oh, mother

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   I think Newt liked riding in cars. As I looked at him, I found myself grinning. The smile etched upon his face reached his eyes as he held my hand and watched the world fly by outside the glass window. He made Tommy and I go in first, making me sit in between the two. I had to admit, the ride up here was a lot more comfortable than it was right now. I was sandwiched by Thomas' broad shoulders, pressing against Newt's lean body. He didn't seem to mind though, his hand glued to mine while his body was pressed against the door. His eyes never seemed to leave the window.

   After everything the two of us had been through, he never ceased to amaze me. I don't know why it was hitting me so hard today, maybe drinking that weird drink and almost being shot in the middle of a road put things into perspective. I've always realized he was beautiful...you would be stupid if you didn't. But lately it was all starting to soak in. I found myself thinking about him in times I shouldn't, like when my life was about to end. And I thought about him now, wondering what he was thinking about. Every speck of dirt that accented his skin, every furrow of his eyebrows, every nibble at his nails, all of the small little actions he did brought me to my knees. And I couldn't place a pin in the reason why.

   Turning my head to Thomas, I saw how he was also staring out the window. But unlike Newt, his mouth remained in a thin line, his thoughts taking over his emotions. I sighed and looked back out of the front windshield, trying not to let the same thing happen to me. We were finally on our way to  safety.

   The Right Arm. Those three little words that got us into all this trouble, but that also got us out of a horrendous fate. We had managed to dodge just about every single bullet that had been thrown our way. Literally and metaphorically. Just as we thought we were about to get away with something, we would be faced with another challenge, taking what was left of our hope and our energy with it. But now, as we drove across the crumbled dirt roads, it felt surreal. Worry still poked at the back of my mind, but I was finally able to breathe as the blonde haired girl turned around and smirked at me. I nodded, silently telling myself to relax as I squeezed the hand that was wrapped around my fingers. He did the same back.

   Eventually, we turned down a road, where all we could see was smoke coming from small fires other people had created. Tarps were pitched up into tents, and people scrambled around, each having a job of their own to do. Some looked like they were packing up, some looked like they were talking with their friends, eating and having a good time with guns strapped to their backs. The cold air whipped at my face as we started to follow Harriet down a hill, our eyes never leaving the camp in front of us. It seemed much smaller than people made it out to be. Or at least what I had heard.

   "They've been planning this for over a year now." Harriet told us, turning her head to look me in the eyes for only a moment. "This is all for us."

   I raised my eyebrows deciding to ask a question before I could overthink it. "It looks like you guys are moving out?"

   Sonya nodded. "You guys are lucky you found us when you did. We're moving out at first light." She turned to a random man in a maroon beret. "Where's Vince?"

   He shrugged. "Somewhere over there I think."

   "Who's Vince?" Thomas spoke up as we all continued to follow the two girls who looked like they knew where they were going.

   Harriet turned around to face us once more, holding a smile on her face that suddenly made me the slightest bit nervous. "He's the one who decides if you get to stay."

   Well what the hell happens if he doesn't like us? I thought to myself. My heart started to beat out of my chest as my stomach turned, my palms becoming clammy despite the cold weather. I clenched my jaw and fell back behind the others, walking next to Teresa, who gave me a hesitant smile. We haven't spoken much since that night in the mall. I still haven't really decided whether I liked her or not. But I returned the favor, clenching my fists but immediately wincing at the pain. I wriggled my fingers and stuffed my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket, hoping that nobody noticed.

When We're Older- The Maze Runner (Newt)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon