It would hardly suffer any damage even if it fell into the snow. After all, this thing could withstand the frictional force of a spaceship returning from space to a planet!

"Soon, dealing with these guys won't take too long."

A pleased smile appeared on Zhang Yi's face.

In the near future, he would bury his hatred and pain in this place and start a completely new life.

After the shower, Zhang Yi, wrapped in a towel, went to Zhou Ker's door and opened it for her.

Zhou Ker, with a shy red face, sat on the bed. Her long and straight legs were tightly clasped, as if she was trying hard to endure something.

When Zhang Yi opened the door, she lowered her head, dared not look at Zhang Yi, and hurriedly rushed to the bathroom.

Zhang Yi rubbed his chin, "Could it be that she was just... impossible! I've been feeding her well lately; it can't be to this extent."

Soon, Zhang Yi heard the clear sound of water.

He suddenly realized, slapping his forehead, "I left her alone for a day; she must be desperate!"

A mischievous smile appeared on his lips, "She's quite particular. Even when she's desperate, she won't use a mineral water bottle!"

Shortly after, Zhou Ker came out of the bathroom, her face still blushing.

Having held it for too long, she seemed a bit exhausted.

Zhang Yi walked over, wrapped his arm around her slender waist, and held her white wrist in his hand.

"Are you okay?"

Zhou Ker widened her eyes and gave Zhang Yi a fierce look, as if asking, "I'm in this state, and you're still coming over?"

Zhang Yi grinned, "You know, I like it a bit rough!"

Seeing Zhou Ker's embarrassed appearance actually piqued Zhang Yi's interest.

Ignoring Zhou Ker's current embarrassment, he forcibly lifted her up and threw her onto the sofa.

Soon, melodious sounds echoed in the room, accompanied by the rhythmic clapping sounds.

Primitive communication was quite stress-relieving.

Only at this moment could Zhang Yi forget all the troubles.


While Zhang Yi was enjoying the pleasures of being human at home, the floor leaders of other units also received the food sent by their subordinates.

Looking at the plastic bags of food, the expressions of these floor leaders varied, but most of them were somewhat disappointed.

The ten portions of food were just the basic amount for one day, and one plastic bag could hold it all.

On the side of the Wolf Gang, Wang Qiang, not caring about his little brothers beside him, rushed up and tore open the plastic bag. After rummaging for a while, he finally pulled out a pack of cigarettes!

Wang Qiang's eyes immediately lit up, holding the pack of cigarettes as if it were a treasure.

Not only him, but also the little brothers around him had eyes filled with excitement, and even their throats began to move.

These guys were all old smokers. Due to the end of the world, they hadn't smoked for almost a month, making them almost crazy and extremely irritable.

Now, seeing a pack of cigarettes, how could they not be excited?

The second in command, Xiao Lu, couldn't help but say, "Boss, can you give me one?"

Other little brothers chimed in, "Boss, give us one too!"

"We're almost suffocating to death. If we don't smoke, we're going to die!"

Wang Qiang's eyebrows immediately furrowed, and his face turned unfriendly.

He usually smoked a pack of cigarettes a day, and this pack of cigarettes was just enough for him. If shared, these guys would only get half a pack!

But when he saw the bloodshot and crazy eyes of these little brothers, his heart skipped a beat.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Qiang said, "These cigarettes are hard to come by. I went through a lot of trouble to force Zhang Yi to bring them. You're all my good brothers, so I can let you have a good time. From now on, work hard for me!"

The little brothers below couldn't hear anything else. Anyway, whatever Wang Qiang said, they listened.

As long as they could smoke, they were willing to do anything!

Wang Qiang clenched his teeth, handing out cigarettes one by one.

When he distributed the cigarettes, his hands were shaking, and he felt like he was bleeding inside.

After receiving the cigarettes, the members of the Wolf Gang immediately excitedly lit them, and tears filled their eyes as they exhaled clouds of smoke.

Only a true old smoker would understand how happy they were at this moment!

But the good times were short-lived. It didn't take long for a cigarette to be smoked completely.

Wang Qiang had already stuffed the half-pack of cigarettes into his pocket. He pretended not to see the resentful eyes of the others.

"Cough, let's share the food next!"

Wang Qiang opened the plastic bag, seeing what was inside – some poor-quality bread, biscuits, and other items.

However, in his eyes, these were long-awaited good things!

Who knew how long they had been eating barbecue? They just wanted to eat something normal!


Wang Qiang swallowed his saliva and didn't rush to take the bread. Instead, he beckoned to one of the little brothers.

The little brother walked over blankly. Wang Qiang picked up a piece of bread, smiled, and handed it to him.

"Xu Yi, you're the weakest. You should eat first!"

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