my name

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   I blinked at him, the thought finally registering in my mind that I might not have a name. Almost every single person had a name here I'm guessing. Why was I the only one without one? Why can't I remember?

   "Uh." I sputtered. "I kinda...I-I..." I trailed off, knowing that my sentence was either going to result in a snarky comment or me crying. I would rather not get on these guys' bad sides, and I would also like to not cry in front of fifty of them.

   "It's okay if you don't." Newt spoke up again, taking a step forward from behind the dark-skinned boy. I looked up at him, knowing that he could probably sense the vulnerability in my eyes. I wasn't sure if I was okay with that or not. "All of us have gone through the same thing you're going through."

   "But you're all dudes." I spat out without thinking. After the words escaped from my mouth, I bit my tongue harshly, mentally face palming myself for being so stupid. Why was I spitting sassy comments at the guy who literally saved my life? Without him, I would probably still be in that box hyperventilating and just wishing that I would die.

   Newt blinked and then bowed his head into a nod, letting out a breathy laugh. "Th-That's true. But—uh—I didn't remember m-my name when I came up in the Box, so I'm saying that if you don't remember yours for at least a couple of, uh, hours, that's completely fine. You know—"

   "Newt." The dark-skinned boy placed a large hand on his shoulder. "Slim it."

   I pursed my lips together, trying to hold back a sympathetic smile, realizing that I sent the boy into a panicky rant. The least I could do was be nice to the guy.

   "I'm Alby." He slid his hand off of Newt's shoulder and started to walk towards me. I clenched my jaw, trying to keep myself from running away from him. On the outside, I was trying to hold my ground. Or, a piece of it. On the inside...I was screaming. "So...girl shank?"

   "What?" I asked with a monotone voice. I could hear a few boys in the back giggle at me, and my eyes flicked towards them for only a moment before I wondered if what I had said was funny. I didn't think it was.

   "You're a girl. We call you girl shank." His eyes narrowed in on me as he crossed his arms, trying to seem intimidating.

   He was succeeding.

   "What are we gonna do with you?" He asked himself, letting his eyes quickly graze down my figure. I inhaled a shaky breath at the thought of these boys looking anywhere other than my face. I didn't know what I looked like. I could either be freaking attractive, or I could be the ugliest person in the world. For some reason, I don't think that would stop them from staring.

   I cleared my throat, causing his eyes to dart back up to my face. I gave him a cheeky smile, and pointed to myself. "Eyes are up here, buddy."

   From the corner of my eye, I saw a hint of a smile flash across Newt's face. But it was overpowered by Alby's scowl. He started towards me, his eyes holding a crazed look as I stood my ground, my newfound confidence starting to shatter with every step he took.

   "Whoops." I muttered to myself as he was now a foot away. But still, I didn't step back. I let him tower over me, his grip on the collar of my shirt as my eyes widened, immediately feeling my feet lift from the ground. Some of the boys from behind Alby started to walk towards us, but he ignored them, keeping his cold eyes on mine.

   He nodded intending to threaten me. "You think you're funny, do you?"

   I shrugged, pulling my head back enough so that I couldn't feel his breath mix with mine anymore. He smelled of sour milk. "To be completely honest, I don't really know what I think of myself right now." I looked past the boy holding me in the air and to Newt and some other guy who was advancing towards the pair of us. "But I know that I would like to be put down. So if you'll just..."

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now