Chapter 18 - Part 1

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A dark corridor extended beyond Haiden's reach. The more he walked the longer it got. It didn't matter how fast Haiden ran, he never seemed to get closer to it, and behind him, slithering creatures approached. He ran and ran, but it was all in vain.

"Tasgal! Where are you? Screech!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. No one answered. He was alone, in the empty corridor. He tried to conjure up a light, but his powers had left him long ago. He knew it was useless, but still, he tried. He cursed his inability to do anything regardless of how much he trained, how much he learned and studied. The more he tried to run away, the closer the door behind him appeared and the louder the slithering became.

Feeling powerless he stopped and cried once more for Tasgal. He knew no one would answer but still tried, hoping that the man he cared for so deeply would come and save him from what was to come.

In front of him, the darkness stretched to infinity, or so it seemed. He abandoned all hope of escaping and surrendered to the approaching door. It was now right behind him. Haiden took a deep breath, and pushed through the metal door. It opened with a heavy creek of rusty metal.

Piles of bodies laid mounds, some had its members removed, some were headless. All naked, and bruised. Deformed and strange. He didn't dare call them humans.

Haiden walked past the gore to a table where Mara laid naked. She whimpered in fear, her hand scaly and black.

"Mara?" He called out, scared to approach her.

"Help me!" her frail voice shattered his heart. "Haiden, please help me!" she begged.

He pushed through his fear and willed his feet to move. She was bigger than he remembered. Her amber eyes locked onto him immediately.

"Haiden!" she called again.

"I'm here, Mara. I'm here." Haiden tried the free her hands that were shackled with heavy chains. "What did he do to you?!"

"Please help me, Haiden. Please!" She cried.

"I'm trying!" Haiden tried to Wield the chains, but nothing came out. Nothing worked. In the back of the room a growl startled them both.

"He's here. Don't let him hurt me, Haiden. Don't let him hurt me." Tears clouded her eyes. They were just like his. Fiery amber gemstones that caught every twinkle of light.

"Who?" Haiden asked, fumbling with the chains. He was too weak to break them, too powerless to do anything.

"The monster, Haiden! He's coming closer." she began wailing as loud thumps began to run towards them. There was something familiar about those loud footsteps. He had heard them before. Long time ago, but not so long he had forgotten.

"No, it can't be." He whispered to himself. "Not here!" The thumbs hastened and with the sound of squelching mud the creature approached. Human like, with elongated members. It's vertical mouth, bloodied red, growled at them, the sides of his long torso covered in slits that seemed top open and contract as if it smelled them. It let out a piercing screech that made his ears bleed.

"Run, Haiden. Leave me." Mara gave up, only to whimper in defeat.

"No. I can't!" Haiden struggled with the chains. Nothing was budging. The creature rushed towards them, creased with blood lust and rose his a long arm that ended in sharp human like fingers. With unimaginable force it tore up through Haiden. His voice cracked, strained from screaming.

He now laid on the floor, among other bodies, looking at Mara as he bled from multiple gashes in his belly.

"Ake!" She screamed as she looked dead in Haiden's eyes while being mauled alive. "Wake up!" she repeated. Haiden closed his eyes and the moment he opened them Screech hovered above his face, screaming at him to wake up already.

COMPLETED Remembrance of Self | Fantasy | LGBTQOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz