Chapter 15 - Part 4

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Haiden knew there was nothing he could to defend himself against Bras' spell. How could he? It was a giant hole in the ground and Creators knew where it would lead them to. For a fleeting moment as he fell he wished there were no tunnels beneath the Academy so that at least he would just have to crawl through a few tons of dirt without any attachments to a certain Ashen. At least he knew this time he could come out of it unschaved. It was obvious what Bras was planning from what he babbled away. So, he took that time to prepare. He pulled on his Fios, surrounding himself and Tasgal in static as he held on tight. They slowly levitated to the ground. Haiden couldn't risk rushing the descent, he didn't knew when they'd hit the bottom and the last thing he wanted is Tasgal getting another broken leg because of him.

It took a titanic effort to concentrate with Tasgal clinging on him like a tundrabear with his legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Haiden wished he could see Tasgal's face, was he as red as he was or as happy? He chastised himself. The fuck's wrong with you? Be more serious, Haiden. He told himself.

Screech smells love in air, Screech whispered as sweetly as a grotesque creature like him could.

You can't smell shit!

Haiden felt his concentration slipping as Tasgal shifted his weight and moved his leg below his waist, in a quite sensitive spot. He tried really hard to think of something else but his member would not allow him. He held his breath as he froze trying not to fall into the endless darkness. It was both an awkward position and an awkward situation especially since neither one of them spoke. The few short seconds of their fall felt like entire minutes until Haiden's feet reached the ground with an unsatisfying thud.

Haiden cleared his throat. "You're not as light as you'd like, Tas." Haiden remarked. Tasgal awkwardly climbed off Haiden. Haiden felt his embarrassment in the stiffness of his movements, at the same time they lingered on his body with burning residual warmth.

"Yeah, uh, thanks. You saved my ass back there." Tasgal admitted. It was still pitch black. Without even thinking Haiden created shining light, blinding poor Tasgal who was not warned to cover his eyes. "What the fuck!" he shouted.

"Don't be so dramatic." Haiden sent his light forward scouting the surroundings. It was dark, and damp. The stench of mould and shit permeated the air like an inescapable miasma of putrid and decaying life. Haiden saw bricks and dead end arches. A single chair was broken on the ground along with a sole table that still stood, covered by glass containers filled with nothing but cobwebs.

"How are you doing that?" Tasgal let out an amazed whisper. Haiden ignored his question and Tasgal didn't wait for a reply and asked a follow-up on their surroundings. "Where the fuck are we?"

"Didn't you pay attention to that asshat? A tunnel beneath the Academy. How far down only Creators know, we fell for a while." Haiden looked up and the ground where they fell from was all sealed up, not even the bricks were displaced. He mentally cursed Bras in the most illustrative ways before he took a moment to think.

Screech, do you know where we are? He asked mentally.

"I did but, how do we get out, Haiden?" Tasgal asked.

Screech doesn't know. Never been here before.

"Look there's an entrance, or an exit?" Tasgal continued.

Can you go find out the layout?

"It really stinks in here. It smells like death."

Yes, Screech scout, but not too far away.

"Are those mushrooms?"

Haiden sighed and turned to Tasgal. "Can you shut the fuck up for a moment, I'm trying to think!"

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