round two

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I woke up feeling a different way than I did the night before. The light showing through the holes in the trapdoor made me squint my eyes and hold my hand up to shield the rising sun. I closed them once again, wondering how in the hell I got any sleep on a ground like this. I probably looked even more dirty than I did yesterday. But as my mind began to unfogg, the memories of what happened last night finally made their way into my head.

I remember Newt. I remember us finally telling each other how we felt, and I remember wiping the subtle tears as they flowed down his cheeks. I remembered admiring him for the millionth time, and wondering how he could be so perfect despite what he thinks of himself. He seemed like he was holding in a bottle of emotions that he only cracked open for me. He only let two tears fall, but I could tell he was holding back a tsunami of them. He kept beating himself up... and every word he spoke burned a hole in my heart.

And then we kissed.

Somehow, in the whole shucked up mess of what happened yesterday, we managed to finally break the ice of our feelings and kiss each other. I remember feeling like I was floating in the air... Even though I was half asleep, I still felt the tingle on my lips right now, and the fluttering in my heart. He seemed so hesitant, but as soon as he gained enough confidence to close the gap between our wanting lips, it was like a fire erupted within both of us. I could hardly describe it...but I remember the feeling. And that's all that really matters.

Lazily, I smiled to myself at the memory. Newt was no longer sitting my my side, asleep and dreaming dreams about whatever our lives could be. I didn't really have a problem with that, I knew Minho would come in soon to pick Thomas and I up for our first day as official Runners. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I wanted to see Newt before the fact. It would give me some kind of motive to come back safely and to try and not do anything stupid. So, until then, I just sat down in the pit, twiddling my thumbs and willing myself not to go back to sleep.

At times where I sit alone like this, my mind wonders. Sometimes I contemplate whether that's a good thing or not. I'm given the opportunity to create scenarios in my head that are probably never going to happen in real life...Things like what would happen if we were never in this stupid shucking Maze, would Newt and I still know each other? Would I be living with my family? Are they even still alive? When I'm alone my mind wonders into the inevitable void of the what if's and the could be's. Things that I'm not even sure exist can happen, like flying unicorns and no pigs on the entire world. All in my mind while I'm sitting alone. And when I'm pulled back into that reality, sometimes I see things from a different perspective. A motivation to create that own world for myself.

When I heard the shuffling footsteps from above, I was torn out of my perfect world and brought back into the harsh reality of the real one.

"Hey, Maisy," Minho was quick to tease me first thing this morning as he crouched down and began untying the knot on the trapdoor. I rolled my eyes at him as soon as Thomas stepped into the picture, "You sure we can't leave her, Thomas?"

I scoffed, " two wouldn't last two minutes in there without me."

They both raised their eyebrows cockily, "Are you sure? Maybe we should leave her in here just to prove her wrong.."

"Minho, I swear to god if you—"

"Take a chill pill, Mae," He laughed, finally pulling back the trapdoor to let me out, "I'm bettin' you didn't get any sleep last night? What's that, four—five days?"

Thomas held his hand up in the air as I stood to my feet, "Actually I think you're right, Minho...Newt came down here last night..."

I rolled my eyes and started walking in a random direction, trying to pretend I knew where I was going to get away from these shanks and their annoying attitude first thing in the morning. Minho let out a loud whistle before catching up with me and placing his arms around my shoulders, "Mae Mae has a boyfriend finally?"

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now