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*trigger warning*


   "Don't you dare touch me with that." I muttered to the man who stood in front of me as I sat tied to the wooden chair.

   I was in a small, concrete room. It looked like something you would use to ask prisoners questions. An interrogation room—that's what it's called. But these shucking people had me tied to a chair, my wrists behind me. I was in my grey tank top and my black leggings. My eyes stung with the ever flowing river of tears I cried last night when I was shoved into that traumatic child's bedroom. My old bedroom.

   I think that before I was in the Maze, I was one of their favorite test subjects, because that's what they've been doing to me since this morning. They pulled my half conscious body off of the floor and literally carried me to this room, where they have been poking and prodding things into me for hours and hours. Nobody answered the questions that I had, ignoring me every time I tried to talk some sense into them.

   The man who was now standing in front of me, held a needle as big as his pointer finger and filled it up with some sort of blue liquid. He smirked at me and then lined it up with the veins in my neck where they have been giving me shots all day long. I jerked out of the way, and he gripped the other side of my head harshly, sending me the coldest glare he could probably muster.

   "If you resist, it'll hurt more," He told me. I flared my nostrils and clenched my teeth in anger, "Just stay still, girl."

   "You're wrong," I smirked at him, my eyes falling more limp with every second that passed. The doctor pressed the cold needle against my vein and furrowed his eyebrows at me, not plunging it in just yet. I continued speaking, "I'm already hurt. All you're doing is making me stronger."

   In a wave of anger, the man pushed the needle into my neck and emptied the confines, immediately making me scream out in agony. I pinched my eyes shut and thrashed around in my chair, feeling like my body was being set on fire. Every limb...every vein was stinging like I had been poisoned. It was unbearable. I screamed until my throat was raw, then I screamed some more, trying to ease the sting by focusing on the pain in my throat instead of the burns that erupted inside my body.

   The man who was standing in front of me stood up and began jotting down notes on a clipboard that he had been using since the early hours of this morning. He glanced at me, then back down at the paper, writing what he noticed and what the blue liquid had done to me. I screamed and wailed, feeling more tears that I hadn't even known existed from in the corners of my eyes. All I wanted to do was jump in one of those ice baths they gave me earlier today. Although that hurt like hell as well, it was all I wanted right now. That, and Newt.

   As quickly as the stinging started, it stopped. It drained out of my body like the life was being sucked from me as well. It was all gone, and all I felt was a tingling sensation, like ants were crawling on every inch of my skin. I dipped my head down and breathed heavily through my mouth, trying to catch my unsteady breath.

   "How do you feel?" The doctor asked me, holding the pen in his hands. I kept my gaze one the white tile floor, feeling a single tear roll down my cheek and into my mouth. I tried to speak, but all that I managed to get out was a small grunt, which somehow carried all of my frustrated emotions inside it.

   He let out an amused hum and jotted one last thing down on his clipboard before walking out of the room, leaving me alone once again. My mind wondered to my friends. Where were they? Were they going through the same things as I was? Why was I so special to these people? Where was Newt? All I wanted to see was Newt. See his brown eyes burn holes in my heart. Run my fingers through his soft blonde hair. I wanted to feel his calloused hands touch mine. Even though they were battered and beaten, Newt's hands always made me feel somewhat at home. He was my home. Who knew that could ever be a person.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now