double fight

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long chapter ahead of us

"It's basically the same for all of us," Chuck said as he tightened the final knot on Thomas' hammock, "We wake up in the Box, Alby gives us the tour, now here we are..."

I chuckled at the boy and his way of talking to Thomas. He didn't get to do this with me when I was a Greenie a month ago. Things with me were different. I was taken to the Med-Jack hut first thing, and then given my room. I didn't even get the tour until the next day...Thomas is lucky. He was gazing at the East doors while Chuck was speaking, almost as if he wasn't even paying attention.

"Don't worry," Chuck started again as I continued to play with the strings in my pocket, "You're already doin' better than I did. I klunked my pants three times before they got me outta the pit."

I laughed and lifted my gaze to the boy as he turned around, only to be met with no Greenie. My face dropped as I watched him walk towards the doors, "Oh for shucks sake," I groaned, getting up to follow him.

Chuck and I had to jog to catch up with him, and by the time we did, he was almost already there. The chubby boy was out of air, but I felt like I could run another marathon.

"Dude," I stopped him by placing my hand in front of his chest, "Where the shuck are you going?"

He pointed towards the walls, "I just wanna see..."

Chuck and I exchanged nervous glances, knowing that the walls were about to close, "You can look around all you want, but those puppies are about to close," Chuck told him.

"What do you mean close?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"The doors, you shank," I sighed, shaking my head and already feeling exhausted from looking out for the Greenie. Maybe this is how Chuck felt when he had to watch over my while everyone was at the Council Hall. I had to remind myself to apologize to him for it later.

"Doors?" He asked again, "What doors? I don't see any doors..." He looked back and squinted his eyes as if they would just appear out of nowhere. Which they were about to. I had the whole schedule memorized.

"What do you call those big openings?" I pointed to the enormous walls, trying to get him to use his brain.

He rolled his eyes, "I call them big openings."

I gave him a deadpanned expression as Chuck sighed, feeling just as annoyed as I was at the moment, "Well, they're doors. And they close up every night."


Suddenly, he interrupted himself as Ben and Minho ran through the doors, returning back to the Glade after a long day of Running. I had to admit, I was starting to get a little nervous. They usually got back a little earlier than they did now, but I didn't think twice about it. I smiled at both of them and waved as they ran past.

"Hey guys," Ben greeted, "New Greenie, huh? How's it feel to be promoted, Mae?"

I stuck my tongue out at him, "Better than it did comin' up here."

He laughed and continued to run towards the Map Room while Minho stopped in his tracks. I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering what the boy was doing. Just as I was about to ask, he turned around and charged towards me, a big smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and sighed, knowing that he does this from time to time.

"Oh here we go again," I muttered as Chuck started to laugh. Before I could say anything else, I felt myself being picked up by the legs and thrown over his shoulders. I began squirming around, trying not to breathe from the foul smell that stenched his clothes.

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