Chapter 6 - Part 2

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["Now, get some rest. You're lucky your injuries were minor and you can get back to class tomorrow. And remember, you can always come to me if you need to talk about what happened." With that Master Rwoy left through the white drapes and Haiden dozed off thinking of fresh flowers on a sunny open field. ]

Haiden jolted awake, his eyelids fluttering in the unusually bright light. Once adjusted his alerted amber eyes darted across the room. Nothing was white anymore, the green room only held a wardrobe, a desk next to a window, two doors, and the comfortable bed in which he laid in. He let go of his breath in relief. It was his room at the Academy.

"It was just another nightmare." he told himself. It seemed that the torturous dreams started again after he was cowardly attacked by the mysterious figure, whom for the past few days remained elusive and anonymous. The occasional sensation of someone fixing their gaze on Haiden was unmistakingly real, but he could not for Creator's sake point where the onlooker was located. This daily occurrence made him paranoid that someone, of high status, pugnacious, with mousy hair and green eyes, whose name was somewhat reminiscent of a metal alloy, or for the lack of a better word Bras, was out to get him.

"Shit!" just as he was about to relax from the unbalanced train of thought, that if cotinued would have drove him into insanity, he noticed the position of the sun in the sky through his sole window. "I'm late!"

Haiden dressed himself as fast as he could and rushed out the door, jumping stairs and sprinting to class, but not without him clumsily bumping into a few walls and almost tipping a couple of busts off their socle due to his uncoordinated nature. Today was not the best time to enforce his tardy behaviour as he had no intent in taking the month long cleaning duty off the shoulders of the unfortunate student that will fail Master Rwoy's examination. Haiden didn't even bother shielding himself from the cold air as he weaved through and out the courtyard, luckily the sky was clear and there was a fake sense of warmth hanging in the air. The frost on the skeletal shrubs and bushes began to melt mimicking the early return of spring, just for it to freeze again into crystalline adornments the next day.

Once in front of the closed door of the classroom he took a deep breath to muster the courage of interrupting and pushed through the door. Once on the other side he locked eyes with Master Rwoy who curtly nodded for Haiden to come in.

The class erupted in a sea of gasps and chattering. It seemed that word of his attack spread like wildfire. Haiden gazed over and saw Malitcia and her malign gossiping flock of worshipers that would attack anyone who would come within a few paces of them laughing and pointing at Haiden, whispering to each other snyde remarks no doubt. Behind them Bras with his two buffoons held their laughter. The smug look on Bras' face was enough for Haiden to decide that he was the attacker the other night. Finally on the other side of the room were his only, albeit recent ,friends, the only ones who gave the smallest hint of concern.

"Well, look who decided to join. Don't just stand there, take a seat. You arrived just in time for the examination, these sparkling howlers won't bloom themselves." Master Rwoy disrupted the overwhelming murmur of whispers.

Camila and Maree waved their hands for Haiden to sit next to them.

"Where were you!?" Camila asked in a hushed voice. Her worry was written all over her face.

"Sorry I overslept." Haiden said truthfully.

"You overslept? Must've been one hell of a dream to ignore two people pounding on your door." Maree said, turning his back to Master Rwoy and pinning Haiden with his gaze.

"Cut it out, Maree. We were worried, thought something happened to you, again! And even checked the infirmary. You know, just in case. We never know with you, it seems."

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