Chapter 13 - Part 2

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["Araya confirmed the location in that pyramid shaped structure but can't know for certain. We're looking for something that has this inscription on it or near it." Ad'hm opened his palm and sand from the ground pooled in his hand shaping itself in the form of the inscription. "Commit this to your memory and look for it. Our priority is the womb of E'a and to copy any inscription from the same place as the womb. Everything else comes last. Got it."

"Yes captain!" Hat'ri, Then, and Volyk said simultaneously.

"Good, let's move."]

The group walked the streets made of smooth stone as if cut from a single piece with no defects. It baffled Volyk, nothing here was like anything he had ever seen, not even the ground he stood on. It didn't smell like stone but it felt like it. Glass towers flanked them on either side. Between each one there were plots of land where the remnants of trees and plants laid bare, eons dead from the lack of natural light. He deduced these were mere guardians purely esthetical. The dead arrangements were geometric and stone ways crossed them and merged into the main street. The streets were empty of any signs of the living. No remains, no littering, no footprints. It was clean. Not even dust accumulated on the surfaces of the metalical structures that were scattered at the base of the glass towers. The towers lacked any entrances that they could see and the glass was pure opac black with a mirror finish. Nothing like that existed in their world, it was of a knowledge much beyond theirs.

Ad'hm went to inspect the levitating stones emanating the pure white blue light. They were suspended by energy funneled from the ground through a circular outlet. As an empath he tried to sense how far it went and what was the origin of their energy but his reach wasn't enough, it seemed to go on forever, a maze that connected to each building and light post on the streets.

"I would never believe something like this existed if I didn't see it with my own two eyes." Then broke the silence.

"I long lived the life of an unbeliever too, until I met Emperor Ryel," said Danil. "But he showed me the true path. Only with him will we find eternal forgiveness and love at the mercy of our Creators." He spoke with ferverence. Ad'hm saw Then roll her eyes at him and preferred to ignore her for the most par,t moving forward through the streets. Hat'ri followed suit but Volyk stayed back, taking and recording everything he could; quick sketches, descriptions, assumptions and theories. Every chance he got he would try to see if there was an entrance to the towers but he couldn't find a single way in.

"What makes you think that the pyramid has an entrance? All these other structures don't." he asked Ad'hm.

"Araya said it would." he shrugged. "If not, we'll punch our way through. Either way we're not leaving here empty handed."

"Fuck yeah!" Hat'ri punched the air excitedly.

"Punch..." Volyk's jaw dropped to the floor. "We're not punching through anything! These are invaluable artifacts, remnants of our actual Creators. Our Gods! Creators know what repercussions there would be" He shouted after them.

"We'll see" Ad'hm added under his breath with a chuckle.

They have been walking for more than an hour on the unbending street leading directly to their target. The city had a circular gridlike pattern with concentric lines leading to the center that made it easy for them to follow. They began to discuss amongst themselves if the Creators actually lived in these monumental glass towers and structures that defied all logic or if the sky scraping towers had any other purposes or even maybe have been built by the first humans created. Danil's matra through the whole discussion was "I shall not doubt the awe worthy power of my Creators. Only they would be capable of such grandeur." opening his arms to show the city. The rest gladly discussed the philosophical implications and Ad'hm liked hearing the other's thoughts. However, one thing he was not glad to hear was something outside of their lively group beyond the next tower up head. They all stopped abruptly ceasing any and all conversation. The sound resounded from a distance and was barely noticeable were it not for the silence of the dead city; to Ad'hm it sounded as if someone dragged their foot behind as they walked in spite of the fact that they the city was definitley unoccupied for eons. They waited in silence. Ad'hm rose his arm and held a fist to his team letting them know to keep alert and be prepared. Hat'ri immediately took a fighting stance, her fists itching for battle. Then and Volyk waited behind her and Danil was calm as always.

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