you and me and us

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   "Get down!" I yelled, once again dropping to the floor and bringing Mae down with me. I moved my arm over her head as debris flew through the air around us, the helicopter ripping apart anything in its path.

   As I lifted my head, people were scrambling up from their kneeled positions, trying to get their hands on any sort of weapon they could before they were manhandled again. I rolled off Mae and scrambled to my feet, seeing her do the same as our heads turned different directions, looking for nothing in particular.

   "Freeze!" The voice of another WICKED guard spoke up—I was starting to get really sick of them. Tommy chucked the bomb into a pile of crates that they were standing next to, immediately sprinting the other way as Mae started to do the same.

   "Run! Get down!" He screamed as he fell to the ground once again, pressing the red button that was previously going to end our lives. Mae and I managed to get a few feet further from the explosion before we dropped, shielding ourselves as the ground rumbled from the debris flying everywhere. I could feel the heat on my back as I lifted my head, looking over my shoulder to glance at the damage. Thomas was standing to his feet, and I quickly turned my head to pat Mae's back.

   "Let's go." I grunted, standing to my feet and ignoring the pain in my leg. She hopped up, holding onto her shoulder and clenching her teeth. As soon as we stood, Minho sprinted over, almost knocking us over as Frypan joined as well.

   "Where the hell do we go?" He screamed over the chaotic mess happening around us. We all turned around, unsure of what to do in the moment. I ran my hands through my hair, wishing that we could just erase all of this and go back to a few hours ago, where everything was okay.

   Suddenly, Mae detached herself from the group, running over to a fallen WICKED member and grabbing the handgun from their pocket. She stood back up, pointing it at two soldiers who had been slowly advancing towards us. She pulled the trigger twice before turning back to us.

   "Get to Vince!" She screamed, and we obeyed. All four of us started to run towards the man who was screaming in the truck, shooting anything that got in his path. Occasionally, Maisy would shoot a soldier that tried to shoot us with the launcher, taking him out easily. I wanted to scream, to cry—but I didn't have time to do either as another person shot at me, the electricity just barely missing my head as I ducked.

   In front of me, Minho leaned down and grabbed a stray gun from the floor. "Go! Get outta here!"

   Pushing Mae along in front of me, I turned to face him, not stopping as I ran. "Careful, Minho!"

   I could hear Thomas from below as I ducked behind a few crates, watching him run towards us. "Get down!" I yelled as he crouched himself beside me.

   Mae placed the gun on the top of the crates, somewhat covering Minho as he tried to fight off the guys that he could. She shot the ones he didn't see coming, only for him to glance behind and nod at her as she hit another one. The girl was a good shot.

   But when the gun clicked, and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, her face filled with horror. "I'm out!"

   We all looked back at Minho, seeing him fumble with the gun as he tried to reload. A guard in front of him raised their launcher, pulling the trigger before he had time to protect himself. The boy shook with the electricity that coated his body, falling onto one of the crates behind him as he lifted his head to look at us.

   "No." I breathed, slowly lifting myself as Thomas screamed his name, running towards the boy. Mae did the same, leaping over the crate and sliding to the other side. Before I had the chance to grab her, she was already running—the need to save at least one person was the only thing on her mind.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang