Chapter 12 - Part 2

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["I'm certain." He said locking eyes, he turned his hand upwards and their hands clasped together. He was holding Haiden's hand and squeezing it gently. Haiden was certain the deep red of his face plastered in shock with his mouth ajar was beyond attractive. His heart pounded so loud he could hear it in his ears. Tasgal's darker complexion than Haiden's was lightly dusted with pink. Haiden attributed this to his earlier workout. After an unnecessarily long pause Tasgal snatched his hand and quickly got on his feet, snapping Haiden from his daze. "Besides, who's going to teach you how to fight?" ]

Haiden shifted his weight on his other leg and lunged over towards Tasgal. The Ash'en expertly dodged and with a spin to his left he landed behind Haiden locking him down in an inescapable lock.

"I give! I give!" He shouted although if it was up to him and he would have simply laid there in Tasgal's sweaty arms. As always, his shirt was nowhere to be seen but Haiden didn't complain. He never would have guessed five months ago that he would be learning how to fight with his hands in order to defeat the son of one of the most important people in the Empire instead of doing everything he could to regain his long lost memories. Suddenly his past didn't seem as important as his future with a certain someone, even if it's just as friends.

Haiden was surprised how glad Maree and Camila were to have Tasgal back at their table, enjoying the luxuries of the Wielder dining hall. They enjoyed Tasgal's stories he had collected from his fellow Ash'en and loved watching Haiden's ass getting handed to him in the training pit. They usually sat as close as possible shouting profanities and cheering both of them on as well as staying and watching other Ash'en spar. It was their chance of landing themselves an Ash'en that they got along with. It had became a new tradition of theirs and soon started giving notes to the fighters. Haiden had earned himself a solid three while Tasgal always got straight tens from both of them.

"Three, again?" Haiden complained. "I was definitely a four out there!"

"Tut tut. The jury doesn't accept any appeals at the moment, take it to the headmistress." Maree clasped his mouth to contain his laugh.

"The jury hath spoketh!" Camila shouted before bursting into laughter in her seat.

"Don't mind them, Haiden. You're improving steadily. Slow progress is better than rushing, which will get you killed in a real fight." Tasgal patted his shoulder.

"Thanks?" he asked with uncertainty. "I suppose I don't enjoy getting killed."

They met every other day, whenever their free time allowed for overlap. Tasgal's training schedule had intensified as well as Haiden's classes. Compounded spells, even if they were Simple spells were an entirely different beast. The complexity was unmatched and the concentration needed to maintain a sequence of spells to get the desired effect was exhausting. Haiden didn't want to admit it but he had grown to admire to an extent Bras' abilities. To be able not only to cast Compounded spells so easily but a Standard level spell as well. He was above Haiden in every aspect of Wielding except for sheer power. The Councilman's son was still missing and no Master Wielder said anything about it. They just shrugged it off when asked. Haiden was certain that they knew where he was but didn't tell. If it wasn't for Maree's new hobby, brough by his newfound freedom, of overhearing conversation, the mystery would have gone through until the end of Summer. Maree had overheard Bras' two brainless goons talking about how he had decided to train with a private Wielder in his father's guard in preparation for the Trials of the Three Sisters. When Haiden had heard this from Maree his blood had chilled. No way he would now be able to defeat Bras. He had one again gone to Master Rwoy and he could not confirm nor deny that Bras was now training with a seasoned Master Wielder, and Master Rwoy was tied by the strict curriculum of the Academy and could not help him. The conversation ended with no other hints of help from the Master Wielder. All he could do was train as much as he could on his own although his spirit was shaken. He lacked the vast resources Bras had at his disposal.

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