Chapter 98: Asserting Dominance

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Zhang Yi had made up his mind to observe quietly for the time being. However, he was aware that those people were bound to lose patience and would try to take action against him. So, in recent times, he paid special attention to security issues.

He had a police helmet for head protection and a bulletproof vest for his body. Zhang Yi looked at his legs and couldn't help but furrow his brows. He had a bulletproof vest, but no bulletproof pants! After some contemplation, Zhang Yi came up with an idea.

He retrieved a bulletproof vest from his space and handed it to Zhou Keren. "Is this for me?" Zhou Keren asked excitedly.

"Help me untangle its threads; I need to use it," Zhang Yi said. Zhou Keren pouted, somewhat disappointed, but still took the bulletproof vest and used scissors to cut the threads on both sides. The threads of the bulletproof vest were tough, as they were made of special materials designed to withstand significant impact. Zhou Keren exerted a lot of effort to finally dismantle the bulletproof vest.

Now, the bulletproof vest turned into two pieces of fabric. Zhang Yi took it, gestured on his legs, and nodded in satisfaction. Wrapped around his legs and covered with a winter coat, wasn't this a pair of bulletproof pants? There are major arteries in the legs, and one must be careful!

After preparing the equipment, Zhang Yi thought for a while. He felt that he couldn't let the neighbors in the building feel too comfortable. They had to feel a sense of crisis, prompting them to take the initiative to go out and pick a fight. After all, when Zhang Yi organized them initially, it was to use them as cannon fodder, not to pamper them. He signaled to the other buildings, and he needed to do something in response.

So, Zhang Yi sent a message in the homeowners' group, informing everyone of the current situation. " @everyone, brothers and sisters of Building 25, dear family members! We are currently facing a significant crisis. Some people want to rob our food."

"Some units nearby are envious that I can go out to find food for everyone. They have threatened me, claiming that if I don't share food with them, they will attack our building."

As soon as this message was sent, the homeowners' group exploded with discussion. Neighbors had just seen a glimmer of hope for survival, and now they relied on Zhang Yi to go out every day and bring back some food to keep them alive. Now, other buildings were envious and wanted to come and snatch it. Naturally, they disagreed!

"Damn, what are these bastards thinking? If they have the ability, they should go out and find it themselves!"

"Let's fight them to the death, defending our food. We won't give them a single grain of rice!"

"Exactly, we have Zhang Yi! If we really fight, we won't be afraid of them."

However, there were also concerns raised.

"But, in our building, there are only about thirty to forty people. If other buildings come to attack us... can we really defend ourselves?"

"This... it's indeed a bit difficult."

"Can we negotiate with them and ask them not to mess with us?"

"Hehe, do you think it's possible? Everyone is fighting desperately for food now, who will reason with you?"

"Ah? What should we do then?"

"Just fight, it's better than dying without food!"

The neighbors argued vehemently. While they were indignant, most of them were also fearful. If they were to confront the entire community, what's the difference from seeking death?

Zhang Yi timely sent another message. "Everyone is aware of the current situation outside. Heavy snow has submerged various low-rise buildings, including most of the supermarkets."

"So, finding supplies is also a very difficult task, heavily reliant on luck."

"There are over a thousand people outside, and if we give them the food, you won't have anything left to eat."

"I, Zhang Yi, also don't want to offend them. After all, I still have enough supplies for a few days. So, what to do is up to you."

"Keep the food for yourselves or give it to them for stability. You decide."

Zhang Yi posed the multiple-choice question, like holding a gun to someone's head, asking whether they wanted to live or die. In reality, there was no real choice.

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, the neighbors knew they had no way out. Without food, they were undoubtedly facing death! Fighting might offer a chance of survival.

"I understand, let's fight them!"

"This food belongs to us; why should we give it to them?"

"They can go die on their own!"

"Exactly, they can't get food on their own, so they want to rob others. Shameless!"

"The most disgusting people in my life are these kinds of individuals. Pah!"

Seeing that emotions had reached a peak, Zhang Yi spoke, "Alright, we can't let them look down on us! We must let them know how formidable we are."

"Tonight, Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei, take people to charge into Building 26. There are only a few members left in the Tianhe Gang; finish them off!"

"This is not only to avenge our fallen family members but also to give other buildings a warning!"

Li Chengbin said, "Understood, Brother Zhang!"

Jiang Lei echoed, "Yes, Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Yi continued, "As for me, I've been busy outside all day, and I'm a bit tired. I won't accompany you this time, but there will be a next time."

Li Chengbin said, "Brother Zhang, we understand. You've worked hard today!"

Jiang Lei added, "Brother Zhang, you deserve the most credit. We can't let Brother Zhang do everything. Everyone, do you agree?"

Neighbors responded, "Ah, yes, yes!"

Zhang Yi concluded, "Good brothers, go!"

After issuing the order, Zhang Yi casually tossed away his phone and then lifted Zhou Keren in his arms. "Ah!" Zhou Keren let out a scream with a smile on her face.

An hour later, Zhang Yi lay on the sofa, a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Zhou Keren, looking exhausted, lay on his chest, but a satisfied smile lingered on her lips.

"Ding dong!" A WeChat message sounded. Zhang Yi picked up his phone and found a message from Jiang Lei.

"Brother Zhang, the old members of the Tianhe Gang are a bit hard to deal with!"

Zhang Yi smirked. Of course, it would be tough! If it were easy, I would have charged in with my gun and shot them all. The people of the Tianhe Gang worked on construction sites, had many tools, were physically strong, and had endurance. Moreover, they had dealt with buildings for a long time and knew how to utilize the terrain.

With Jiang Lei and the others attacking without much preparation, they were bound to suffer heavy losses against the prepared Tianhe Gang. Nevertheless, since they were all cannon fodder, Zhang Yi wasn't heartbroken if they died. In fact, he found it somewhat amusing.

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