Chapter 28 - Part 2

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Haiden was frozen in place as the sky darkened with the rain of energy swords ripping through the sky in a whistling cry as they slashed through every mote they touched. Bright red blades flashed around him, plunging into the stone and ground like butter.

Haiden!! Scratch yelled throughout his mind but the young wielder didn't budge. Leaving the poor creature without any choice. He took advantage of trust Haiden had placed with him and funneled his energy within himself. It took a great deal of effort and overtaxing Haiden to suck as much energy as he could as fast as he could and extended Haiden's energy outward. Screech could feel the charges of the blades, the plasma contained within was of more positive than negative. Taking charge of the energy, Screech covered Haiden within a wide dense dome and maintained a positive charge all around. The vast energy that channeled through him from Haiden hurt his small Fios body, feeling the same pain as that terrible first night.

With a mental scream Screech focused on the charge.

Blades zipped past Haiden, as soon as they touched the dome created by Screech they changed direction in an instant following the curve and plunging into the stone creating a circle of untouched arena within.

Haiden grabbed at his arm, still feeling the cute although the skin had repaired and there was no more blood loss. His amber eyes lit by the shower of red widened as he saw that not even one blade touched his pale skin.

Haiden! Screech called again, his pain apparent in his mid, bringing him back to the present. Can't. Hold. Long.

Thank you, Screech. You saved my life. Haiden immediately understood what the creature had done and stopped his supply of energy taking full charge of it. He felt Screech relax with relief and Haiden took it upon himself to maintain the charge until the sky and arena were visible again around him.

"You dirty Yeva'Ah!" Bras called in anger, stomping his foot down in a tantrum, spewing curses. "I will have you head!" He squealed.

Haiden took a deep breath, composing himself taking a moment to breath in relief. If it had not been from Screech he would have met his demise and both of them would have been on the other side. He tried to ignore what Bras was saying but it was becoming harder and harder.

"I bet your boyfriend Tasgal bends you over every night. Yeva'Ah! You love taking it from a brainless whore! Too bad he's already used. More worthless than a dirty rag." Bras spat and began to laugh maniacally.

He didn't know what Bras had meant by that but this was the last straw for Haiden. His mouth had ran for too long and someone needed to put him in his place.

"Come one, Nobody, what are you waiting for? Your boyfriend's cock can't reach you here. Maybe after I beat you to the brink of death you'll finally realize how beneath me you really are, you filthy low bloo-" Bras cut of, his eyes bulged out of their sockets as he grabbed fro air.

Haiden's golden eyes were darkened by his furrowed brows and his hair fell on his face, sticking to his sweaty forehead. "You little man!" Haiden said between his grinding teeth, his jaw tightened in anger. "You treat everyone like you are above them. But look at you, small man that seeks daddy's validation. Pathetic!" He shouted. "What's even worse is that you think you'll get it." Haiden chuckled grimly. "He'll probably disown you after you lose to someone like me, a nobody. Oh! I just remembered, you don't have anything left to inherit anyways?" Haiden threw a jab and it landed straight in Bras' ego. Haiden's opponent's eyes burned with rage, he could tell that all he had in his mind was murder. He knew from Camila that his family was depending on the money borrowed from her father. This left Bras open to social death if the other high ranking elites of the Empire caught wind of it. "I will never let someone as petty and evil as you get the best of me!" Haiden maintained his grip on his Fios, strengthening the barrier he placed around his opponent within which he had sucked all the air within creating a vacuum. Luckily for him, Bras had only formed a partial barrier focusing on his front. Although powerful, it left him vulnerable to sneak attacks.

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