Chapter 41: Neighbors Who Only Shout Slogans

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As soon as the new group was formed, the owners and tenants from each household began to panic and chat frantically.

"Chen Zhenghao is like a devil! He robbed three households, breaking in through their doors."

"The residents of 301 on the third floor were two young and hot-tempered individuals. They wanted to resist but were directly shot dead by him."

"The other two households are 302 and 401. Frightened, they obediently handed over all their food and drinks."

"Sigh, in times like these, without food and drink at home, isn't that waiting for death?"

Someone passionately declared, "We must unite and collectively resist this bully Chen Zhenghao!"

Immediately, there were responses from below.

"Yes, with so many households, are we going to be afraid of five or six of them?"

"As long as everyone is united, he's not a threat!"

However, someone brought up a point, "But he has a gun!"

"Hmph, what does it matter if he has a gun? How many bullets can he have in one gun?"

"Exactly, if we all charge together, he won't stand a chance against us!"

"I'll deliver a left kick and then a right roundhouse kick. I guarantee he won't get up!"

"Now that he has a limp, he's nothing. If he didn't have a gun, hehe, I could take care of him alone!"

As everyone passionately discussed confronting Chen Zhenghao, they were full of blood, as if they couldn't wait to rush to Chen Zhenghao's house and execute him!

However, someone interjected at this moment.

"So, when are we going to take action?"

This statement led to a brief silence. Talking big was convenient, but actually going all out was a different story. Everyone understood the logic, but none wanted to be the one at the front line facing bullets.

"Well, that's not a problem. We can definitely deal with him!"

"After all, he's a desperado with a few thugs under him. We need to plan this carefully."

"Yes, going all out like barbarians won't work. We need to win with wisdom!"

Zhang Yiru sneered. Weren't they just shouting that Chen Zhenghao was not a threat? Now, they were talking about winning with wisdom?

He found it amusing.

At this moment, Uncle You, the security guard in the neighborhood, suddenly posted a message.

"We can't let Chen Zhenghao and his gang continue like this. If this goes on, everyone will end up dead."

"Even if we're not shot, being robbed of all our food and drinks is as good as death."

"I can take the lead, and everyone can follow me to teach these scoundrels a lesson!"

Uncle You usually didn't talk much. He was a veteran, straightforward, and full of passion. He was quite respected in the neighborhood.

Facing the shameless Chen Zhenghao, the heartless and ruthless villain, his heart burned with anger.

"Wow, Uncle You is mighty! He deserves to be an offspring of the people's army, impressive!"

"Uncle You, I support you. Do you need weapons? You can use our kitchen knives."

"I also have a Longquan sword I bought last year when I went on vacation. It cuts through iron like mud! I can lend it to you."

"Chen Zhenghao is just a cripple now. Uncle You, you can ambush him from behind and don't give him a chance."

The crowd praised Uncle You while offering various suggestions. However, not a single person said they would go with Uncle You to confront Chen Zhenghao.

Uncle You was a bit speechless.

"Chen Zhenghao and his gang have five or six people and guns. I can't go alone."

"At the very least, we need a dozen guys to go with me to ensure safety."

"I've been a soldier, and I still have some skills. I can take the lead."

The adult male residents in the neighborhood suddenly fell silent. On the other hand, female residents like Fang Yuqing, who didn't have adult males in their homes, suddenly became spirited.

"Yes, we women are weak and powerless. We can't deal with scoundrels like this. The men in Building 25, now is the time to show your masculinity!"

"All the men in our building are extraordinary and mighty. You must succeed!"

"It's time to showcase your gentlemanly demeanor. I hope you succeed and protect us weak women."

The adult male owners were naturally unwilling. Some of them were still single or lived alone, while others shared an apartment with friends. Asking them to risk their lives against villains was not entirely out of the question, but seeing the attitudes of the female owners, who clearly considered it their duty to go through life-threatening dangers, these men were unhappy.

"Absolutely not! You used to prioritize women in everything. Now that there's danger, you want us to go first? Why should we?"

"Now, we're giving you the fairness you wanted. If we're going, everyone goes together."

"During ordinary times, you emphasized women first. Now, when danger comes, you want us to take the lead. Why?"

"I'm not unwilling to risk my life, but I will only protect my wife and children."

The female owners, seeing the reluctance of the men to confront Chen Zhenghao, began to scold them.

"Are you even men? Isn't this the occasion where you should step forward?"

"Letting women take risks, it's disgusting! I'll never marry someone like you in the future!"

In the initially formed group for discussing solutions to the risks brought by Chen Zhenghao, an inexplicable argument about who should confront him first broke out, eventually escalating into a gender conflict.

Zhang Yiru watched with a deep sense of helplessness.

The plot was exactly the same as in his previous life.

That was why, even after Chen Zhenghao killed half the people in the building in his past life, he still managed to control everyone with a gun and had them obedient until their deaths. They closed their eyes when they died, not even daring to struggle.

Seeing this, Uncle You urgently appealed in the group.

"Stop arguing for now. Dealing with Chen Zhenghao is the most pressing issue."

In the unit building, there was a female owner living on the seventh floor named Liu Tiantian. She was a key player in the argument between men and women, a 22-year-old, just-graduated little fairy.

With both men and women now heatedly expressing their anger, whenever Liu Tiantian saw a male speaking, she would launch into a tirade. Even if Uncle You, who was well-intentioned, spoke up, she would quickly type away with her two fingers.

"Uncle You, what are you pretending to be a good person for? You've been a soldier, so you should be the first one to charge in these situations."

"We have so many men in our building. If we exchange one for one with them, everyone else will be safe, won't they?"

"In today's society, it's clear that we women are more important. The only thing you men can do is to provide services for us women."

"I hope all the shrimp-headed men in the group remember this point. Don't make me say it a second time!"

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