fake euphoria

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I suggest headphones and full volume for the song. also play when you see *

   "We can get down here, come on." Thomas wiped the sweat off of his brow before turning around and starting to walk down another set of stairs.

   After a few moments of staying in that room, letting the adrenaline slowly leave our bodies, the three of us had made it out of the leaning building. We were running on fumes... Having no energy whatsoever after our little endeavor. The bags underneath my eyes began to take effect as I poked my head over the small railing of the in-tact staircase we were climbing down.

   I sighed and tapped the metal with my palm, hissing through my teeth when I felt the pain. Turning my hand over, I finally saw the crescent moon wounds that I had created back in the tunnels. They were deeper than usual—the skin around them almost as red as the actual cut. I ran my thumb over the scratches, looking back up to Thomas as he slowly made his way down the flights of stairs.

   "You okay?" A voice from behind me asked. I turned my head to look at Brenda, nodding.

   "Are you?"

   She shrugged, "I dunno."

   I nodded once more, "Yeah, me either." We both started down the stairs, trying not to focus on the soreness in our legs. "That was pretty crazy back there, huh?"

   Trying to start up a conversation with her was the only thing I could think to do in a moment where we had absolutely nothing to say to each other. But we needed a distraction.

   She seemed to agree, as she nodded and raised her eyebrows. "Never seen one of those things... Always heard about 'em though. People made them sound a lot less scary than they actually are."

   I scoffed. "Yeah. Having them chase after you doesn't make it too much better, does it?"

   "Not at all." She laughed, glancing at me as she clutched on the rail, trying to hide her pain. "I should thank you though."

   "Why?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

   Brenda cocked her eyebrow as we turned to head down the last flight of stairs. "Well...you kinda saved my life."

   I hated when people said that. They made me sound like this big superhero when I was just doing what any civilized person would do. Even if I didn't know the girl all too well, I would've tried to help her. Hell, even if it was Teresa, I would've done the same thing. Anyone would. When I helped Thomas through the Maze, he thanked me as well. I remember feeling so...odd at that moment. Like it was an exaggeration of what I actually did. I didn't save anyone. I just did the right thing. Helped them.

   So, I shook my head. "I didn't save your life. I helped you."

   "It's the same thing..." Brenda pushed. "If you hadn't broken that glass then I probably would still be fighting off that stupid thing."

   She hissed through her teeth as we reached the ground finally. "So thank you."

   I paused before I stepped off, her words hitting a different part in me that I didn't exactly know I had. I couldn't place a finger on it, but tears lined my eyes as I took the final step down, staring at the ground as I tried to blink them away. Brenda walked alongside Thomas, while I staggered behind, looking at my hands once more as a reminder of my capabilities.

   I found it immaculate that I hadn't died yet. I lived through everything that I've been through. From the life-threatening asthma attack that I went through at the start of my new life from what I could remember, to being shucking struck by lightning. I should've died long ago. Why the hell could I stop the asthma attacks by myself without an inhaler? Why was I able to take down anyone who crossed my path while not having any idea what I was doing? A part of my mind wanted to believe that it was because I was just too strong—mentally and physically. But a dark place in my mind wanted to believe that it was because I might not exactly be the same as everyone else.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum