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"Chuck, what's going on?" I made my way over towards the boy as Newt and I ran towards the center of the commotion.

The little boy just laughed and pointed towards the lookout tower, "Girls are awesome!"

I followed his point and watched as the new girl threw rocks down at the boys, who were covering their heads with anything they could find. Laughing, I quickly walked over to them and ducked beneath a piece of wood that Winston was holding. When I saw Newt still out in the open, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him underneath.

"If you throw one more of those things, I'm gonna—" Gally was suddenly cut off by a rock hitting him straight in the face. I cackled and grabbed Newt's hand, smiling when he squeezed back

"I don't think she likes us very much," He laughed, making me want to hug him. He was so adorable.

"This is what I was feeling when I came up," I joked, finding this situation very amusing. Everyone around me laughed, remembering how I talked back to Alby before I even knew where the hell I was.

Newt looked at me with a lopsided smile, "Why can't they all be like you?"

I clenched my jaw, trying not to blush at the compliment.

"Hey, look! We just wanna talk!" Thomas came up behind Gally, covering his head with his hands. The girl threw down another rock, making all of the boys cover their heads with whatever they were holding at the moment.

Frypan moved his way in front of Newt and me, "Take cover, ya'll! Take cover!"

We were both laughing so hard that we couldn't stop. Of all the things for this new girl to do when she first came up, she decides to throw rocks at all of us. Where did she even get them from? It was funny how the difference between us was already so great. If I wanted to, I could go up there and stop all of this right now. But it was more fun watching the guys try to calm her down from the ground. The way Newt and I were laughing reminded me of that one time where I told him that Gally had the eyebrows of Satan. No matter hard we tried, we just couldn't stop. Maybe being with each other made it all the more funnier.

"Hey, hey! It's Thomas! It's Thomas!" He suddenly shouted, making the girl immediately stop throwing rocks. Her head very slowly peeked over the wood and looked down on all of us, meeting eyes with the brunette boy. He subtly waved to her, making me choke on another laugh.

"Okay, I-I'm gonna come up. Okay?" He asked before the girl disappeared once again. I turned my head to Thomas, who stopped Gally from moving up the ladder, "No. Just me."

I raised my eyebrows as he didn't hesitate to walk up the three ladders and up to the tallest tower, out of earshot with all of us. I watched him, shaking my head and squeezing Newt's hand. He looked at me and let go, moving his hand to my back, giving me just as much comfort as before. His hands were starting to get sweaty anyway.

Minho and Chuck giggled, watching their friend. I turned to them and muttered, "I always knew he was a lady's man..."

"Why didn't you fall for him then?" Chuck asked loudly, making Newt's head turn. Minho smirked and looked over my shoulder as I glared at the little boy.

"Because, Chuck," I said through gritted teeth, "I don't like Thomas like that. Now stop bothering me about it..."

He threw his hands up in defense, "Yes ma'am..."

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Where stories live. Discover now