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   "Greenie, come on."  A muffled voice made it's way into my thoughts, causing my eyes to open slightly. "It's Newt. I wanna show you something."

   I groaned and rolled over onto my side, feeling exhaustion consume me. "What time is it?"

   "I don't know." He knocked on my door again. "Time to wake up."

   "I need my beauty sleep, Newt. Five more minutes." I placed my small pillow over my head and pushed on my ears, hoping to muffle any sound that could wake me up. I didn't get much sleep last night...I probably actually fell asleep two hours ago. That much sleep is not enough for me. I needed to have at least five hours under my belt before I had the patience to show myself in a Glade full of guys who were still surprised to see me. A girl.

   But the pillow didn't work out, because five seconds later, I felt it being ripped off my face. My eyes shot open and I was met with the pleasing face of the British boy. Maybe my only friend here besides Chuck. And now here he was, looking as awake as ever, throwing my comfortable pillow onto the ground with a smirk.

   "Was that necessary?" I asked him, my voice still groggy. Newt shrugged and tried to wipe the smile from his face.

   "I actually quite enjoyed that..." He muttered. I rolled my eyes and laid back down, pulling my arm over my face. "Mae. Wake up. I wanna show you something."

   "Does it have to deal with something edible?"

   Newt sighed. "No, not yet. But it'll give you some answers..."

   At the mention of getting some more information about where I was, I slowly removed my arm from my eyes and peered up at him. He stood there with his hands on his hips, trying to hold back a smile at my annoyed expression. But when I groaned and threw my legs over the edge of the uncomfortable cot, he let the corners of his lips twitch up. I moved my hands towards the door, looking back at him.

   "Well, I would rather not change with you in here, although I'm sure you would like what you would see..." I shooed him outside, wanting to somewhat embarrass him as payback for waking me up so early.

   Just as I thought, his eyes widened, and he took a step back, shocked by my confident words. "U-Uh...I-I'm just...I'm just gonna...go. I'll be out-outside waiting for you. Don't go back to sleep."

   Nodding, I watched him scurry out of my room like a mouse that's about to get stepped on. When the door finally shut again, I slapped my hand over my mouth and let out a laugh, not believing that I just said that to him. But my smile slowly faded as I looked out of my small window. The sky was a pale orange color now, telling me that most of the boys weren't awake yet. I imagined them to wake up at exactly sunrise every morning. Hopefully, I was right.

   I moved to my knees and looked down at the land that was right underneath me. I saw Newt exit from the front of the Homestead, and pause right in front of the leaning building. He stood there with his hands on his hips, looking out at the Glade as though it was some sort of art project he was proud of. But by the blank expression on his face, I could tell that it might just be the opposite. I watched as he took a deep breath, inhaling all of the scents of the grass, the animals, maybe Frypan making breakfast for all of us. And I watched as he exhaled everything else. His head popped up as he suddenly looked at the walls that were trapping us in here.

   The orange-tinted sky slowly turned to one with more brightness as the sun hit the East side of the Glade. I watched as it spread through the grass, shedding light on all the darkness that used to be there. Strangely, it made me feel warm. For a moment, I felt as though this place wasn't so bad. I could live here for a while. I could watch the sunrise every day, and I could stare at the moon from my window until the day I die.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now