Chapter 51: Zhou Ker Can't Take It Anymore

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The next day, Zhang Yi heard gunshots echoing in the hallway.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two gunshots, sounding like the explosion of two large firecrackers. It was undoubtedly Chen Zhenghao taking action. It seemed that Zhang Yi's words from yesterday had taken effect. In the face of impending desperation, people's fear of death slowly faded. The promise of a week's worth of noodles, enough to eat until full, had an irresistible allure.

Zhang Yi opened the surveillance feed and witnessed the outbreak of the conflict. Two men lay on the ground, holding wrenches and kitchen knives, their blood staining the hallway. Chen Zhenghao didn't escape unscathed; leaning against the wall, he held a gun, looking somewhat traumatized.

They were intercepting those who came for water, and others could take advantage of the situation to counterattack. Chen Zhenghao ordered his men to drag the bodies away, and he quickly returned to his residence, gun in hand—his last resort.

The bodies were brought home, and Chen Zhenghao gestured to his underlings. They immediately dragged the bodies into the kitchen, where soon the sounds of clattering began.

Chen Zhenghao, with a gloomy expression, sat on the cold sofa, gaining little warmth. When he returned home yesterday, he saw the messages in the group, learning about Zhang Yi's bounty on his head. This enraged him. In his eyes, he was the hunter, and Zhang Yi was merely prey. Why should prey retaliate against the hunter?

However, he underestimated the madness of people in desperation. Early in the morning, two desperate young men came to take his life, adding to his sense of crisis. But at the same time, it drove him even more insane.

"Die! I'll kill all of you! If you want me dead, go die first!"

Chen Zhenghao roared. After calming down, he suddenly felt a pain in his back. Calling one of his lackeys, he asked for an examination. The lackey glanced at the wound and exclaimed, "Brother Hao, you've been stabbed in the back!"

On Chen Zhenghao's down jacket, a 30-centimeter-long cut from a kitchen knife was revealed. The adrenaline rush from the cold outside and his excitement had masked the pain until now. Hearing the lackey's words, he suddenly cried out in pain.

"These two bastards! Chop them into pieces for me!"

Sweat beads appeared on his forehead, and he quickly called Zhou Ker.

"Dr. Zhou, I got injured. Come over and bandage me up!"

Shortly after, Zhou Ker arrived at Chen Zhenghao's home with a medical kit on her back. Seeing this ruthless thug, her eyes were filled with disgust. But to survive, she had to treat his injuries. Earlier, she had healed an arrow wound on Chen Zhenghao's leg, albeit reluctantly.

"I won't help you for free," Zhou Ker said coldly.

Chen Zhenghao chuckled and pointed to the kitchen, saying, "I'll share some of the meat with you later!"

Zhou Ker wrinkled her nose, catching a whiff of the nauseating smell of blood. Suppressing the urge to vomit, she coldly replied, "No need."

Chen Zhenghao laughed, "It's already this time. Dr. Zhou, still maintaining your dignity? Sooner or later, you'll have to eat. If you don't eat, you'll die!"

"I'd rather die."

Zhou Ker frowned.

"I can't bear to see you die! In this world, having a doctor by your side is crucial."

Chen Zhenghao sighed. If it weren't for Zhou Ker treating the wound on his leg earlier, he might have lost not just a leg but his life.

"Rest assured, if there comes a day when I can't do without eating you, I'll keep you till the end."

Chen Zhenghao stared at Zhou Ker, his eyes flashing with a hint of desire. He had long coveted this beautiful woman. If she wasn't currently useful, he would have taken action.

Zhou Ker, with a furrowed brow, remained silent and focused on dressing his wound. After a while, the wound was hastily bandaged.

Zhou Ker picked up her medical kit, intending to leave. Unexpectedly, Chen Zhenghao signaled to his lackey, and the guy promptly blocked the door.

"What do you want?"

Zhou Ker asked nervously.

"Nothing, just until my injury is healed, you can't leave."

Chen Zhenghao was also afraid. Many people wanted him dead, and there was a shortage of medical supplies. With a doctor around, he felt more secure.

Ignoring Zhou Ker's resistance, he forced her to stay.

Soon, his lackey brought a plate of cooked meat. Zhou Ker saw fingers among the meat and almost vomited.

Luckily, working in a hospital and dealing with the dead often, she managed to suppress the urge to retch. Chen Zhenghao insisted she eat some, but she adamantly refused.

Chen Zhenghao sneered and ignored her. He believed Zhou Ker was just pretending, and sooner or later, when she couldn't bear hunger, she would eat.

"This situation can't go on. These survivors dare to resist now, which is not good for us. We need to kill Zhang Yi, take over his house, and we'll be safe in the future."

"Their house is like a fortress, and there's plenty of supplies inside, enough for us to live for several months. Maybe by then, the snow disaster will have passed."

"So, we need to think about how to deal with Zhang Yi."

Chen Zhenghao spoke to his lackeys. The group was at a loss, and Chen Zhenghao said, "Zhang Yi's house has been attacked several times, but we failed each time."

"Their house is like a turtle shell, impregnable! I don't believe there are no loopholes, and he won't come out!"

"Let's move to the apartment next to his and keep an eye on him in shifts. As soon as we get a chance, we'll take him out!"

"Moreover, living on the higher floors is safer."

The group, in a state of confusion, nodded in agreement with whatever Chen Zhenghao said.

Zhou Ker overheard their conversation. Using the excuse of going to the bathroom, she messaged Zhang Yi, informing him of the situation.

Zhang Yi, after learning about it, chuckled disdainfully. It was impossible for him to go out. He had set a bounty, and eventually, someone desperate enough would kill Chen Zhenghao.

"Understood. Continue to observe the situation there."

Zhou Ker, as a doctor, was not in immediate danger, so Zhang Yi was not in a hurry to act. He had set the bounty, and soon someone would risk their life to kill Chen Zhenghao.

Chen Zhenghao and his men gathered their supplies and, with Zhou Ker in tow, arrived at the 24th floor—the floor next to Zhang Yi's residence. The young couple living next to Zhang Yi, upon hearing about Chen Zhenghao's arrival, were terrified.

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