Chapter 11 - Part 2

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Haiden’s door burst open with a tall dark figure blocking the afternoon sun. Finally the first signs of Spring began to show. The sky was full, the returning birds, Macoffies and Yunipers colored the skies and the ever clever and cunning black Dregs waited, perched on low branches, to pray on the native rodents and insects that awoke from their hibernation. All in all, life was spry and lively and loud; birds cawing and cooing and singing endlessly next to his window. But even with all this racket Haiden slept undisturbed, cozy in his soft bed, until Master Rwoy decided to awake him from his self induced slumber.

“Wakey wakey, sunshine.” Master Rwoy laughed and with a flourish of his hand Haiden levitated in the air and turned upside down. He immediately roused screaming. The Master Wielder gave his student a few spins for good measure and then dropped him on his ass. 

“What the fuck was that for!?” Haiden snapped, rubbing his thigh. It barely healed and left a nasty bruise.

“Ah! Music to my ears.” The man laughed and placed his hand on his heart. Haiden used his desk for support and got up deschevled. He soon realised who the man was and annoyance, joy, and worry battled within. Not only Master Rwoy gave him a good scare but he was also afraid of the reason for him being here. Moreover Master Rwoy hadn’t visited Haiden like this ever since the year started. He didn’t have any reason to as their lessons would continue in class. He had enjoyed their private talks and tutelage and gravely missed him, if he was honest with himself. 

“Could’ve just called out, you know.” Haiden winced as he sat down, taking the pressure off his leg.

“Where’s the fun in that.” He joked. Haiden rolled his eyes, but revealed for a moment in their friendly exchange. In class he had always been cold, distant, and well… propper. 

“So what do you want?” He asked brazenly.

“Clarification.” Master Rwoy simply put, with a knowing expression he placed his hand on his hip and waited. 

Shit! Haiden cursed in his mind. Of course he knew. “On what exactly?” Master Rwoy sighed deeply. At least he tried. 

“Why more than half of my students were full of  bruises and cuts? Why Bras had to report to the infirmary with broken ribs and dislocated shoulder? Or maybe why you have missed TWO days of classes? Poor Camila, she didn’t even know how to cover for you when I cornered her today at lunch. Being stricken with Jar fever while you’re almost, what, twenty one?” Master Rwoy awaited his reply, looking at him under his lashes.

“I don’t know…” Haiden avoided looking him in the eyes, he preferred to look at his boots that lost their nice shine a long time ago. 

“You don’t know what?” Master Rwoy asked severely. 

“How old I am, I don’t remember.” he confessed. 

“Right…” Master Rwoy sighed pitying the poor young man. “Tell me everything that happened.” 

Haiden began from the very beginning with what happened in the Backwoods, with how the others’ abuse intensified from mere annoying gossip to insults, spitting to show their distaste, and overall increase in aggressiveness with him, finally culminating in the confrontation from the other night. He made sure to include the description of the spells Bras had used, Haiden had a hunch that they were more advanced than any Minor spells they’ve learned.

“You say he opened a hole in the ground and then used stone spikes that broke through your barrier?” Master Rwoy was taken aback by Haiden’s story. He placed a hand on his chin contemplating.

“Yes, Master Rwoy. Nothing we’ve learned in class came close to those spells.” Haiden threw at the man, hoping he would reveal more about them. And his bait worked.

“Of course not. Prying open a gasm with sheer force would take ages, or not even work at all. And the rock spikes, strong enough to pierce your shield. Might not have been rocks at all. That’s Standard Matter Manipulation,” Haiden’s eyes widened. “no doubt, he must’ve used some sort of variation on Crystalize to harden the spikes or even Synthesis to form stronger elements or alloys...or even… No, no. He’s too young, but yet, I can’t believe at his age he discerned the weakness of the shields, kinetic impact concentrated in a small enough radius that would - “ Master Rwoy caught himself and pursed his lips. It seems that wasn’t something he wanted Haiden to know, but let slip while deep in his thoughts. He cleared his throat.

“Why does he know Standard level spells?!” Concern grew within Haiden, he would most likely have to fight Bras in the Trials and him having more advanced knowledge than Haiden didn sat well with him. Bras wanted blood, and he would not hesitate. 

“So, you heard that.” The man scratched his head, he looked like he was internally debating something, but then with a sigh he opened his mouth. “His father is among the most powerful men in the whole Empire, Haiden. Of course he had tutors all his life, probably more powerful and skilled than most Master Wielders here. I’ve told you before, these rich pricks have had years of training over you. Bras probably took them more seriously than the rest.” Haiden thought back to the first week of class. Bras was able to Wield Icicle even from then. Who knows what else he knows that Haiden doesn. “But don’t let that get to you. Your empath ability allowed you to outgrow them all in such a short time.” 

“That’s not fair!” Haiden eyebrows creased, his stomach churned. Who knows what else Bras knew that he didn’t. What dangerous spell he might pull during the Trials. As he was now, he didn’t know if he could beat Bras. Yes, his Fios was more powerful than his. That was clear. But if he managed to get those spikes through his shield or any other standard level spell Haiden would be screwed.

“Life, in general, is not fair, kid. I thought I thought you this.” Master Rwoy shook his hand sighing. 

“Then teach me standard spells.” Haiden demanded. Master Rwoy stared at him in surprise then narrowed his brows and shook his head. Haiden begged as much as he could but the man refused. 

“I cannot, Haiden. My hands are tied. Besides, Standard spells are much more complicated than you think. The other Masters and the Headmistress will not allow me to teach a first year Standard spells.” Master Rwoy grabbed haiden’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze in sympathy. “I’m sorry, kid. You have to figure this out yourself.” 

Haiden shrugged off his hand. “Then how can I beat someone like him who knows shit years above what I do!” Haiden had lost his hope. Master Rwoy’s attempt at comfort didn’t help him.

“Get creative.” he advised. It seemed such a vague and useless thing to say Haiden couldn’t help but roll his eyes again. “Listen, the Trials will be harder than you think and you will get the chance to learn Compounded Simple spells up until then.”

“But they won’t compare to standard level, would they?” Master Rwoy simply shook his head. “Then what’s the point?” 

“The point is to stand up to those like him. Believe me, kid. You’re not the only one who hates these spoilt senseless rich cock snots.” Haiden huffed through his nose, and a small smirk crept on his face. He had to agree with him, they all were spoilt senseless and deserved to be called cock snots. “I know you want revenge, it’s written all on your face. Your eyes burn with it.” Haiden couldn’t gainsay him so he looked away the moment Master Rwoy said that. He didn’t want to accept this part of him. But as much as he tried to deny himself, he yearned for revenge. To make others suffer as he did, as they made others hurt. But he wanted to be better than that. More. Haide remained quiet and Master Rwoy continued after a pause to purse his lips and nod to himself. “I will do everything I can to put this fire out. If Bras gets word of this to his father you’re done for. The Trials of the Three Sisters is the only chance you got at standing up to him on equal footing. You understand me, kid?” The man didn’t let Haiden reply. “They will all see they’re not better than you. Piece of advice; hit the library before the Trials start.” 

With that Master Rwoy turned to leave and before he went out the door he said “Don’t let them corner you like this again, it will be the end of you. And don’t let me catch you ditching class again.” 

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