nothing is normal

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Newt's shoulders relaxed as he ran a hand down his face. "Oh, okay. Great."

I looked at Chuck who was beaming, proud that he finally did something right. He figured out my name, even if he did think it was stupid. His chubby cheeks were pulled into a bright smile, and his hands were pressed gently against the surface of the table, almost as if he were ready to run out into the Glade, telling everyone about his accomplishment.

"So." I spoke up as the awkward silence started to float in the air. "What did you gossip girls talk about in there? What are you going to do with me?"

Newt sent me a nervous smile, reaching up to the back of his head and itching the same spot that had seemed to be bothering him all day. "Well, we decided that...that you're a girl."

I blinked at him as crickets interrupted our conversation. Chuck looked at Newt with furrowed eyebrows, and then he looked back at me, almost checking at whether he had been talking to the right person. Newt stared at the ground, thinking over his words as if he was wondering if he said them out loud.

"Well spotted." I finally spoke in a monotone voice. Chuck pursed his lips into a line, trying to hide back a smile as Newt's face got about five shades darker. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head, mentally cursing himself for being so stupid.

"Th-That's not what I meant." He said. I raised my eyebrows and crossed my arms over my chest. "I mean that we haven't seen a girl in...well since any of us can remember. Every month that Box comes up with one new Greenie. A boy Greenie.'re a—"

"Girl, yeah I got it." I saved him the breath by repeating something he's said at least five times in the past minute.

He shut his mouth and glanced at Chuck, who looked up at him with a curious face. Newt looked back at me and sighed, deciding to finally stop sugarcoating whatever he was trying to get out. "We decided that you should have your own room, here in the Homestead. We'll give you the tour tomorrow, and for now, we'll treat you like every other Glader. But we have to set some rules."

I raised my eyebrows. "For now? Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that you have to treat me any differently. I can still help with...whatever it is you people do around here. I'm more than capable of—"

"I know." Newt interrupted softly, holding his hands out in front of him. I hadn't realized I was walking towards him until he took a step towards me, only about a foot away. I looked into his eyes, suddenly feeling an overwhelming sense of familiar comfort. My eyes softened, and I shut my mouth, finally feeling him relax and take a breath. "There's another thing. We have to be careful with you. I'm gonna take you to the Med-Jacks to get you checked up."

Just as quickly as the comforting moment lasted, it was gone, and I was sent into a spiral of questions again. "What are Med-Jacks and why do I have to go there?"

"That little stunt you pulled earlier in the Box wasn't normal. The guys that come up are usually scared, but they aren't so scared that they forget how to shucking breathe. Clint said you were having some sort of...attack I think." He explained, making my heart beat. If I was sick in here, how were they supposed to help me?

I pursed my lips and inhaled a shaky breath, remembering how frightened I was only an hour ago when I couldn't catch my breath. "How will you know what's wrong with me? Maybe I inhaled some sort of..." I trailed off, suddenly feeling scared at the thought of going to these so-called Med-Jacks.

Newt tilted his head to the side. "I'll stay there with you if you would like me to. Kinda have to anyway...Alby's orders."

I nodded, feeling a little calmer with the thought of Newt being there with me. I don't know what it is about him, but whenever I was around him, I just felt...peaceful. Like I wasn't stuck in a giant—what did Chuck call it?—a Maze. I felt like I was safe, and that even though I didn't show I was scared, he could see right through me.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now