Chapter 86: Sniper Rifle

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After Zhang Yi finished speaking, the neighbors pondered the pros and cons with their heads bowed. Someone asked, "Zhang Yi, it's understandable that you and Zhou Ke'er don't have to take shifts, but why doesn't Uncle You have to? Clearly, he's the best at fighting!"

Zhang Yi stared at him and said slowly, "Exactly because Uncle You is a crucial force. He needs to conserve his strength and wait for the critical battles to come. Understand?"

Although this explanation seemed a bit far-fetched, no one dared to refute Zhang Yi's words. In reality, Zhang Yi's true purpose was to ensure Uncle You's safety. The others were on the front lines, responsible for defending against attacks from enemies in other buildings, essentially serving as cannon fodder.

Uncle You, with his excellent combat skills and honest personality, was the best subordinate in Zhang Yi's eyes. It was essential to keep him alive for future service to Zhang Yi.

After making the arrangements, Zhang Yi instructed the neighbors to return to their homes, leaving only those on duty near the fourth floor. This was a strategic location since anyone attempting to attack their building would have to pass through it, whether by tunneling from below or climbing in through the fourth-floor windows.

Once everyone else went upstairs, Zhang Yi, accompanied by Zhou Ke'er, returned home. He wouldn't expose his back to those he didn't trust. With no one else around, Xie Limei couldn't help but inquire, "Zhang Yi, did you forget about our food?"

Zhang Yi raised his head, a hint of icy amusement in his eyes. Uncle You quickly pulled on Xie Limei's arm, cautioning her, "What are you saying?"

Xie Limei continued, "Clearly, Big Brother You contributed the most, yet he doesn't get anything. Isn't that too..."

Zhang Yi interrupted, "The supplies I brought back are not just these. I kept the better items for myself. Uncle You, you can come to my place later."

Hearing this, Xie Limei immediately put on a smiling face. "I knew you wouldn't let Big Brother You go unrewarded!"

Uncle You gave her a disdainful look. "I told you earlier, Brother Zhang Yi is a trustworthy person!"

Zhang Yi smiled but didn't say anything. Back in the house, he took out a box of instant noodles from the alternate space, placed it at the door, and informed Uncle You to come and get it in ten minutes.

Inside the room, Zhang Yi quickly took off his cold-resistant clothing, and a pan fell to the ground from inside the leather jacket.

Zhou Ke'er laughed, picking up the pan. "There's probably not even a ghost outside, and you're being overly cautious!"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly. "I won't need this anymore in the future." He found something better – a police-grade bulletproof vest, snug and secure.

Back in the warmth of his home, Zhang Yi felt an even deeper sense of happiness. Facing temperatures of more than minus seventy degrees outside, even with cold-resistant clothing, the chilling sensation was still evident. Especially when riding a motorcycle, the feeling was more pronounced.

Zhang Yi took out some food he had collected today from the alternate space and placed it on the table. Zhou Ke'er was also hungry after not eating the whole day.

Zhang Yi, who took back all the food before leaving, and Zhou Ke'er had nothing to eat. Sitting at the dining table, they enjoyed their meal heartily.

Curious, Zhou Ke'er asked, "How's it outside now?"

Zhang Yi replied, "What can it be like? The heavy snow has sealed the city, covering the lower buildings completely. If this situation continues, even when the snow stops, it will take at least half a month for the snow to melt."

Zhou Ke'er nodded. "And winter is about to begin; the temperature will only get lower."

"That's not a problem for us," Zhang Yi said. "What we need to deal with now is people. In this post-apocalyptic world, humans are even more frightening than demons."

After finishing their meal, Zhou Ke'er nestled next to Zhang Yi, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Zhang Yi glanced at her. "What?"

Blushing, Zhou Ke'er said, "For warmth!" She pressed her body with ample fat against Zhang Yi.

Ever since Zhang Yi awakened her, she seemed to have transformed, clinging to Zhang Yi every day. Fortunately, Zhang Yi was young, vigorous, and energetic. An average person might not be able to withstand her.

Zhang Yi laughed, patting her plump buttocks. "I don't have time for this now. Go take a shower and rest in the room."

Zhou Ke'er threw a flirtatious look at Zhang Yi before obediently heading to the bathroom. What made Zhang Yi put aside even the temptation of beauty? It was the common interest of men – guns!

Zhang Yi took out all the firearms he had collected today from the alternate space. Although he wasn't an expert, he had some knowledge of firearms, having joined the shooting association in Tianhai City and frequently visited the shooting range.

Police-grade firearms had much better performance than the ones he had acquired through the black market. So, Zhang Yi replaced his previous guns with two police-grade pistols, fully loaded with ammunition. Holsters and tactical belts were also readily available, ready to be worn around the waist.

Next, Zhang Yi began studying the rifles he had obtained and the sniper rifle. The shooting range in the Tianhai City facility had rifles for target practice but lacked sniper rifles.

However, with the modern internet being well-developed, there were abundant introductions to various firearms online. Zhang Yi took out his phone and quickly found information about these guns.

"I didn't expect these network servers to still be running. Indeed, large companies have their ways!" Zhang Yi sighed. Although many internet companies had shut down in the post-apocalyptic world, a few large enterprise servers were still operational, supporting official activities.

At least, until now, humans had not given up on rebuilding after the apocalypse, preserving a spark of civilization.

Not dwelling on these thoughts, Zhang Yi learned about the usage instructions for these firearms online. Given his existing experience with firearms, he quickly grasped the knowledge – not necessarily achieving accuracy but understanding how to shoot and reload.

"At the very least, I can use these to intimidate others. That's enough," Zhang Yi thought.

Being armed was a significant deterrent itself. Zhang Yi considered storing these firearms, fully loaded with bullets and safety off, in the alternate space. This way, if there were unexpected situations, he could retrieve the guns and use them immediately.

However, he found himself reluctant to part with the sniper rifle. Firearms were a man's romance, an inherent trait. Zhang Yi raised the rifle, using the scope to examine the windows of the building opposite.

The unit, about fifty meters away, had windows that were clearly visible. Zhang Yi could even see the locks on the windows.

"Find an opportunity to test this rifle. It's a sniper's masterpiece!" Zhang Yi smiled, a trace of satisfaction on his lips.

Direct confrontation was not something he enjoyed. Lying in wait in a corner, assassinating others without them knowing, was the most enjoyable!

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