questions, questions, and more questions

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   That was all I felt as I lifted my one hundred pound head off of the ground of the hard wooden floor. My whole body ached and I couldn't tell which way was up and which was down. My eyes burned from the bright light that had blinded my vision as soon as I opened them. At least it was morning and I had made it through the night without barfing.

   I groaned as I rolled onto my stomach, sliding myself across the wood to my bed, looking for the same boy who had spent the night. But when I pulled my head up to look over my cot, he was nowhere in sight. Maybe he gets up early even if he's hungover.  I wondered what time it was. From here it looked like it was sometime in the mid-afternoon, but I know that Alby would never let me sleep that late, no matter how much I had to drink the night before. I dragged myself onto my feet, leaning my body weight onto my bed that Newt had so kindly made. He even placed a blanket over the top of my body, which I hadn't noticed until I fully opened my eyes.

   My hands found their way to my temples, doing anything to make the pounding and ringing in my ears go away. Everything was heightened. My hearing, my vision... The sounds of Gladers speaking among themselves as they ate breakfast downstairs and outside was enough for me to scream, and that wasn't even half of what bothered me right now. The heat of the morning sun beat down on my back, making a sweat appear on my skin in seconds. My eyes burned when I tried to open them, and even if I tried to stand, I think I would just pass out again.

   But I tried anyway. I groaned and muttered a strong curse word before lifting myself to my feet and standing in place for a few seconds, letting my aching bones and throbbing head get used to the feeling. Slowly, I started to make my way out of my room and down to the kitchen, in need of some serious water. My throat was dry and it felt like I hadn't brushed my teeth in years. As I reached the bottom level, the boys were starting to disperse, making me praise the lord that they weren't all in here, chattering and yelling. I think I would punch them all in the face if I ever did that.

   I trudged over to the closest empty table I could find, wanting nothing more than to be alone right now and to go back to sleep. I rested my heavy head on my hand and closed my eyes once more, whining internally at the thought of why headaches had to be so painful. When I felt myself start to drift off again, I felt someone plop down in the seat next to me. I knew exactly who it was without even opening my eyes.

   I let out a grunt, "Did you get lucky or are you as bad as I am right now?"

   Newt sighed, "I'm keepin' it together. Woke up early so that I could sober up a bit before goin' to work. But how you look is how I feel on the inside."

   "I guess I look pretty bad, huh?" I yawned, immediately regretting the decision as a thousand knives felt like they penetrated my temple.

   He hummed in response, "You look like klunk on a stick."

   "Thanks, Newt," I mumbled. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on anything other than the throbbing all over my body, "Everything hurts."

   "I know. Water helps. I can get you some if you want. Or Chuck'll get us both some," I could hear him lift his hand and wave someone over. It must've been Chuck because Newt's next words were orders to fetch two large cups of water.

   "I'm never drinking again," I breathed as I leaned my head on Newt's shoulder. He nodded, leaning his head against mine and patting my knee, "Do you remember anything?"

   He inhaled a sharp breath, "Bits and pieces. How 'bout you?"

   "Laughing," I simply said, "I remember laughing, and then I remember things got really deep, and then I think we just passed out. Am I right?"

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now