Chapter 145: Entrusting the Orphan

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Uncle You was quite clear-minded. People who had experienced the apocalypse tended to be more insightful, having become accustomed to the cycle of life and death, and he and Xie Limei were, after all, an unconventional couple with little emotional foundation. He didn't mourn her death excessively.

Observing Uncle You's reaction, Zhang Yi wore a satisfied smile. "This is easy; I'll make sure to find one that satisfies you."

As they spoke, Zhou Ke'er approached, holding a crying infant. Her face reflected confusion and helplessness. "Zhang Yi, Uncle You, she's crying again. What should I do?"

Zhang Yi and Uncle You exchanged a glance, both looking puzzled. Take care of a child? One was an old bachelor, and the other, an experienced driver, but neither had experience with infants.

"Probably... she's hungry!" Zhang Yi's gaze turned to Zhou Ke'er, slowly focusing on the structure for nursing infants in her arms. Round and full, with enough substance, a child born to her wouldn't go hungry!

Zhou Ke'er blushed instantly. Excitedly, she said, "What are you thinking! I haven't even had a child; where would I get breast milk for her!"

Zhang Yi said, "Taking care of this child is not easy for us. We need to find someone experienced to look after her."

He looked at Uncle You, "Uncle You, let's find someone to take care of this child."

When Xie Limei was still around, Uncle You could take care of the child out of respect for her. But now, without Xie Limei, would he take on the responsibility of caring for her child? That would be a pure act of resentment, and Uncle You was not foolish enough to do such a thing. However, as he looked at the infant in swaddling clothes, he couldn't bear to abandon her. His expression was conflicted. "But if we send this child away, can she survive?"

Zhang Yi nodded, affirming, "Rest assured, after this battle in the neighborhood, large-scale conflicts are unlikely to occur again. I'll find a reliable family to send her to and provide some essential items for the baby's life. It will be fine."

Uncle You felt somewhat relieved by Zhang Yi's words. He nodded, "Well, we can only do that."

Seeing Uncle You nod in agreement, Zhang Yi walked over, took the child from Zhou Ke'er's arms, and said, "I'll find a good family for her!"

She seemed to understand the fate that awaited her and cried even louder. "I'll go find a good family for you!"

Zhang Yi looked at the baby's rosy face, speaking in a cold tone, "Sorry, although you are innocent, I can't carry this burden. There are too many innocent deaths in this world. Blame it on this world!"

Zhang Yi knew that after sending the child away, the probability of her survival would be less than 1%. Uncle You also understood this fact. However, in life, sometimes you have to learn to feign ignorance. Avoidance might be shameful, but it is useful, just like Zhang Yi. He couldn't bring himself to harm the child, but he also didn't want to take care of her. So, he could only leave her to someone else. Whether the child could survive or not depended on fate.

Zhang Yi found a backpack in the room, stuffed two packs of diapers, two bags of powdered milk, and a 10-kilogram bag of rice into it. Carrying the backpack, holding the crying child with one hand, and a gun with the other, he left the house.

Number 25 was unusually quiet now. The neighbors were all dead, making the world seem peaceful. Zhang Yi descended the stairs step by step, heading towards Building 18. The entire neighborhood was incredibly silent; he had eliminated most people in a single battle, especially those involved in martial conflicts. The remaining residents posed little threat, at least to Zhang Yi.

Some people peeked through windows, quietly observing Zhang Yi with eyes filled with fear. "Is Zhang Yi coming to kill us?"

People were terrified. Zhang Yi's target was precisely Building 18, which advocated the slogan of a harmonious home. This frightened the residents of Building 18. Sixty-plus people were still alive in this building, and those who died either froze or succumbed to complications. As an idealist, Li Jian admirably maintained his ideals until now, which was why Zhang Yi hadn't attacked Building 18.

Zhang Yi arrived at the door of Building 18 and fired two shots into the air. "Li Jian, come out!"

Soon, Li Jian's short and weak figure appeared in front of Zhang Yi. Dark circles under his eyes were heavy, and his face looked pale, as if he could die at any moment. It showed how much torment he had endured in the past day and night.

They were afraid that Zhang Yi would come and smoke them out like the other buildings.

"Zhang Yi, I'm here." Li Jian courageously stood in front of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi glanced at him, and surprisingly, the middle-aged man's body didn't tremble. After experiencing so much, Li Jian seemed to have become numb to death.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

Li Jian swallowed his saliva. "I am afraid, but fear won't help. Moreover, I think you didn't come to kill us today."

Zhang Yi nodded. "Right, I've come to give you a child. There are the most people alive in your building, and there must be breastfeeding mothers, right?"

A glint of excitement flashed in Li Jian's eyes. He saw an opportunity for survival in Zhang Yi's words. "Yes, yes, yes! Are you looking for a wet nurse for the child?"

Li Jian nodded vigorously and quickly gave a positive answer.

Zhang Yi nodded. "Good, then. I'll leave this child to you all to raise. As a condition, I won't kill you."

Zhang Yi handed the child to Li Jian. In a panic, Li Jian held the child in his arms, lowering his head to look at the infant, overflowing with gratitude. She had saved the lives of everyone in the building!

Zhang Yi threw the heavy backpack on the ground. "Inside are diapers and powdered milk for her, along with a bag of rice. Of course, I know you may not give her the powdered milk. How you take care of her is up to you; I don't care. Just make sure she stays alive."

"If you can't raise her, I won't blame you, but don't deliberately let her die. A baby's meat is tender and plump. Watch your mouths in your building."

"After all, I'm sending this child here; you should give me this face, right?"

Seeing the heavy backpack on the ground and hearing Zhang Yi's blatant threats, Li Jian quickly nodded. "Rest assured, we will take good care of this child! She will be fine."

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