Chapter 119: Sun Tzu's Stratagem

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Zhang Yi moved the neighbors, making them wipe away their tears and return to work.

Only Uncle You stayed behind. He walked up to Zhang Yi, staring at him with suspicion as if he had never known Zhang Yi before.

"Do I have a big secret on my face that I'm hiding from you?" Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

Uncle You's expression was somewhat awkward as he shook his head. "No. I just feel that you're acting strangely today, not like the Zhang Yi from the past."

Zhang Yi knew what Uncle You was thinking. He chuckled, eyes half-closed.

"Are you having trouble understanding why I reached such a cooperation agreement with them?"

Uncle You nodded. "Indeed, it feels like a compromise, not your usual style."

After all, providing food for 300 people daily was no small matter. Transporting it with just Zhang Yi's snowmobile was extremely laborious. And with so many people to feed, how many supermarkets would they need to unearth from the snow?

Uncle You was perplexed. In his understanding, Zhang Yi was not a bad person, but he was definitely not someone who was weak and easily bullied, much less a saint who pitied others.

Zhang Yi didn't rush to explain. Instead, he looked outside, pointing in that direction. "Is there anyone out there?"

Upon hearing this, Uncle You immediately went to observe, making sure there was no one around before returning. "No one."

Zhang Yi nodded. Some things had to be kept confidential and not heard by outsiders. Otherwise, the acting he just did for the neighbors would be in vain.

He said to Uncle You, "Cooperating with them is just a temporary measure. Today, I originally planned to summon all those building leaders and kill them all! By then, each unit would be without a leader, and chaos would ensue again."

"In that case, I would have the opportunity to take them down one by one!"

Uncle You's eyes lit up. He gave Zhang Yi a thumbs-up. "So that's how it is! I knew the previous actions didn't match your character!"

Zhang Yi nodded with satisfaction. "Did you understand?"

Uncle You shook his head. "Although I didn't understand, it seems to make sense."

"Fine, to put it simply, I'm making them underestimate me first. Then, when they expose their weaknesses, I'll deal with them!"

"And, I've dug two big pits for them!"

Zhang Yi smiled devilishly. Uncle You became eager. "Quickly, tell me the details!"

Zhang Yi glanced at the door, pointing outside. "Go check if there's anyone."

Thinking that Zhang Yi might have seen someone, Uncle You hurriedly went over. After searching for a while, he returned, somewhat confused. "There's no one."

Zhang Yi said, "Oh, I didn't see anyone either. Just double-checking! What if someone eavesdrops during our conversation?"

Uncle You: "..."

Zhang Yi cleared his throat. "Alright, let's continue."

"The pits I dug for them, first, the amount of supplies is limited. Only ten portions per building!"

"This way, in the future, there definitely won't be enough food. As the saying goes, 'A few can't replace many.' When I distribute food to them, everyone can see it."

"But when the building leaders take the food back, they don't distribute it to everyone. Guess what happens in each unit building at that moment?"

Uncle You, now smarter, replied, "Internal strife!"

"Yes! Internal strife!" Zhang Yi nodded.

"The residents who don't get food, from having just obtained hope, will fall into deeper despair! That kind of pain is more unbearable than death!"

"Although they didn't have food before, at least everyone was hungry together, and it was fair. Even if some died first, others couldn't avoid the fate of freezing or starving to death."

Zhang Yi's smile became even more pronounced.

"But once they find out that each building can have ten people who can get long-term stable food and survive, do you think their mentality will remain the same?"

After contemplating for a while, Uncle You suddenly felt a chill.

This manipulation of people's emotions was too cruel!

Give them hope first, then completely deprive them of it.

Everyone must face death equally, but someone uses your sacrifice to gain hope for survival!

This feeling of being trampled on, discriminated against, and treated differently would drive people completely insane!

Zhang Yi looked outside as the five building leaders left, and the people from other units gradually dispersed.

Soon, brutal internal conflicts and fights would break out within each unit building!

"People in extreme despair will forget their fear of death. Before they die, they will drag someone down with them!"

"In this way, things will become interesting later."

Zhang Yi said with a smirking expression.

Uncle You looked at Zhang Yi's calm and composed demeanor and felt a mix of admiration and fear in his heart.

He was grateful he wasn't standing on the opposite side of Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, you're really too clever and too frightening!" Uncle You sighed.

But Zhang Yi shook his head. He gazed outside, as calm as the ice and snow.

"No, although I have some wisdom, I don't consider myself a cunning person who can manipulate others with my mind. The reason for the current situation is simply because I am more composed than them."

"I eat well, dress warmly, and sleep soundly every day. I don't worry about food and temperature. I have powerful firepower and the confidence to confront them head-on. I have a sturdy fortress and am not afraid of their threats."

"When all these conditions are met, I won't be afraid, and my mind won't be confused. Instead, they will be apprehensive, looking ahead and behind, with intelligence difficult to maintain."

At this point, Zhang Yi playfully made a joke to Uncle You.

"Even a world-class boxing champion, after starving for thirty days, would lose to me in the ring. Right?"

Uncle You was stunned. "Starving for thirty days? Wouldn't that person be dead by then?"

Zhang Yi confidently said, "Exactly! Why would a dead person beat me?"

Uncle You, initially thinking Zhang Yi was making excuses, now felt that this statement was indeed reasonable.

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