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  I walked out of my room in a new tank top with a sweater and a new pair of pants. My damp hair was placed on the top of my head in a bun, and my combat boots were left undone on my feet. I was too lazy and far too hungry to care if my feet fell out of my shoes. I knew I had dark circles under my eyes, exhausted from all of the shoveling I did today.

   My arms ached, and my legs weighed a million pounds as I walked down the stairs and into the bustling Homestead. The boys were conversing with each other and eating their dinner. Some waved to me, and I waved back. I told one boy to put his napkin in his lap, and I only saw one pair of dirty hands, which made me very happy. At least people were listening to me. Even though they should've been doing that from the start, it felt a little good to know that I've somewhat cleaned this place up.

   "Hey, Fry." I sighed, leaning against the window.

   "Hi, Mae. How was your day?" He asked politely, pulling a bowl from a cabinet and tilting the large pit to get the last of the stew out.

   I widened my eyes, reminiscing on the eventful day. "Long. Tiring. At least I know I hate pigs. How was yours?"

   The cook frowned and handed me the bowl of steaming food. "The same. Chopped carrots, made sandwiches, it's always the same."

   "Yeah." I pursed my lips and grabbed a spoon. "It'll get better though. Now that I'm here, I'll make sure that we have some fun."

   His lips twitched into a smile as he shook his head. "Thanks, Mae. You're not so bad after all..."

   I laughed at this, deciding to ignore Frypan's hint of an insult that was wrapped in a nice statement. I thanked him and turned back around, scanning the crowd of boys for my friends. Once I spotted them I made my way over, having to pick up my feet a little more because of my stupid shoes.

   Newt, Minho, Alby and Chuck were all sitting at a table, talking about something. Chuck sat off to the side, but still stayed next to Newt. When I approached them, I sat in between the two.

   "Hey." I breathed and smiled at all of them. Minho glared at me, I guessed it was because of the events that happened earlier today, all involving one stupid pig. If the pig hadn't been such a pain then he would be smiling at me right now. But I knew he would get over it soon. He was just mad that I messed up his face. Alby sent me a small nod before throwing a spoonful of stew down his throat and scrunching his face up, complaining that it was hot.

   "Hey Greenie." Chuck smiled, scooting closer. "Got cleaned up?"

   I nodded and blew on my steaming soup to cool it down. "Yeah, thanks for cleaning my clothes, Chuck."

   "My pleasure. I'm not looking forward to cleaning his though." He pointed at Minho with his spoon. "They stink."

   "It's natural deodorant." Minho rolled his eyes and moved a carrot to the side. "Stop complaining. I smell wonderful."

   Newt and I chuckled at his comment. But as quickly as my smile appeared, it disappeared, and I shifted in my seat. "Alby," I quietly asked him. "Do you have showers here?"

   He nodded and blew out air through his mouth. "Yeah. Hardly use them though..."

   "Um...why?" I asked, scrunching my face up. No wonder why everyone here smelled so badly. Who would put a shower to waste? I can't remember ever taking one, I just stuck my head under the sink earlier today to wash the dirt and oil out of my hair.

   But the leader just shrugged. "Dunno. We got better things to do, Greenie."

   "Like what?" I asked. "It's basic hygiene. Everyone could take one or two minute showers everyday, and then the horrible death smell wouldn't have to be a problem anymore."

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now