Chapter 171: Uncle You, Do You Want a Wife?

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After helping Zhang Yi take off his clothes, Zhou Ke'er tightly embraced his arm and asked tenderly, "Are you thirsty? Would you like some hot drink? Or perhaps you're hungry, I can get you something to eat."
Zhou Ke'er deliberately trapped Zhang Yi's arm in between her ample bosom, almost completely engulfing it. Zhang Yi was a bit surprised; although she had been obedient before, this was the first time she had been so proactive.Soon, he realized that Zhou Ke'er saw Zhou Haimei as a rival. Indeed, competition leads to improvement! Zhang Yi chuckled inwardly, knowing that he would benefit from the rivalry between Zhou Ke'er and Yang Mi in the future.He said to Zhou Haimei, "You stay here for a while."Although Zhou Haimei found Zhou Ke'er's hostility amusing, she didn't say anything. She simply nodded faintly and went to sit on the sofa.Zhang Yi took Zhou Ke'er into her room. Once inside, Zhou Ke'er stared at Zhang Yi with a sly smile and said, "Now I see, you actually like mature women!""Don't get ahead of yourself; she's here to take care of Uncle You," Zhang Yi explained with a smile. "But, you're not wrong about me liking mature women."Zhou Ke'er felt there was more to his words than met the eye. "Hmm?"Changing the subject, Zhang Yi asked, "How is Uncle You's condition now?"Zhou Ke'er replied, "His body has recovered almost completely, which is quite unbelievable! According to the normal recovery rate, it should take at least three months. Also, following your advice, I secretly injected him with muscle relaxants, but I found that those drugs couldn't fully control his strength."Zhang Yi nodded, confirming that Uncle You's mutation was a physical enhancement type."Is his mental condition normal?" Zhang Yi had read about some mutants experiencing negative changes in their mental state.Shaking her head, Zhou Ke'er said, "No, Uncle You seems perfectly normal, no different from usual."Zhang Yi was relieved. "That's good."He instructed Zhou Ke'er to stay in the living room and chat with Zhou Haimei. After all, she would be Uncle You's woman in the future, and building a good relationship was necessary.Once Zhou Ke'er learned that Zhou Haimei wasn't a competitor, her hostility vanished. She hadn't chatted with someone of the opposite sex for a long time, so she happily went to talk with her.Meanwhile, Zhang Yi went to the sickroom. Opening the door, he saw Uncle You sitting on the bed, holding a phone, and chuckling mysteriously.Upon hearing the door open, he quickly stuffed the phone under the pillow. "Zhang Yi? You're back! Why didn't you knock?"Uncle You blushed like a tomato, looking exactly like Guan Er Ye, the character from a Chinese TV series.Raising an eyebrow, Zhang Yi immediately understood what he had been up to. "Uncle You, were you reading 'Spring and Autumn' just now?"Uncle You coughed, "Just casually flipping through it. Hehe, it's nothing. By the way, you've been out all day, what were you busy with?"Regarding the shelter, Zhang Yi had only told Zhou Ke'er and hadn't informed Uncle You. But now that he was back, it was fine for Uncle You to know.Sitting on a chair beside the sickbed, Zhang Yi briefly explained the situation. Uncle You was astonished after hearing everything."These rich people are really something! In the past, I thought they were foolish, with too much money to play with useless things.""Who would have thought that in the apocalypse, they would have the last laugh? It turns out we are the fools now!"Zhang Yi said, "There are many wealthy people both inside and outside the country who have probably built shelters. According to the ratio, it's indeed easier for people with power and wealth to survive."Uncle You chuckled nonchalantly, "Fortunately, I made such a good friend as you. That's why I've survived till now, luckily, luckily!"Looking at the straightforward Uncle You, Zhang Yi couldn't help but smile. If he had a friend in this apocalypse, it was undoubtedly Uncle You."By the way, have there been any changes in your body recently?" Zhang Yi asked.Uncle You didn't hide anything and honestly told Zhang Yi about the changes he felt. "I feel that my body is really different now. Despite such a severe gunshot wound, my wound has almost healed in just a few days."He lifted his shirt, revealing a robust, dark abdomen with well-defined six-pack abs. Despite the bandages, there was no trace of blood."I've also become much stronger," Uncle You said, reaching for the edge of the iron bed. With a little force, the sound of twisting and deforming metal echoed as the steel bar was twisted by his grip.A glint of excitement flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes. With this kind of strength, Uncle You could probably kill a tiger with his bare hands in close combat."Now I feel like a monster," Uncle You said, feeling a mix of joy and confusion.Zhang Yi smiled faintly, "Uncle You, you don't need to worry. You've just awakened a powerful ability!"Zhang Yi explained the concept of biological mutations to Uncle You and shared some information he had gathered from the global network. After his explanation, Uncle You finally understood everything.To establish mutual trust, Zhang Yi also told him about being a mutant. He then demonstrated a telekinetic act by fetching an item from a distance.Uncle You was dumbfounded, and after a long silence, he slapped the bed. "Damn, no wonder I always felt you had more things on you! So, that's how it is!"With this realization, he exerted force, and the bed frame beneath him was instantly bent!Zhang Yi watched with a satisfied smile. Uncle You, who could shield him from bullets, was undoubtedly trustworthy. The stronger Uncle You became, the more significant help he could provide in the future.At this moment, social etiquette and personal relationships came into play.Zhang Yi said to Uncle You, "Uncle You, do you want a wife?"Uncle You was momentarily stunned. "Huh?""As long as you ask, I'll bring my wife to you!""I guarantee she's beautiful, has a great figure, and is the mature, charming woman you like!"Zhang Yi lowered his voice, giving Uncle You a meaningful look.Uncle You's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but swallow saliva. After the death of Xie Limei, he hadn't said it aloud, but he was still quite upset.Being a single man in his forties with no money to marry, it wasn't easy to find a woman to warm his bed.Now, hearing that Zhang Yi had found him a wife, Uncle You couldn't be happier.He nodded eagerly. "Yes, I want! Where is she? Let me see her quickly!"

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