Chapter 128: Closing In

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The matter of Huang Tianfang and Wang Qiang having cigarettes to smoke was not a secret. After all, these two were not experts at hiding things; when others were working, they shamelessly smoked outside. With a little thought, everyone figured out that Zhang Yi was providing them with cigarettes.

As a result, several building leaders, addicted to smoking, promptly made requests, hoping Zhang Yi would also bring them cigarettes. After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yi smiled, "Providing for so many people might be a bit difficult."

Other building leaders became anxious. "Zhang Yi, you can't treat us unfairly! Our request isn't high—just one pack per day!"

"This is a lifelong request!"

Zhang Yi sighed helplessly. "Okay, I'll do my best to provide for you. Starting from tomorrow, I will supply cigarettes to those building leaders who need them."

Non-smokers couldn't help but come forward with their requests. "I don't smoke, but I like to chew betel nuts. Can this request be fulfilled?"

"I want to drink a bit. The cheapest bulk liquor will do!"


Zhang Yi said with resignation, "Alright, alright, I've noted down what you all said. I won't show favoritism; everyone will get their share!"

Satisfied, the people smiled and left with their supplies. After they left, Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei were discontent.

"Zhang Ge, aren't you treating them too well? Giving them food is already a great favor, and now they are asking for this and that!"

Zhang Yi calmly replied, "Their requests aren't unreasonable, and I can't discriminate. It's okay, let it be like this!"

People looked at Zhang Yi as if he were a stranger. How could the ruthless Zhang Yi from before now appear so weak? But the items were brought by Zhang Yi himself, and they couldn't say much.

After distributing the supplies, Zhang Yi returned home. He took a hot shower, put on comfortable pajamas, and lay on the sofa, gazing at the ceiling.

"It's about time."

Internal strife had already caused significant losses for other building units. Over 400 people had died directly, and several hundred more were injured during the battles. These individuals, for the most part, couldn't survive, and even if they did, they wouldn't pose a threat in the short term.

In the morning, Zhang Yi took a stroll around the neighborhood, observing the number of people still active. There were approximately 700 people. By using cigarettes, white wine, and other items as bait, he successfully lured out the leaders of each building unit.

In other words, the time had come to close the net!

Zhang Yi didn't plan to drag it out any longer. Since there wouldn't be major conflicts among building units in the short term, delaying made no sense. Moreover, the food he provided would replenish their energy, making them more of a threat to him after a while.

"Tomorrow is the day!"

Zhang Yi squinted his eyes slightly, a fleeting icy intent flashing between them.


The next day, Zhang Yi left the community as usual, not telling anyone about his plans, including Uncle You. Because this operation was crucial, missing the timing would increase the difficulty and risk of the action.

So Zhang Yi trusted no one.

After leaving the community, he went straight to the supermarket. He gathered a large amount of food from various shelves, focusing mostly on loose steamed buns, buns, and pre-packaged bread tied with straps.

Today, Zhang Yi deliberately found higher-quality food than in the previous days, both in terms of quality and quantity. "Let them have a more abundant last meal. That should be kind enough!"

Zhang Yi said so.

After piling up a lot of things, Zhang Yi took out the rat poison he had obtained from the alternate space. Colorless and tasteless powder, a small amount of which would be lethal.

Fortunately, these foods had deteriorated somewhat, and their colors weren't quite normal, making it impossible to notice the sprinkled poison.

Wearing the gas mask he found in the military camp, Zhang Yi carefully spread the rat poison on the food.

He spent a full half-hour doing this alone.

"Wang Qiang and Huang Tianfang may not trust the food too much and might have someone test it for poison. But those greedy individuals won't share cigarettes and white wine with others."

"Old smokers and alcoholics lose their usual caution in front of these things. I'll poison these items!"

Zhang Yi took a few packs of cigarettes. After some contemplation, he removed the outer plastic wrapping. When he gave them to Wang Qiang and others before, the cigarettes were already unsealed, preparing for today.

This would dispel their suspicions since getting cigarettes now was already a good deal, and some packaging issues weren't surprising.

Then, he carefully stuffed the rat poison bit by bit into the tobacco of the cigarettes.

As for the white wine, the process was slightly more complicated. Zhang Yi first melted the rat poison into the alcohol and then injected it through the bottle cap using a syringe.

To be honest, it was a bit crude, but when he returned, it was already close to dusk, and it was getting dark. Those alcoholics would find it hard to detect these small flaws.

After two busy hours, Zhang Yi began packing the food into bags and placed them on the plow behind the snowmobile. Today, the snow outside wasn't falling as heavily, but the wind was still sharp.

Leaning against the wall of the mall, Zhang Yi finally lit a cigarette for himself, taking small sips. Taking large puffs would easily freeze his lungs in the cold air.

"Perhaps today is the end. I always feel that this process is going too smoothly, unnaturally so."

Zhang Yi muttered to himself.

Everything done by people from other building units so far perfectly matched Zhang Yi's expectations. However, this kind of cooperation gave Zhang Yi an unreal feeling.

"It always feels too smooth. People aren't stupid, how could they be manipulated by me alone?"

Zhang Yi laughed at himself and squinted his eyes.

"This false harmony is only temporary. Those guys aren't fools. Sooner or later, they will make a move against me. The reason they're choosing to endure silently might be because they're waiting for an opportunity."

"Building 25 has a mole, but I still haven't found out who it is. Is he still alive, or did he die in the recent battles?"

These were the questions Zhang Yi asked himself, but he didn't have answers. He wasn't Sherlock Holmes or Detective Conan, lacking such powerful detective abilities.

However, in this post-apocalyptic world, he had something better—fortresses and guns!

Zhang Yi flicked the cigarette he had taken two puffs from to the ground and crushed it underfoot.

"No matter what plans you have, in the face of absolute strength, all schemes are meaningless."

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