Chapter 183: Setting Traps

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Zhou Keren rested her cheek on her hand and said in confusion, "But wouldn't this make people even more suspicious?"
Yang Mi furrowed her brows slightly, "Yeah. Suddenly bringing up this topic is likely to attract attention, isn't it?"Zhang Yi ate a fish ball with a calm expression and said, "Attracting attention is unavoidable. Whether I spread these messages or not, Lufengda will definitely do it.""So, spreading these smoke bombs can confuse others. With so much information, I don't believe that in today's world, people will have the energy to discern each one individually."He sipped his soup, "Moreover, compared to the major official organizations and corporations mentioned in the information I disseminated, as well as the major enterprises in Tianhai City, the likelihood of me personally committing the crimes has become minimal."Yang Mi's eyes lit up, looking at Zhang Yi she said, "Indeed, this is quite clever!"She reminisced, "It's like in our entertainment industry, if someone has a scandal, as long as a bigger star has an incident, people quickly forget about the former."Yang Mi leaned on the table, her two fair hands supporting her chin, highlighting her impressive figure naturally. One could clearly see her fair skin and deep cleavage.She looked at the side profile of Zhang Yi, a hint of admiration in her eyes.It seemed that the man in front of her was not just handsome and capable, but also very intelligent!At this moment, Zhou Keren looked at the information on her phone and suddenly tilted her head to say something, "But all these messages were sent from your computer. If someone can trace the IP address, won't they easily find you?"A subtle change appeared in Yang Mi's expression.Yes, all the information, whether Zhang Yi sent it anonymously or through multiple accounts, shared the same IP address.If someone with information capabilities or organizations encountered it, they could easily trace that Zhang Yi was behind it.At that time, his suspicion would become the greatest!Zhang Yi remained expressionless, continuing to drink his soup with his head lowered.Sensing that something was amiss, Zhou Keren quickly apologized, "I didn't mean that! After all, there are probably not many living people left in Tianhai City now. And very few understand how to trace IP addresses for anti-surveillance.""So, Zhang Yi, your approach is indeed successful!"Zhang Yi took a sip of soup, casually lifting the lid of a turtle soup bowl and nibbling on the top layer.While nibbling, he calmly said, "Even if the world enters a primitive society, or we live in the manner of primitive people, completely concealing one's tracks is impossible.""I never expected to completely hide from everyone's eyes. But by doing this, at least most people won't directly suspect me.""For those organizations with powerful network capabilities, it's inevitable that we'll come into contact with them."Zhang Yi had long been prepared for this.Even in the post-apocalyptic era, internet communication still existed.For the higher-ups to find someone was not as simple as it seemed.If it weren't for the unexpected appearance of Lufengda, Zhang Yi thought he could have had a year or two of leisure.Unexpectedly, less than half a month had passed, and his peaceful life was shattered.He had no regrets.He didn't like the feeling of being threatened, so killing Lufengda was a necessary action."Moreover, although I dislike people finding out my location, with this shelter, unless an organization with the top-notch armed forces comes, there's simply no one who can pose a threat to our safety."His personal strength, coupled with almost inexhaustible food supplies and this $1 billion shelter, touted as capable of withstanding a nuclear strike, were his ultimate reliance.Seeing Zhang Yi's calm demeanor, Zhou Keren and Yang Mi felt as if they had found a backbone.No matter how clever they were, women were, after all, women.In this world, most women were accustomed to relying on men in times of crisis, except for a few strong women."Hearing you say that, we can rest assured!"Yang Mi patted her plump chest joyfully, saying, "You've thought about guarding this home, and I have confidence in it."Zhang Yi smiled and glanced at her, "Don't be too happy too soon! Although I'm confident in safeguarding this home, you can't be idle next."Yang Mi's face instantly turned red, she lightly pursed her lips, hinting that there were others beside Zhang Yi.Zhang Yi felt somewhat speechless.Alright, now is this the only thing on your mind?Yang Mi was actually innocent.Because now, apart from doing housework every day, she really couldn't help Zhang Yi in other ways.Zhang Yi raised his hand and gave her a gentle tap on her clean forehead."If you want to help, make traps for me!""Ah!"Yang Mi covered her forehead, glancing at Zhang Yi with a reproachful look.She and Zhou Keren looked at Zhang Yi with confusion, "Traps?"Zhang Yi nodded, "The defense of this house is extremely powerful. It was built to withstand nuclear warfare or large-scale natural disasters.""However, it didn't consider human threats thoroughly—can't blame them, after all, Huaguo has strict control over weapons.""So, the shelter doesn't have top-notch counter-attack weapons.""I plan to set up tight traps around the shelter."A cold gleam flashed in his eyes."If anyone dares to have ill intentions towards us, let them have no way out!"Zhou Keren immediately nodded, "Zhang Yi, if there's anything I can help with, just tell me!"Ever since Yang Mi appeared, she gradually developed a sense of crisis.Thus, she became more actively involved in helping Zhang Yi with various tasks.Yang Mi also said immediately, "I'm not familiar with traps, but I'll do my best to follow your arrangements for the tasks!"Zhang Yi nodded, "Good."He immediately took out a bunch of things from the spatial dimension, most of which were hardware products."Clatter—"Scattered all over the floor.Among them, there were more than a dozen boxes of steel nails alone!Ropes, steel wires, animal traps...These items dazzled the two women.Zhang Yi picked up a 20-centimeter-long steel nail from the ground and said to them, "Traps set in this snowy terrain are the hardest to be discovered!""Next, I'll tell you how to do it. Pay close attention, especially remember the directions when setting traps.""Otherwise, one day when we go out, if we get caught in our own traps, it'll be tragic!"

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