Chapter 133: Smoked Duck Hanging on the Stove

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Following Zhang Yi's instructions, the neighbors from Building 25 picked up weapons and gathered around Building 21, surrounding it.

They were uncertain about Zhang Yi's plan. If a real fight broke out, this loose encirclement seemed to have no meaning. At this moment, the members of the Mad Wolf Gang upstairs also noticed something unusual.

"Zhang Yi brought people over!" a gang member alerted.

Instantly, everyone felt a chill, and their hairs stood on end. The recent massacre by Zhang Yi, including their leader Wang Qiang, had already terrified these young wolves, making their faces turn pale.

Now, hearing that Zhang Yi was approaching, they were on the verge of losing their composure.

"It's over, it's over. How can we compete with that devil? He's too terrifying!" A guy with blonde hair covered his head and wept.

At this moment, Xiao Lu, the second in command of the Mad Wolf Gang, rushed over, grabbed his collar, and slapped him twice. Then, he shouted at everyone, "What are you afraid of! This building is our stronghold. Even if Zhang Yi has a gun, he'll lose a layer of skin if he charges in!"

"Pull yourselves together and face him!"

With Xiao Lu as the second in command, the Mad Wolf Gang members barely managed to hold their ground. They clenched their weapons and guarded around each trap, ready to confront Zhang Yi head-on when he entered.

However, Zhang Yi did not enter as they expected. He simply had people watch every window of Building 21 to prevent anyone from escaping through the windows. Then, he went to the entrance of the 4th floor of Building 21.

After a flash of white light in his right eye, a large pile of freshly cut damp wood filled the room. Following that, a large pile of cheap synthetic clothing almost filled the entire room.

Zhang Yi took a bucket of gasoline from his space and poured it on the floor. After completing these actions, he slowly stepped out of the room.

Since there were no people at the main entrance, including Zhang Yi's neighbors, no one saw what he did.

Zhang Yi took out a pistol, fired a shot, breaking the oil barrel. Gasoline gushed out, extending all the way to the entrance like a natural fuse.

Zhang Yi walked over, used a lighter to ignite the gasoline fuse.


The flames instantly ignited, illuminating the entire room. Zhang Yi quickly stepped back, and within a second, a fierce fire surged.

The synthetic clothes caught fire, and the roaring flames engulfed the entire room. Then, the damp wood, after its surface moisture evaporated, quickly ignited.

However, due to incomplete combustion, billowing black smoke emerged.

In this cold weather, every window in the entire building was tightly shut, so the thick smoke had nowhere to go but upward, finding any gap to seep through.

Like a black dragon, it rapidly swallowed one floor after another.

Upstairs, the Mad Wolf Gang members were still waiting for Zhang Yi to attack.

Unexpectedly, instead of people, they were greeted by an overwhelmingly pungent black smoke.

"Cough, cough, cough... They are setting the building on fire!"

"These people are despicable, shameless! Zhang Yi, the coward with a gun!"

"Quick, open the windows and let the smoke out!"

"Cough, cough, cough... Cough, cough, cough..."

"Water, is there water? Wet your clothes and cover your nose."

"Where is the water? Only ice here!"

"Urinate, urinate!"

"Ah, my eyes! My eyes are stinging; I can't see anything."

"Cough, cough, cough... Cough, cough, cough... I... cough, cough..."

The thick smoke quickly engulfed the entire building. When those people realized the problem and tried to open the windows for ventilation, they found that all the windows were sealed by ice and snow, making it impossible to open them.

The entire building had become a death trap, with no chance of escape. The only exit was also blocked by Zhang Yi.

They had no choice but to wait for death or try to fight their way out.

Soon, someone couldn't bear it anymore, braved the thick smoke, and rushed down the stairs, trying to escape outside. However, blinded by the smoke, he stumbled and fell into the flames.

With a splashing sound, someone upstairs smashed a window and bravely jumped out. Facing the threat of death, few would dare to jump from the seventh or eighth floor.

But after landing, before he could celebrate, he was immediately killed by a woman wielding a knife who was waiting nearby.

Two neighbors nearby laughed, "Li Yun, you're getting more capable. In the past, you didn't even dare to kill a chicken!"

Li Yun received praise, smiling happily. She casually wiped the blood off her face and said, "Everyone is working hard, and I can't lag behind!"

While speaking, she noticed another person falling down nearby. This person was vomiting blood, eyes filled with gray, clearly on the brink of death, but still convulsing.

"Ah, there's another one here. Let me handle it!"

Li Yun cheerfully walked over, raised a kitchen knife for boning, and with a "chop," severed the person's head.

Other neighbors were doing the same work.

Upstairs, people had no idea what was waiting for them below. They just thought that breaking the windows and jumping out was their only way out.

The neighbors were working hard because today they experienced the warmth they hadn't felt in a long time.

Watching the roaring flames, everyone wore warm smiles on their faces.

"This fire is so beautiful!"

"Yeah, if we could have such ceremonies more often in the future."

While everyone was busy, Zhang Yi stood at the entrance, enjoying the warmth.

Inside the residential area, residents from other buildings also noticed the commotion here.

The flames soared, smoke billowed, and the occasional desperate screams filled them with fear.

"What should we do? Will Zhang Yi use the same method against us?"

Everyone in each building had such thoughts.

Rather than waiting to die, it was better to go out and confront Zhang Yi!

But... with what?

With their flesh and blood against Zhang Yi's assault rifle?

The scene of more than forty people, including Wang Qiang, being shot like sieves, was still vivid in their minds.

They dared not!

"It's okay, Zhang Yi won't harm everyone. He definitely won't!"

"Everyone has their own debts to settle, and I didn't participate in this matter."

They held on to such fantasies.

Instead of going to their deaths, they chose to pray for mercy from others.

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