start of the end

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this song describes newt + mae so perfectly i'm crying

   I walked out of our bedroom, feeling like I was on a high. I've never done what I just did with Mae before, and I couldn't help but replay the moments in my head as I walked down the hall, letting my hand glide against the wall as I smiled softly to myself.

   It may have just been an intense make out session, and we may have been interrupted before things got too heated, but the fact that we even did that was enough to push me off the invisible cliff of sanity. We were both vulnerable, making the experience so much more intimate. I don't know what it was about that girl, but she could make me feel things I've only ever imagined. Physically and emotionally.

   I made my way to the kitchen, turning my head to see the rays of sun as they seeped through the openings in the hallway that acted as windows. The birds chirped, adding a sense of tranquility as I lost myself in my thoughts like so many times before. Waves crashed against the sand to my right, making me look out to see everyone doing their part to get the giant boat ready for when we escaped to the Safe Haven. I was excited, yet I found a glimmer of sorrow within my chest when I thought about Minho. We were still gonna have to come up with a way to get him out of there. And if the Right Arm and Vince leaves without us...

   Then so be it, I guess.

   As I turned the corner, walking into the room where Mae and I had shared our feelings around this time yesterday, I saw everyone already there, speaking quietly amongst themselves. Thomas bent down at Aris' knee, looking up at him softly as Harriet handed Sonya some type of cloth. Everyone glanced at me as I walked through the door, moving towards an empty seat next to Mae.

   She handed me the first aid kit as I sat down, and I opened it, scooting myself closer. Grabbing the stitches, I prepared to sew her wound up while we all engaged in a conversation with Aris and Sonya. Harriet walked towards them with two glasses, handing one to each of them.

   "Here, drink this." She commanded softly, and they both obliged, taking a long sip from the metal cup before closing their eyes and relishing in whatever she gave them. I glanced up at the two before returning my attention to the doctoral work I was doing—I felt like a Med-Jack.

   "Took you guys long enough to rescue us." Aris let out a breathy laugh, looking at Thomas with appreciation.

   I smirked to myself before looking back up at Mae, meeting her gaze with a cautious one. She nodded, looking away and telling me that she was ready for the stitches. I leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss to her bare shoulder before pushing the needle in at a ninety degree angle. She clenched her fist tightly at the action, causing me to pause and place my own hand over it gently. Looking back up at me with an unreadable expression, she relaxed her hand and placed it on her kneecap, allowing me to go back to my work.

   Thomas chuckled at Aris' words. "It's good to see you too, bud." I listened as I kept my eyes on her arm as I weaved the needle in and out of her skin slowly, preforming the actions I observed Clint and Jeff do so many times. "So what happened?" Thomas continued to speak.

   "I fought back." He mumbled regarding the discolored skin around his eye, and the bruise on his cheekbone. "Tried to anyways..."

   "You're lucky you found us at all." Sonya spoke up, her voice weak as she sat close to Aris. We looked at her as she talked, listening intently for any information that could help us find Minho. "They had us on the move a lot. It felt like something big was happening."

   I paused from patching up Mae, looking down at my lap before glancing at Sonya. "Do you have any idea where they were headed?"

   Tommy looked at me before returning his gaze towards the others, eager. Aris shook his head and furrowed his eyebrows, almost like he was remembering on the spot. "They kept talking about a city."

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now