Chapter 1 - Part 4

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["I...pack. Yes. We best be moving, ain't got the whole day, young Haiden. No time for tea" He got the pot of boiling water and tossed on the ground and turned his back and quickly directed his attention to his belongings.. Haiden was slightly relieved for not being forced to drink that awful concoction but yearned for Regor tk come back, the warmth quicly being replaced by cold air.

It's for the best, he thought, he didn't know what his body might have urged him to do next if Regor's embrace would have lasted any longer.]

The soft chirp of a lonely bird mingled with the whistle of the wind and crunch of leaves making an oddly satisfying white noise to lose oneself in thought. The rhythmic pace of feet and hooves on the ground had a hypnotic effect making time run faster. The sun was shooting its last rays over the gray wall of emler trees coloring them bright yellow and orange. The deep, black shadows that the trees were casting, toyed with Haiden and Regor's vision, mimicking movement where there was none. The already tense atmosphere increased with shadows that danced in the corner of their eyes. They knew it will come, but they were now ready for it.

"We should be out of the forest in an hour or two, young Haiden. We must keep walking straight ahead." Regor said in an almost whisper-like voice.

"Aye, Regor. If it comes, we try it your way. Climb the trees as fast as we can." Haiden replied. He squished Dusty's reins in his hands, the animal could feel the nervousness in his movements. This made the cowardly mron twitchy and alert.

"I hate to ask this of you, young Haiden, but are you sure you want to use your wielding to kill the creature?" Regor asked without looking at Haiden. They have not looked each other in the eye since they left the camp.

"Truth be told, I don't know if I can. But I will try. My mentor refused to teach me anything more than necessary; I only know the bare basics, but If I have enough time I'll think of something." Haiden replied.

As they moved forward in the thick emler forest the sunlight grew sparse. The white noise of life in the forest went silent as the last light ray of sun was engulfed by darkness. This night belonged to the blue sister; her mournful pale light cascaded over the forest canopy with soft ghostly hues. The wind quickened and squealed through the trees, its cold blade cutting into any exposed flesh.

Haiden could hear his heartbeat thumping in his chest, Regor's hard breathing, and Dusty's hooves on the forest ground. His stomach churned with anticipation; he knew it was just a matter of time before the creature caught up with them.

Regor held up a makeshift torch to light their way, the soft dim light of the blue sister was not enough for human eyes. The torch worked well for a few feet, then darkness bloomed ahead; enveloping them like a shroud.

"You sure it won't sense the fire, young Haiden? Regor asked in a nervous whisper.

"I hope, Regor. We scattered our blood-soaked clothes in the opposite direction, didn't we? Think that bought us some time," Haiden replied. He had been racking his mind to find out a way to deal with the creature with every spell he knew, which were so few he could count them on one hand. Haiden went over each one in his mind but it was futile, he couldn't devise a plan to kill a beast like that, not with what he knew.

The torch was burning out as they move forward. The black shroud of night softened in the dimimg presence of their sole light. The emler trees gave way for a small clearing where the blue sister was visible in the night sky. Regor whispered a small prayer to the sister while holding the amulet tightly in his paw-like hands.

"Does it work?" Haiden asked.

"I don't know, young Haiden. I like to think it does. Gives me some peace of mind, it does." Regor replied.

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