Chapter 13 - Part 3

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["They have shown us mercy and forgiveness." Danil said between sobs.]

Dimly lit hallways from the same strange light stones as outside went on forever. The colossal pyramid was a maze of doorless hallways made of metal sheets. Danil brushed his hands over the cold metal walls feeling it's fine striations that made geometric patterns barely visible.

"Volyk, do you think you can do it on metal?" Ad'hm asked. Volyk took a moment of consideration and nodded. Danil looked confused but remained quiet and observed.

"I'll try."

"Volyk..." Ha'tri abstained on voicing her concern but her eyes betrayed her.

"I will be fine." he replied, brushing her hand in comfort. He took lead and dropped to his knees. His raised hands dropped with a dull painful thud on the metal flooring. Vibrations reverberated throughout the surrounding area. They came back to him forming a mental map. It was limited. He barely got to see past the upcoming bend in the corridor. Volyk tried to stand up, but his feet did not fully cooperate making him fall backwards. And as always, Hat'ri was there to catch him.

"Thank you, Hat''ri." he said with a heardend breath.

"Anything?" Ad'hm asked.

"Not much, I'm afraid. I can't get through this metal. It's not steel, or iron, or any other metal I've seen. But I found something interesting." He said and turned to his left facing the wall. He felt around the geometric lines.

"What is it?" Danil said curiously closing in and observing his his hands and placement on the lines.

"There are rooms inside. These are not just hallways, empty corridors." he answered in a whisper as if someone on the other side could hear them.

"We need to search thoroughly, we cannot afford to have any room left unchecked. The womb is here. The Emperor is certain of it." Ad'hm confirmed. "Find a way to open the doors." With that, he relied once again on his empathic abilities and scanned the area for any signs. There was nothing he could feel around him, but the pyramid was too big for his reach to be enough. At least he breathed relieved that no surprises awaited them in the room.

"These were made by Creators. They won't open if they did not intend us to enter." Danil said.

"You mean the guys that we just incinerated? And seemed to die from the Ophio infection?" Then added rolling her eyes again at the man. Something about his fanatical way of speaking irked her to the point of disgust.

"Not even moments ago you were bawling your eyes out for those guys, young lady." He looked at Ad'hm knowling as he put an awkward emphasis on 'young'. Ad'hm cleared his throat and nervously laughed.

"Let's avoid any useless quarrels, shall we?" he added. Then turned her back to Ad'hm, watching Volyk carefully. Hat'ri stayed watched. She had careful eyes on both their way in and the bend of the corridor. She was wary of the place and it rubbed her the wrong way. She felt that something was wrong, she felt it in her gut. And she never ignored her instincts, that's what made her a fearsome warrior.

Volyk knocked softly on the metal sheeting of the wall. Some parts sounded hollow while others not. There was no visible door handle or anything that would indicate how to open it. He turned to the others and shook his head. "I don't know,"

"Let's just break it." Hat'ri pushed Volyk aside and reeled in her hand in claw. In the blink of an eye the air in the tunnel became dry and unpleasant as her hand was encased in sharp ice knives. She put all her might into one blow, tearing through the metal like butter before Volyk or the others could protest. The sound of metal ripping appart was ear shattering.

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